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ModNation Racers |OT| Loading, Moaning And Creating Vinyl Clothing


depward said:
I don't get the LBP2 announcement stuff. I mean, it's still how many months away til LBP2? Are you really going to put this game on hold to wait for it?

I'm getting both. As much as I would like to think LBP2 will have kart racing that is on par with this, I don't think you'll be able to design a kart racing game that's near this type of quality. I mean, it'll be good.. but not ModNation good.

Still would like to hear about exp earned and whether or not you need to place high to get any..

It's probably just for the trophies and I'm planning on getting both too. I'm talking about for the average joe not on NeoGAF and in this economic climate. Seriously, if you HAD to choose which game would you honestly want more: LBP2 or this? November is not that far away when you consider money factors. Alot more important things to spend money on and, if given a choice, I think I would rather spend mine on a game I didn't need to install that STILL had crappy load times after said install, had a BIG single player campaign(bigger than LBP1), and allowed me create in MNR genre as well as so many others and didn't restrict me to one style. Also I could play a tone of user created content for free that was not stuck to one genre.

If you looked at that and were FORCED to make a choice I'd choose LBP2 every time IMHO. I dunno, there doesn't seem to be much hype for this game. As an example, I usually see streams of games two weeks at least before they are released on sites like JTV because the community is so eager and proud to show them off to their friends. And though you may laugh at me bringing up JTV, that's who's SONY has got to win over at the end of the day...the public, their fans. Heck, I saw more Heavy Rain streams weeks before release then I have of this game and that was even a fairly small game by sells standards. But that at least had interest in the community, people wanted to play it and show it off. Sony can have the best advertising for this game in the world, but if your community (the people buying the product) is not behind you, your game is dead.

Even in this thread I hear people complaining about the stupidest things already (the announcer's voice...really!? REALLY?) to the controls and camera angles (which I can understand). Doesn't look good IMHO but I guess we'll see when the sales for this game start coming in.


I spend around 30 minutes creating my driver in the demo and after that it told me that I can't race with my creation, only in the full version... The same with the track. That's some unfair design, but it'll probably lead to more sales.
netguy503 said:
Oh man, so much hate in this thread. Yea, they really shouldn't have announced LBP2 BEFORE this game came out. Talk about a bonehead move.:lol

hate... really?

And LBP2 is hardly the same deal... might as well hold off for Halo Reach then too. After all, you can create levels in that. :D Mod Nation seems pretty cool to me... and i know people who were really put off by the complexity of LBP's tools...

Anyway, this might be slightly more limited in scope, but i'm having a blast with it... it really deserves to do well.


what a great start. wanted to try onlnie with a friend for first time and it dced out for both of us at the same time. Cant reconnect either.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Oddly enough, I'm not that much bothered by the loading times. To the point that if they don't improve them, I wouldn't really complain.

I love, love, love how easy it is to download and check stuff. Very clever interface design.

Online issues are a given in early days of any online enabled game, so I'll wait a week or so before bitching about that :D

Worked fine yesterday tho. Played with a bunch of randoms no probs.


he's Virgin Tight™
So this is Mario Kart for PS3 with the ability to create maps right?

Seems tempting especially for local play with pals.


While waiting for the PS3 version to come out (next week, hell yes!), I've been trying and trying to like the PSP demo... I must have played it 25 times now. I just can't get why they made the drifting so "tight" compared to the PS3 version's drifting. I was thinking about picking up both versions (first to support the $30 price for it and second to have some designing tools on the go) but I just cannot enjoy the strictness of the PSP version's drifting.


NinjaFusion said:
but no one is being forced?

"Forced" i.e. you only had money for one. You knew that before I even replied, didn't you? Yes, there are people in this world that don't have alot of money right now. Feel fortunate that you do.

Look at it another way- will you guys still be playing this game after LBP 2 comes out? Honestly? That determines a game purchase to me- how much I'll enjoy it over the long haul. That will also determine whose really just buying it as a "stop gap" between this and LBP2 which is "sooooooo MANY months away" (said in a sarcastic tone as it's really not because we are more then likely to get a BETA for that game by the end of summer to help us with that wait).
This was the first occasion I can remember where a playable demo stopped me buying a game that, previously, had been a guaranteed purchase. I really didn't like it; didn't like the handling, the aesthetic, the weapons, the drift mechanic... And I positively hated the loading times, which were extravagant for a demo, and I dread to think what they'll be like when playing from the disc.

netguy503 said:
"Forced" i.e. you only had money for one. You knew that before I even replied, didn't you? Yes, there are people in this world that don't have alot of money right now. Feel fortunate that you do.

LBP isn't out for months...?

...wait.... hang on...

LBP avatar...

In a thread about another play, create share game....

dissing it on weird grounds...

Oh i see.


Got it today and been playing since. The game is all kinds of awesome and some kinds I didn't even know existed. The load times aren't as bad as some people make them sound. Yeah the game needs a bit to start up, but once you're in the loading is ok. But I got to say the races are damn hard, I think I just raced against that Skidplate bastard for over an hour. The A.I. has a habit of storing up their weapons till the last round and blowing it in your face when you're 1m before the finishing line :/. The mods you can already download are really mindblowing, I mean I was dicking around a bit with the customization options but when I looked through the stuff that has already been uploaded I was blown away! The stuff some of the people do is crazy! I still haven't tried the track editor, I'm gonna do a few more races than try that, i guess :)

Really really awesome game! Don't miss this!


Tried the demo, liked the customization a lot, not so much the gameplay and handling of the car.. probably i won't bite, but still i can see why it' popular. :p
Demo nearly had me, two tracks and I think I would have gone for it but I'll wait till it's cheaper. The track building looks fuck awesome!!

Is there any "play, create, share" games for the 360?


listen to the mad man
netguy503 said:
Look at it another way- will you guys still be playing this game after LBP 2 comes out? Honestly? That determines a game purchase to me- how much I'll enjoy it over the long haul. That will also determine whose really just buying it as a "stop gap" between this and LBP2 which is "sooooooo MANY months away" (said in a sarcastic tone as it's really not because we are more then likely to get a BETA for that game by the end of summer to help us with that wait).

oh my god


Is the PSP version gimped in anyway? I'm thinking of making this one of my first PSP game purchases. Don't want to pay $60 for it.

Edit: nvm after playing the PS3 demo I don't like it.


Its quite a sad state of affairs when on launch day, there isnt even enough people online to fill up a race :(


Roxas said:
Its quite a sad state of affairs when on launch day, there isnt even enough people online to fill up a race :(

Wait for the US launch. I'm sure there will be people online.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
NinjaFusion said:
LBP isn't out for months...?

...wait.... hang on...

LBP avatar...

In a thread about another play, create share game....

dissing it on weird grounds...

Oh i see.

WHOOSH goes the point over yours head.

Point being: LBP2 is set to do racing levels. It's set to do RPG levels. It's set to do things the community did/wanted with a PLATFORMING engine in this NEW platforming-focused-but-can-be-used-for-other-genre's game.

Mod Nation is a kart-racing game. HOWEVER, if LBP2 does nearly the same thing as MNR... MNR will be redundant. Why would you buy this when you can get 20x the content in LBP2? That's the thing. If LBP2 is a clone of this, then it's over for MNR.

However, I don't think it'll be. Who knows if they'll change the camera angle to where it's like MNR. Doubtful.

Roxas said:
Its quite a sad state of affairs when on launch day, there isnt even enough people online to fill up a race :(

Wow, guess I won't have to wait a while for this to hit $30 before picking it up, I guess?
Here is my Mod :




And my ride! :)




I just pre-odered (and paid in full) this game for $11 dollars with trade-in's and a $25 gamestop card. I will be also be getting the Ratchet and Clank, Kratos, and LBP skins and vehicles. GAF, did I make a good decision? I still stand by that LBP2 will be the better game and I still highly doubt United Front will have as much DLC for this game as MM did for LBP (prove me wrong United Front)...but hey, $11 dollars and all the DLC so far except for Nathan Drake and his vehicle (I also got the Air Raid DLC from gamespot).


To be honest the beta put me off the game, the Hub was REALLY laggy, not sure if a connection thing or framerate thing but made me not want to "hang about". Races was okay I guess, this time net code again let me down a lot. I was playing EARLY beta though, maybe it changed over time/retail release.

Also the loading just looks poor. I'll agree with The Chef, it would have been an impulse buy, I but because I tried it for a lengthy time, did not like it (handling is "off").

Loved the Customisation though, could see that getting addicting. Hope you guys enjoy :)


I got into the beta and gave it a try and was a little disappointed in it. Then this week I got the demo and played that for a good bit. Luckily I got to try modding all the different things and my brother came in and was interested in what I was playing. We fired up the split screen and 20 or so races later we finally stopped playing but it seems like this would be a blast split screen with friends but I don;t know about online or single player. I may pick it up when it gets cheap or I may not.


DeadGzuz said:
Well, my pre-order at Overstock.com got canceled, took them five months. Back to Amazon I go.
Me too, ugh. But I don't think I'm picking this game up until the price is lower than the MSRP...

Finished my first track this morning... BLUE SKY MARINA RACEWAY.

Will post some pics later on..... seriously, this is one awesome game.... the tools give you just the right amount of freedom to edit stuff without it alll getting overly fussy... can'wait to start my next track!!!!


I played the game a little today. I found it better than Sega Superstar racing, better controls and more balanced game play. I like all the multiple paths that you can take.

I got a Sackboy code in the mail (EU), you might want to check your mail and see if you got anything.


Teppic said:
I played the game a little today. I found it better than Sega Superstar racing, better controls and more balanced game play.

I got a Sackboy code in the mail (EU), you might want to check your mail and see if you got anything.

did you buy lbp dlc?

i want sackboy so bad, i preordered the game thinking id get it but then found out thats for us only :<

now i only got ratchet and clank (wanted kratos :/)

if anyone wants the gamespot code pm me, didnt work for my eu copy, so its us only.


Tiduz said:
did you buy lbp dlc?
No, I only downloaded the free stuff.

I think you must have the subscription options for Sony's newsletters in the PSN options on to have a chance to get them.


Got it today, tons of fun.

Read a review in which the controls were an issue for the reviewer and I really don't understand. It controls great, drifting is easy, really no issues for me at all, except that there should be an option to change the control setup to your own likings.

There's some awesome user-created stuff already, mods like Bender, Spiderman, Mario and Luigi ofcourse, Bugs Bunny, Robocop etc. and karts like the A-team van, the Batmobile, the van from Scooby Doo, and probably a whole lot more as there's 100s of pages to scroll through.

Can imagine that there will be people who recreate entire Mario Kart courses, and the entire Mario Kart cast. :D
My son is having a blast creating tracks with the demo - I can only imagine how much fun he will have with the real game. Definitely buying the game on Tuesday.


look like this is going to bomb. not many ppl r happy with the demo.. so do u think it will pass 1 Million life time?


noobie said:
look like this is going to bomb. not many ppl r happy with the demo.. so do u think it will pass 1 Million life time?

That's very insightful of you. I loved the demo.
D2M15 said:
That is one nice-looking track, NinjaFusion. How long did it take to crank it out?

about an hour and a half.... but i drew it out roughly on paper before i made it... because i wanted there to be specific points on the tack where you got a view over the whole course.

so i guess about 1hr 45m in total.

already got a BUNCH of ideas for the next track.

seriously don't get the bitching in this thread. game rocks.
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