Now im sad that 2 and 3 were such shitty games.
2 was not shitty. I didn't bother with 3, though the wii u version sounds promising.
Well it'll be next gen, so there's that.Ninja Gaiden 3 was an insult. I'm wondering what they can salvage from that game with the WiiU version.
There's a fight Melvin can win.Guillard vs Varner added to TUF 16 finale. Interesting fight right there.
So that junkie thread was pretty enlightening.
So that junkie thread was pretty enlightening.
I was entertained.
Also, Capt, what's this about an appeal? What did you get charged with?
Oh I have so much to say.
edit: HOLY SHIT BOOGIE HOLY SHIT!!!! You ether'd that poor kid.
That thread was like the Glover Maldonado fight. It hurt just reading it.
Well, seeing a guy justify spending $400 on drugs sure makes me feel better about impulse buying $6 blu-rays at Best Buy.
Okay WHAT THE FUCK with that Amirox thread? Can someone explain in summary how all that shit came to be?
Not much to it. Someone on OA started a thread accusing Ami of using neogaf fundraiser money to support his drug habit. For some reason, he felt the need to start a thread here as a response.
This guy was a mod? And people gave him money? LOL
This guy was a mod? And people gave him money? LOL
Well holy shit I thought the dude was just using oxy. Why the fuck would you post that on the internet?
Some people need to get off the internet for like a year or two. Why people must post every minutia thing of their life and hoard attention is beyond me.
I just can't stop looking at it.
So people have banned for some pretty stupid shit, but yet I don't see him banned yet for admitting to all those drugs?
Fascinating. Piracy and saying cunt are worse than being a drug addict.
This guy was a mod? And people gave him money? LOL
Not just admitting to drug use but fucking ENCOURAGING drug use as well. But yes, you will be perma banned for calling certain game developers fat.
If the rest of gaf only had an idea of what goes on in our fenced compound.
The guy should have seen the writing on the wall and had his account erased and come back under a new identity when he was demodded in the first place. He'll always be a pariah.My god, I really did not want to know all the shit about Amir0x that I now know. It's like man, just keep that shit off the net.
And while yeah, Boogie did go in, why waste the time?
On the other hand, I guess he did bring it on himself by asking GAF for help with his mom.
Ninja Gaiden 3 was an insult. I'm wondering what they can salvage from that game with the WiiU version.
Have you heard 'rox's theme song?