Brother Heel, Gr1m, and Ply,
OT time.
Forget Sarah. I think I just fell in love with one of my close friends last night. DAMMIT.

Brother Heel, Gr1m, and Ply,
OT time.
Forget Sarah. I think I just fell in love with one of my close friends last night. DAMMIT.
Holy shit, Dana completely bodies Schaub's sponsors worse than Heel bodied TheWesker.
I don't get why they do it for anxiety or sleeping pills either.
You're outta goddam control.
Bros, it was Fury Road that did it.
Didn't think Muñoz would look this good against Barnatt.
The regular site isn't loading servers for me. same as alwaysDid the address for nerd chat change when I wasn't looking?
Damn.The regular site isn't loading servers for me.
Jesus christ, this is so bad.
Brother Heel, Gr1m, and Ply,
OT time.
Forget Sarah. I think I just fell in love with one of my close friends last night. DAMMIT.
Bros, it was Fury Road that did it.