Nah, he's just having flashbacks to 75% of his Pride fights.At least one fighter has the balls to call it like it is...
The Tale of Aldo's Drug Test
At least one fighter has the balls to call it like it is...
The Tale of Aldo's Drug Test
At least one fighter has the balls to call it like it is...
Its like haiku for dumb dumbs.
The Tale of Aldo's Drug Test
At least one fighter has the balls to call it like it is...
How in the world did all three judges have it 3-1 Rory before the finish?
Am I just biased cause I'm all like "f*ck Rory"?!
Shoot, there last fight was a split when all I saw was Rory get plastered for 3 rounds.
I'm all fuck Rory too, but I think he definitely won 3 and 4. 1 is a little iffier to me, but it was so boring that I can't accurately judge it.
I imagine as he ran he made a "woop woop woop woop" noise like Curly from the Three Stooges.
yeah 3-1 rory seems plausible enough
even robbies corner was telling him he had to knock him out i think
Cain would've ran away if they weren't at sealevel.
No wonder he looked so happy after getting KTFO.
After that fight, breathing will gnaw at his bones until the day he stops breathing.If Rory was bitter at getting crumbled by Condit when he was ten seconds from winning a decision, then this shit will gnaw at his bones until the day he retires.
I'm all fuck Rory too, but I think he definitely won 3 and 4. 1 is a little iffier to me, but it was so boring that I can't accurately judge it.
Nothing happened in R1 but I'm pretty sure Rory landed more and was more active. I thought R4 was harder to judge but Rory being up 3-1 doesn't shock me in the slightest.
Rory only made $59k plus FOTN bonus? Geezus, that fight might have caused permanent damage and could also shorten his life. No way that was worth $100k. UFC paid Robbie ($300k), they need to step up and write Rory another check for $200k. That fight is going to be replayed on Fight Pass for decades.
The Tale of Aldo's Drug Test
Don't worry he probably got a ton of extra money from sponsorships.
Don't worry he probably got a ton of extra money from sponsorships.
After watching the two events this weekend it has occurred to me (yes, it's taken me this long) that Reebok is making out like friggin bandits with this deal. They had advertising out the wazoo. The only place without their name or logo was ironically on the octagon floor but that's only because every inch of that is already covered with ads and logos. Take all that exposure times 100 events in a year times seven years. And all they had to pay was $70 million? It really boggles my mind that UFC agreed to an amount that low to give up so much control and identity. If it isn't the result of a total fuck up the only other thing I can surmise is that Zuffa is going to try to sell their ownership within the next two to three years.
Nobody is going to buy those hideous Reebok shirts, though.
Did they lose a bet?I know people that have bought them.
Nobody is going to buy those hideous Reebok shirts, though.
I know people that have bought them.
I know people that have bought them.
Did they lose a bet?
Was it Lazyslob?
were they UFC fighters?
Nah they're just red necks.
I just thought it'd be hilarious if on top of everything else Dana made guys buy their own uniforms (at retail price)