In that case, the difference between the Yankees and Red Sox isn't a big deal either, correct? You can't have it both ways. Or is 40M not a huge difference but 50M is really important?
I think the real lesson here should be how relative wealth affects our views. Has anyone here ever seen those statistics which show families making 300k+ often believe they aren't that rich? Impossible, you think. Preposterous, how can anyone be so out of touch. Well, here you go. When you're the third richest club in the majors, you'll insist that the difference between you and less wealthy teams "isn't such a big deal" while simultaneously arguing that the Yankees are ridiculously, unfairly wealthy. This is not intended to pick on Boston Red Sox fans, as I'm sure Cardinals fans would say the same about, oh, the Brewers. The point is that the human mind seems to always look up the ladder and be envious, regardless of how high they are on the ladder. Even if they're the second rung from the top, people will always find a way to feel like the guys on the first rung are totally cheating while everyone below them is fair game and the differences aren't all that important.