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MMORPG discussion

I'm hoping GA can help me with a gaming delima. I've been playing diablo 2 for a while now but I am now ready to indulge myself into another game that I'll be able to play all summer and not get too bored. I've compiled a list of mmorpg's that I find interesting, and I'm just wanting some feedback that would help steer me into the right game for me.

Keep in mind I only have a 1.6 centrino and a radeon9200 to work with, so if the game is VERY heavy its probably not for me.


City of Heros

I like this game just because it seems to offer a uniqueness that no other game seems to have, has a great idea behind it. I could be fun.



I love the FF world and medieval settings are always fun


Star Wars Galaxies

I absolutly love the idea of being in the star wars world, plus the expansions sound very cool.

Anyone have any recommendations? I know I haven't really been too specific, but I honestly don't know much about mmorpg gaming and am sort of naive in that area. Pro's cons of the above games?


Despite saying I would never play an MMO, I've been deeply addicted to Final Fantasy XI for the last few months; level 51 RDM now. I'd advise you stay away, as I want my life back. *runs off to play FFXI some more*


Worships the porcelain goddess
*twitches* FFXI is good...*twitches...foams at the mouth*

A lot of people seem to like CoH on the boards too.

Hmmm I guess go with a game with a free month and try it out. Not sure if CoH offers the first month free or not though.


Buggy, buggy, buggy and professions are really broken. Poor content and whatever content is there, is totaly out of balance.

Dull, dull dull, Kill crabs for 50 hours and then kill some more... youll also need to wait for hours upon hours to get a group after lvl 40... <nd if you chose the wrong class... you can wait for days upon end


Tag of Excellence
There is a free SWG trial you can try out if you happen to subscribe to Fileplanet. If not then prepare to wait for a while in line, currently no one else provides this offer.



President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
The current Big 5:

CoH: Fast paced fun but has fairly repetitive content.

FFXI: Super slooooow paced game, takes forever and ever to accomplish anything, but there is quite a bit of content.

SWG: Just seemed kinda bland to me.

EQ: Still love it! Tons of content, twas my first. Will never forget it. Would feel aged compared to the others, tho.

DAOC: Realm versus Realm (pvp) is a blast. The rest of the game I found to be pretty mediocre. Worth a look if you're competitive.


Tag of Excellence
Just wanted to mention that classic Everquest is receiving a major graphical overhaul sometime this year. It's getting a bit old these days but it's still an absolute blast.

Before purchasing any game I'd suggest trying to get into the WoW or EQII betas. It might be close to impossible but it's worth a shot. Last months PC Gamer had a free code that you type at the EQII Beta website for a shot at a slot.


For a fun action based MMORPG, do City of Heroes.

If you have countless hours to spend (waste) on a game, try FFXI.

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
MrCheez said:
The current Big 5:

CoH: Fast paced fun but has fairly repetitive content.

FFXI: Super slooooow paced game, takes forever and ever to accomplish anything, but there is quite a bit of content.

SWG: Just seemed kinda bland to me.

EQ: Still love it! Tons of content, twas my first. Will never forget it. Would feel aged compared to the others, tho.

DAOC: Realm versus Realm (pvp) is a blast. The rest of the game I found to be pretty mediocre. Worth a look if you're competitive.

Weird, i found FFXI to be much much faster than EQ lvl'ing wise. Still slow but thats typical to MMORPGs, if getting to lvl 60 would be any faster, FFXI would be way unbalanced. Considering quite a lot of players that joined in for the PC version got to 60 and beyond, its quite a short ammount of time.


Yeah, FFXI is fast, it's just the start-up time for new players that's slow.

And where have you been Buggy =P.


I havn't done CoH...but from what I have read it sounds great.
I know it hasn't done that well, but I was in the Horizons beta and played it for a while when it first started and had a blast.
I would suggest forgoing EQ and getting into EQ2 beta if you can...or just buying something smaller that could tide you over until EQ2 if thats what you really want.
Another new one that I have no idea when it is coming out that I have found interesting in my reading is UXO.....


ahh...is that Game Myth or whatever? chinese MMORPG that had a trail a while ago?

that game is fairly enjoyable :) i only figured out the HUD just before the trail ended, but what i did play was fun

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
Shouta said:
Yeah, FFXI is fast, it's just the start-up time for new players that's slow.

And where have you been Buggy =P.

Still waiting on my dlink DWL 810 bridge for wireless, i moved to a new apartment so my old setup is different here, and i dont want to route a cable all the way to my TV.

Plus lots and lots of overtime at work ; ;

I'll be back, its not like im in a hurry right now, with work, the summer, and many games i have yet to finish, but i'll be back for sure.


Gattsu25 said:
ahh...is that Game Myth or whatever? chinese MMORPG that had a trail a while ago?

that game is fairly enjoyable :) i only figured out the HUD just before the trail ended, but what i did play was fun
Yeah, that's the one. I think it was originally called "Game Myth" ... I think they're in an open Beta right now, though?


Grandma's Chippy
Asheron's Call is one you should consider too...runs really well on older computers. The world is HUGE...TONS of content in their already, and more added in monthly (free) updates.

Also, the game is starting (or has just started) new server(s) where all of the old problems are eliminated (XP chains, 3rd party apps, XP exploiting etc)

Worth a look I'd think.
thanks for the feedback guys,
I'm currently downloading teh star wars galaxies trial, hopefully that will help me determine what to waste my summer on


Rhindle said:
Has anyone tried "RYL" ?


I may be meeting the co. that's marketing it in the U.S., and I have no clue if it's any good or if it has any following over here.

I was in the closed beta and in the open beta.

If you plan on playing wait until they deal with speed hackers and fix the constant lag issue.
Mr Pockets said:
Asheron's Call is one you should consider too...runs really well on older computers. The world is HUGE...TONS of content in their already, and more added in monthly (free) updates.

Also, the game is starting (or has just started) new server(s) where all of the old problems are eliminated (XP chains, 3rd party apps, XP exploiting etc)

Worth a look I'd think.

People still play that?

Asheron's Call is easily the best MMORPG to date.

I briefly flirted with Eve-Online at the start of the year but ive picked it up again. Its such a brilliant game, its all about money and there is no grind, they're is no leveling u just pick the skill u want to learn and it ticks down until u know it in real time. Attributes + learning skill training speeds things up. The sheer depth of the thing is amazing and there are over 5000 seperate solar systems, so the chances of u ever visiting every single one is impossible. Ohh and theres only one server, with roughly 6000-7000 people playing at most times

If anyone wants a 7day trial feel free to PM me with your email address


Tag of Excellence
BlackSalad said:
thanks for the feedback guys,
I'm currently downloading teh star wars galaxies trial, hopefully that will help me determine what to waste my summer on
Your own personal judgement is always better than anyone else's suggestions. Although do listen to what a lot of people in this thread are saying. No one has pointed you to LineageII so they are obviously an intelligent sort.

CoH..playing it now and loving it. It's a great pick up and play game. It is getting to the boring parts. It can be great or chock full of assholes depending on what server you choose. Exp debt sounds much worse then it is. The Coh boards are horrible, just cause of the people and can kill your enjoyment for the game. There's a lvl 40 cap soon to be raised to lvl.... *gasp*...50. They let you test the new content on thier test server. A big update is coming soon...really soon..I hope...and from what I played is pretty fun. No PvP yet and would be hard to do fairly with the way the game is. No concern of killing to get money to get the next armor so you can progress withthe game. Enviroments full of stuff you never feel like your the only one online in an empty land. Great character creation (sometimes better then the game) 8 character solts per server. You can also selecet any server at any time to play...you just have to start a new character for each server, unlike...

FF11..I found it slow also, beautiful enviroments that were just soo boring, you could explore for what seems like forever and not bump into anyone or feel like your going anywhere. you need to buy a world pass in game (which means hours and hours for fighting crap to get gil) to play with your friends. you lose levels if you die too close to level up. IT feels like you have to be a decent level to do anything. The character creation is limited and horrible. I left just before the PvP, which I heard was like a FF mini game...yes counrties at war they meet up and play...a game?!

SWG...I played the beta and have heard it hasn't gotten any better....Imagine if you will a world with great powerful characters, you get a chance to be part of that world BUT you have to give up you real life to get a chance to become one of those characters, or you spend your time being a nobody. Who doesn't want to be a Jedi or a Boba Fett but your Uncle Owen or the poor schmoe who makes dresses for the dancers in the canteena. Could have been awsome but fell very short. The PvP was nice, but you think the sailing in Zelda was boring...trying hoofing it cause the shuttle is broken..still. A nice cure for insomnia. ONE thing I though was cool...you take on mobs that are too much for you lead it towards a idle platton of Storm Troopers and they'll save your ass.

EQ...I played a long time ago and flet meh. Couldn't really get into it.

thats my 2 cents...well kinda like 5
City of hero's seems like it would be a good tranfromation game from a diablo freak into the mmo world. But I'm just not sure if it would have enough depth to keep me occupied all summer. I was in the planetside beta and that game was insanly fun for about a week until I couldn't really level up any more, and something tells me that coh is sort of a short lived mmo.

Still waiting on that SWG download, 1.9 gigs >_<
City of hero's seems like it would be a good tranfromation game from a diablo freak into the mmo world. But I'm just not sure if it would have enough depth to keep me occupied all summer. I was in the planetside beta and that game was insanly fun for about a week until I couldn't really level up any more, and something tells me that coh is sort of a short lived mmo.

I can see that...the new content is coming this month and seems geared towards higher lvl players (20 and up). I play every day after work but between 5 characters, if I stuck with one I'm pretty sure I' would have hit the level cap a couple of weeks ago and probally canceled untill at least 2 updates came out. Theres a lot to see and doo but if your playing it on a break or during vacation it can be over too quickly.


COH.. fun for the first 20 levels or so, especially if you have friends playing. very fast paced, a good variety of skills.. but lack of equipment is kinda disappointing (although you collect powerups). i found the community very cool, easy to get groups (played on justice server), since each class works pretty well with others. the game is pretty damn polished (character creation is really cool) and everything works really well but after a while it just feels like a bland grind, because there isnt really anything to do in the game except get xp (at least from what i played).

FFXI.. pretty good first attempt, alot of the systems/interface are fairly basic in terms of mmo design. the zones are kinda bland, i thought, and the mob variety aint all that great. getting a group together can be a pain, but alot of newer players really seem to enjoy the game. and you can try out your nihongo on all the japanese players if you so wish. probably a better game for newer players, since it moves at a slower pace, but dependant if you can find someone to hang out with

SWG.. played it for 4 months after the release (i was in beta as well), and it is fun at first, but leaves much to be desired in terms of things to do (well combat wise, since i was a bounty hunter) and many systems in the game are still buggy. the game is slowly improving though, and i am getting the urge to unlock jedi (they are planning on changing how you get jedi). combat system is also being redone, and most of the classes have had a decent once over since launch. i think the game could still turn out to be good, and am looking forward to the jump to lightspeed expansion (massive twitch space battles). player vehicles/mounts have mostly solved transporation issues, though there isnt that much to see on the planets anyways.

overall, for the new player i'd probably recommend COH, unless you are a big FF or SW fan, both can be fun if you dont listen to jaded mmo players like me ;)


FFXI: The pace of the game so slow its unreal. I couldn't possible reccommend this game to my worst enemy. You have to load every freakin time you come into town, everytime you enter a zone and everytime you enter a shop.
Im no stranger to falling asleep while playing a MMORPG as a healer type (Killed many Tanks like this) but I must say I did this 3x as many times as I did it in other MMORPG's.

SWG: Seems to be improving from what I heard so I may just check it out.

Everquest: Its abailty to last 5 years with a steady fan base say everything. Still though, the new competitor on the "Horizon" (get it) seems to be WOW.
Bizarro Sun Yat-sen said:
There's no war between any of the countries!

Ok so why does it matter who controlls what areas....just your FF11 "more you know" PSA?
If no one is at war then it just ads to the suckage of FF11.
Great Wasabi Man said:
Ok so why does it matter who controlls what areas....just your FF11 "more you know" PSA?
If no one is at war then it just ads to the suckage of FF11.

The countries are not at war. They're in fierce competition with each other, but not at war.
Mister Zimbu said:
The countries are not at war. They're in fierce competition with each other, but not at war.


:( I like the War idea better. :(

Oh I just found out my CoH free month ended, damn that was quick.

It seems a lot of people are agreeing that CoH between lvls 1-20 is really fastpaced then slows down. I'm only at lvl 14 and I sorat agree you can easily get to lvl 10 soloing or in a group taking on the sewers with no problem
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