How far away are we from Dana hiring a leper to fight Anderson? Leper would probably put up more of a fight than Stale Sonnen did.
How far away are we from Dana hiring a leper to fight Anderson? Leper would probably put up more of a fight than Stale Sonnen did.
How far away are we from Dana hiring a leper to fight Anderson? Leper would probably put up more of a fight than Stale Sonnen did.
I wish gaming side would stop pretending DmC is going to be a good game.
It's all the dudes that weren't good enough to style like mad in the older games. All the videos of the combos are horrible. Slow and no depth.
Oh young pitbull.Game is being made by Ninja Theory and they've never done anything remotely enjoyable.
Oh young pitbull.
I'm interested in the game from a story perspective but the gameplay looks mediocre and slow like you said. Perhaps acceptable to the God of War crowd though.
Not saying Heavenly Sword is anywhere near the greatest game of all time, but to call it not even remotely enjoyable is just a tad hyperbolic. Oh and I liked Enslaved too, so sue me.
Not saying Heavenly Sword is anywhere near the greatest game of all time, but to call it not even remotely enjoyable is just a tad hyperbolic. Oh and I liked Enslaved too, so sue me.
I don't necessarily want a Devil May Cry game by them though.
I wish gaming side would stop pretending DmC is going to be a good game.
Not saying Heavenly Sword is anywhere near the greatest game of all time, but to call it not even remotely enjoyable is just a tad hyperbolic. Oh and I liked Enslaved too, so sue me.
I don't necessarily want a Devil May Cry game by them though.
I didn't care for Heavenly Sword, but I really enjoyed Enslaved. I don't get the hate for it
Does it also have that annoying pause when you hit something/get hit like the God of War games?
He's not posted in a week. :/
I'm interested in the game from a story perspective but the gameplay looks mediocre and slow like you said. Perhaps acceptable to the God of War crowd though.
Hey look we agree on some...Game is being made by Ninja Theory and they've never done anything remotely enjoyable.
Excuse me ZOE2 exisit. NGB is second though.Edit: Ninja Theory poly, not Team Ninja(have gone to shit though). Ninja Gaiden Black is the best game released last gen.
lol i'm not saying they're even close to perfect and I can definitely acknowledge their flaws. But I still enjoyed them and find the young pitbull's hyperbole a bit much when he said that NT han't done anything even remotely enjoyable.poly I forbid you from using my DoritoPope avatar due to that line of thinking.
It's a shame that NG2 turned out to be not so good, a waste of a great combat system.
I cried when i was half way through NG2. I played NGB so much that its only the second game i ever owned that i wore out till it stopped working.
Game is being made by Ninja Theory and they've never done anything remotely enjoyable.
NG:B was so good I finished it multiple times and kept doing those challenge missions. It was so refreshing that you could get fucked up in the tutorial level if you made mistakes.
I beat it both the campaign and all the missions on legendary ninja multiple times. The only thing people could point out against NGB was that some of the platforming was awkward and kinda forced. Outside of that its about as close as you can get to a perfect action game.
I feel like we're in the midst of a huge mma lull again. Needs some WSoF in my life.
Heavenly Sword and Enslaved were two of my favorite games this generation. And Enslaved is one of my favorite games of all time. (note: I'm a ridiculous fan of anything PA though). Speaking of which, for any of you that watch Revolutionfuck Aaron for NOT screwing up for once and surviving killing himself. He's such a dumb character.
Ghost fish!!
Chapter 15(iirc) on Master Ninja was brutal because of those bastards.
Vigoorian flails and UT spam. Its the only place where i used them too, i was one of those dragon sword purists. It wasnt until i got through the game a few times that i used the other weapons just to say i did. I too find myself looking at my black disc and am considering another run at it.
This is the official UFC China poster
What's wrong with Enslaved. It was a good game.
I used the Vigoorian flails for grinding since I was able to pull some ridiculous combos with that thing without killing the enemies.
Now im sad that 2 and 3 were such shitty games.
Yes.NG2 had a great combat system, it's a shame they forgot to build a game around it. Didn't bother with NG3 after I read it had QTEs.
NG:B works well on the 360? Thinking about doing some missions.