How long till the Dodgers take Pujols off the Angels hands? 3 more years?
they have to wait until the NL finally adopts the DH.
I fucking hate DH.
edit: Crawforrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrd
I have no clue how Salas managed a 1-2-3 inning but Mujica has improved our 7th inning relief so much.Someone call the cops, I have no idea who the Cardinals stole their bullpen from, but they were solid tonight.
Oh jesus christ Mariners. Please do this.
And I can only laugh.
Mariners for the playoffs plz.
Mariners for the playoffs plz.
I'm pulling for them. What beautiful justice it would be if the Mariners took out the Yankees in the wild card.
You mean the Rays obviously.
I hope Frank Wren is calling up Magic and selling him on Dan Uggla. All-Star 2nd baseman, how can he refuse?
Sometimes it's really hard to believe that the Braves are the best defensive team in the majors. This is one of those times.
They're not.
EDIT: Hey that's cool, a should-be strikeout turns into a hit.
GG Chicago