Both of you make solid points which just goes to show how half ass UFCs attempt really is.
They pick and choose how to be a real sport.
They pick and choose how to be a real sport.
They're making enough to pay their fighters more than 10+10 and taking away all of their secondary earning power. Dana owns what, less than 10% of the UFC and he's worth $350 million. Lorenzo is worth $1B.
I don't think the Reebok deal was done as a greed play by the UFC. Simply it's more of Dana's "We need to make this a sport" line of thinking. Reebok is the one getting the greater end of the deal here.
They're doing a bang up job ruining their brand. It's time for Dana to step aside.
It's far from perfect, but I think they have been overly criticized for this change. People are looking at the short term while the company is looking long term. It's growing pains.
Maybe a decade down the road the money will be good, but none of them will be around. They have every right to complain when they're the ones taking the lumps. Last I checked UFC is still taking sponsors.
I'm a big fan of the Fram cam.Maybe a decade down the road the money will be good, but none of them will be around. They have every right to complain when they're the ones taking the lumps. Last I checked UFC is still taking sponsors.
Sure, and they still have it better than the true pioneers from 10-15 years prior.
It's a process.
Zewone uppins. Do you still have that banksy?
And how much more money is the NBA/NFL making? They can afford that. Plus, those are privately owned teams that have bank rolls that pay those players.
Dana White and co. are doing their best to make the UFC once of these sports.
Sure, and they still have it better than the true pioneers from 10-15 years prior.
It's a process.
Uniforms make sense for a team sport.. Not a 1 on 1 combat sport. And with the UFC contracting so many fighters, the old arrangement makes more sense as the UFC just pays what they pay and the fighters can make their living with outside sponsors.
This just limits what the fighters make while putting extra cash in the UFCs pocket.
"Uniforms" don't legitmize a damn thing. Just makes the fighters look even more homogeneous at press events and gives them a colored stripe to differentiate in the cage... Which can be done more clearly by just using blue and red gloves. It's a trash deal ni matter which way you slice it unless you're a Fertita or Dana.
Uniforms make sense for a team sport.. Not a 1 on 1 combat sport. And with the UFC contracting so many fighters, the old arrangement makes more sense as the UFC just pays what they pay and the fighters can make their living with outside sponsors.
This just limits what the fighters make while putting extra cash in the UFCs pocket.
"Uniforms" don't legitmize a damn thing. Just makes the fighters look even more homogeneous at press events and gives them a colored stripe to differentiate in the cage... Which can be done more clearly by just using blue and red gloves. It's a trash deal no matter which way you slice it unless you're a Fertita or Dana.
Aside from how fucked up it is from a financial standpoint, it makes no sense for combat sports, where there are no teams or tradition for people to latch on to and remain fans of. Why would you want your fighters to all look the same?
From what I read, UFC isn't really making anything off the Reebok deal. A majority of it goes to the fighters, it's just that Reebok has favorable terms and got a blanket deal for every fighter for relatively cheap.
I mean, I think it's hard for a casual fan to take the sport serious with condom advertisements on a fighter's ass.
I don't like the Reebok designs myself. They look very amateur, at least on the shirts.
screw you guys, me and my girl bought a conor + ronda fight kit
Condom Depot vs. black stripe.
I don't know which is the bigger offender.
How long is the Reebook deal for? Maybe it will blow up in their faces and go back to how it was.
No more Chuck Liddel Iceman shorts, no more AS bumble bee trunks, no Croatian flag for CroCop. Having everyone looking the same (even opponents) is terrible in a "sport" like MMA. Just look how Connor made himself famous with his mouth, all due to being an individual.
No more Chuck Liddel Iceman shorts, no more AS bumble bee trunks, no Croatian flag for CroCop. Having everyone looking the same (even opponents) is terrible in a "sport" like MMA. Just look how Connor made himself famous with his mouth, all due to being an individual.
BJ Penn black belt shorts will always be my favorite.
I love the personalities and individualism, but the UFC is a business that's still looking to grow. I find it hard to fault them. They're the businessmen, not me. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt until it was a proven failure.
From what I read, UFC isn't really making anything off the Reebok deal. A majority of it goes to the fighters, it's just that Reebok has favorable terms and got a blanket deal for every fighter for relatively cheap.
I mean, I think it's hard for a casual fan to take the sport serious with condom advertisements on a fighter's ass.
I don't like the Reebok designs myself. They look very amateur, at least on the shirts.
This is how you know you've lost your goddamn mind. Connor's silver tongue has you whipped into a frenzy.
zewone said:I hope you at least got the Conor champion kit. lol
The key question is can a fighter turn himself into a brand. Can one guy garner so much interest that not only profits Zuffa but himself as well.
Either you talk yourself into a draw (Sonnen), fight yourself into a draw (Jones, Rumble, GSP, Liddell etc.) or you do both (Ortiz, McGregor, Ken Shamrock) and only those got big MMA money at their respective times.
The average joes, journeymans and bums are the ones that profit the least and they were always the loudest critics. You dont necessarily help the company just by showing up and fight which is the saddest part.
UFC 9 Superfighter Severn v Shamrock II. Why did I watch all of that when my natural instinct was to fall asleep >.<
Bizzare and incredibly boring with no pay off.
Well, we can look forward to more ridiculous Wanderlei Youtube videos, that make less and less sense.I don't know how reliable he is but according to Paul Gift of mma analytics, UFC is suing Wanderlei in Nevada court for "intentional misconduct". It doesn't say why but I guess for making the fixed fight accusations?
Stolen from Reddit, but it looks like Correia has developed some HIGH level judo!
Overeem needs this fight with Junior Dos Santos to happen. At his age this is truly his final opportunity to earn a title shot. Hopefully this Twitter call out amounts to something.The only way Reem will ever regain any sense of legitimacy is if he beats JDS. I could see him getting an instant title shot if he wins. Who's ready for Werdum/Reem 3 folks?Werdum wins by KO in the first.
Id love to take a leg kick from the Reem...just to feel what its like.
Id love to take a leg kick from the Reem...just to feel what its like.
ask Bork
Id love to take a leg kick from the Reem...just to feel what its like.