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PS5 Pro Pricing Discussion Thread

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Gold Member
Pro thread number 2037...

I'll summarize my thoughts thusly:

- Pro is meant for the hardcore, pre-existing PS5 owners who want the best and are willing to pay for it

- Sony expects those pre-existing owners will trade in their PS5's thereby greatly cutting the cost. I imagine many at PlayStation HQ are baffled by the outrage when taking this into consideration

- people buy $1500 phones, $3000 PC's, $2500 TVs without batting an eye. The amount of use/enjoyment I get out of my PS5 is at least equal to (if not more than) what I get from my flagship phone

- as someone who games a ton (nowadays only on PS5) and who always plays in Performance Mode, what the Pro offers makes it well worth it for me, this will greatly differ for each individual and everyone should decide for themselves

- nobody is being forced to buy it, your PS5 still exists and all games will continue to be playable on it

- economic realities have drastically changed over the past 4 years, seems some have been living in a cave

- anyone concerned with how others spend their money needs to:

1. Eat a greasy dick

2. Get their own life in order

- US is still way better off than other territories, in Japan I'll be paying DOUBLE what I bought my vanilla PS5 for. However, if I can get ¥60,000 selling it as a package (2 controllers, 3-4 boxed games I don't mind letting go of) then all of a sudden I'm paying the *same* price for upgraded hardware while also negating the economic changes and years of heavy use on my base PS5

All-in-all it's been fascinating to watch the reactions and discourse surrounding the Pro. I absolutely balked at the price when it was initially revealed but then sat down down and actually *thought* about it, see above.

Edit: forgot about the disc drive but the added 1TB of space softens the blow somewhat. Still, it should have come with the drive 👍

Edit 2: anyone who thinks Sony doesn't have some killer 1st party games coming that will make full use of the Pro is mentally retarded, you just wait and see lol.
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I'll preorder.

However whether I keep the preorder for day one will depend on what more we know and see in the coming weeks.

Otherwise probably pick it up sometime next year.
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Guess I'm also falling out of interest with consoles and it doesn't have to do with hardware, more than the games themselves and exclusives. Or lack-thereof.
Ryan and Spencer are idiots that have damaged the consoles for a whole generation. Consoles need the glory days of Halo and Motorstorm. More Astro and less GaaS.

Little Mac

Gold Member
Whether it's "Day 1" or "Interested but not now" depends on what new games (as well as old game upgrades) Sony shows off this month.


Poll needs extra options:

Price indifferent but need at pre attached drive that doesn't require internet activation like an Xbox

Price too high will buy, but need at pre attached drive that doesn't require internet activation like an Xbox


Gold Journalism
It's not even that expensive, if we look at the cost relatively and take inflation into account.

Having said that, Sony should have created 2 Pro versions: 1 TB ($599) and 2 TB ($699).
It will sell well regardless. Many people want the upgrade and have the means to afford it. Out of curiosity, does anyone know what the actual Teraflop total is? It wasn’t discussed in the presentation and I was wondering if someone may have found out elsewhere.


I'd even pay a bit more if we were looking at a next gen console with current tech hardware, brand new features etc. But this is far from it, this is a minor upgrade to what is pretty old hardware at this point. Sony can fuck right off with this pricing. They really need to feel the negativity surrounding this and understand its not ok.


Gold Member
It will sell well regardless. Many people want the upgrade and have the means to afford it. Out of curiosity, does anyone know what the actual Teraflop total is? It wasn’t discussed in the presentation and I was wondering if someone may have found out elsewhere.
They don't want people focusing on that TF number as in comparing to current machines it doesn't look like a decent upgrade

I have been warning people since the start of last year Sony would not talk about TFs but focus us on RT


I'd even pay a bit more if we were looking at a next gen console with current tech hardware, brand new features etc. But this is far from it, this is a minor upgrade to what is pretty old hardware at this point. Sony can fuck right off with this pricing. They really need to feel the negativity surrounding this and understand its not ok.

This was the intent of thread, honest open discussion. We heard the takes of online cloud chasers and this thread was meant to share neogaf opinions.

Is there a a game they could in the announce next showcase to sway your opinion?

adamsapple adamsapple what did you vote?
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I think my strategy going forward will be to skip launch models and only upgrade when pro models release. Going from ps4 pro to ps5 pro would have been ideal. 4 years to build a good library of games and less struggle to acquire a launch console.

I have only had two smartphones. The iphone 6s and the iphone 13 pro. I won’t upgrade my phone for 5-6 years or if it breaks whichever comes first.


I'll be playing GT7 and Rebirth on one as soon as I can.
Fun fact: I got my 3080 two months after the PS5 (for twice the PS5 price due to mining craze), and I am waiting for series 50 to upgrade as well.


Gold Member
Oh look, another fucking thread about the PS5 Pro... Because we haven't had enough threads talking about this and the stupid price already...

In all seriousness, I think it's already pretty clear where most sensible people stand with this.

I stand with the professionals.
I'm one of the two "Not interested, price is right" users. I can totally see where the price point is coming from at this time. I also think that it's a massive oversight from their marketing teams to not foresee the backlash they're getting rn. I don't think the reception would have been so bad if they just included stand and disk drive and made it more expensive to account for these extras. If you compare the thing to equivalent PC hardware, the price doesn't seem so outlandish (if you ignore online subscription, game prices and so on).


For new purchasers the $700 is probably a decent bang for your buck. For an owner of a fat digital ps5 the trade-in value means it makes zero sense to upgrade.

Financially it's quite a bit cheaper to upgrade my RTX 3060 to a 4070.
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Not interested. €800 is a lot of money and then I still can't play any of my gives, so I have to add another €120 for a fucking disc drive.

Little Mac

Gold Member
Some of you really need to sit down, take a deep breath, and ask yourself ...

What would Chad Warden do?

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This was the intent of thread, honest open discussion. We heard the takes of online cloud chasers and this thread was meant to share neogaf opinions.

Is there a a game they could in the announce next showcase to sway your opinion?

adamsapple adamsapple what did you vote?
I said Sony can F off but I'm reluctantly still purchasing one, because I want to have the best console experience. It's just a bitter pill to swallow and I'm angry about it. As far as games, I'm excited about PSSR's abilities in general as I'm one of the people always torn between fidelity and performance, usually favouring performance, if this Pro can really narrow that gap, then that's going to be awesome for me but imo it still doesn't justify the ridiculous price.
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