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MMA-GAF |OT6| All Our Heroes Are P.E.D.

Not going to be mad at a guy wanting to be with his girl during the hardest months of pregnancy and when the kid arrives.

Not at all.

No more than I can be mad at dudes trying to realise their dreams and take care of their own families with the money they can make fighting for the title.
Brooklyn card with Holly headlining is awful. Brooklyn deserves so much better. Shame it will have shitty PPV numbers and Jacare (as the co-main) is attached to this.
Really feeling bad for Maia. Being nice and classy ain't gonna get you a title shot. Winner of Cerrone/Masvidal, Lawler, Nick Diaz, even GSP will get a shot before Maia does.


Here we go.

Cruz don't want it this soon, and besides the fact Cody and TJ just cut promos on each other at 207, TJ is hands down the most deserving of the title shot, bar none. More than Cody when he got it, and more than Cruz now.
Looks playful. Cruz will wait, ain't no reason to rush.


The thing I look forward to seeing most between Khabib and Tony is when Khabib takes him down, will Tony's rubber guard be effective against a top game monster like Khabib? For all the talk about how the rubber guard is the future of MMA, we haven't seen it used all that much in the UFC.
The thing I look forward to seeing most between Khabib and Tony is when Khabib takes him down, will Tony's rubber guard be effective against a top game monster like Khabib? For all the talk about how the rubber guard is the future of MMA, we haven't seen it used all that much in the UFC.
They've been saying the rubber guard is the future of MMA since at least 2006.


Aliens ate my babysitter
Cody trying to cut in line ahead of Conor


Mayweather with the 90's style bealt buckle!


How did No Draw Cody get a picture with Mayweather?

Would you guys say Conor is big enough to venture on without the UFC and take on top 20 guys outside of the UFC for big pay days now?
lmao @ Dana thinking he has any shot at setting the terms.

Floyd sets the terms and makes the rules, and Dana is can take what he can get or fuck off.
That's like a quarter or half of what he usually gets per fight, right? I thought his production company gets all the money and he pays his opponent a small chunk.


How did No Draw Cody get a picture with Mayweather?

Would you guys say Conor is big enough to venture on without the UFC and take on top 20 guys outside of the UFC for big pay days now?
Top 20 guys out of the UFC?

Who is top 20 and not in the UFC?

Conor needs a stage. He could do it and make money, but he wouldn't be as big of a star.

If he does get this Mayweather fight and somehow happens to win, I could see him leaving MMA to box in money fights.

That's like a quarter or half of what he usually gets per fight, right? I thought his production company gets all the money and he pays his opponent a small chunk.


There's no way Dana thinks he'll accept this offer, but it's telling that he's open to negotiate


Conor is never going to beat fucking Mayweather in a pure boxing match, Christ sakes. lol

This fight is literally nothing but hype. If that's what people want, then go for it I suppose.


Sounds like Dana wants to be the one to clear $100m. Another free round on the sports pundit circuit, at the very least.


Neo Member
Is Silva even a big draw outside of Brazil?

I hope we see Brunson bumrush Silva like he did to Whittaker. I see some absolutely brutal knees from Silva.

Ugh do I want to go to this horrid card now to see Anderson Silva live..

How many times are you going to be able to see Silva LIVE man?


Conor vs Mayweather will never go away unless it actually happens. It's the two most well known combat sports names, that's literally the only reason it comes up.


Isn't he technically retired? People need to stop calling him out too.

He's trying to get one more final pay day but I'm not spending anymore money on him ducking guys and running around the ring for 10 rounds.

He's an amazing defensive boxer but he's not fighting top contenders and boxing is so fucking dumb with shit like Canelo dropping a belt because Oscar wants to pad his record before he fights GGG in 4 years.

Floyd and people like Arum have ruined boxing as a sport. They want to create cards with guys with 40-0 vs 50-0 so that they can sell the result as mattering. Its not about the sport or trying tp
Dana not helping matters by legitimizing the whole thing and making him an offer. Dana played himself.

He only bought into this shit because he saw Floyd yucking it up with Stephen A Smith and his hard on for being on ESPN is what suckered that comment out of him. Great to see Stephen A and Kellerman palling around with somebody who likes to beat women. I can't wait till they try and go deep on another social issue while ignoring a huge one just to get floyd on tv.

Yeah Conor can make 25 mil running around trying to get out of Floyd's clintch for 25 minutes but it cheapens the sport and brand of UFC.

If Floyd wants to fucking fight Conor the conversation should be about Floyd entering the cage because he would get his fucking ass submitted or taken down and fist pounded into the mat. He should be protecting MMA and talk about how he books fighters not marathon runners.

Also holy shit finish at Invictia 21 finish just now.
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