Isn't he technically retired? People need to stop calling him out too.
He's trying to get one more final pay day but I'm not spending anymore money on him ducking guys and running around the ring for 10 rounds.
He's an amazing defensive boxer but he's not fighting top contenders and boxing is so fucking dumb with shit like Canelo dropping a belt because Oscar wants to pad his record before he fights GGG in 4 years.
Floyd and people like Arum have ruined boxing as a sport. They want to create cards with guys with 40-0 vs 50-0 so that they can sell the result as mattering. Its not about the sport or trying tp
Dana not helping matters by legitimizing the whole thing and making him an offer. Dana played himself.
He only bought into this shit because he saw Floyd yucking it up with Stephen A Smith and his hard on for being on ESPN is what suckered that comment out of him. Great to see Stephen A and Kellerman palling around with somebody who likes to beat women. I can't wait till they try and go deep on another social issue while ignoring a huge one just to get floyd on tv.
Yeah Conor can make 25 mil running around trying to get out of Floyd's clintch for 25 minutes but it cheapens the sport and brand of UFC.
If Floyd wants to fucking fight Conor the conversation should be about Floyd entering the cage because he would get his fucking ass submitted or taken down and fist pounded into the mat. He should be protecting MMA and talk about how he books fighters not marathon runners.
Also holy shit finish at Invictia 21 finish just now.