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Monday Night Combat |OT| Some action on a monday night

Dan Yo

Palmer_v1 said:
My only balance problem with the game is the Sniper landmines and grapple are too powerful, and Supports are overpowered in nearly every way.

Otherwise, I wish matchmaking would transfer host more smoothly than it does.

This is my favorite shooter after TF2 and Shadowrun.
I think snipers are the most overpowered class as far as just pure racking up the kills, but that seems to be the case in most every game out there so it's hard to complain. They don't seem to be quite as powerful when they aren't host or the connection is at least good enough that they will die as quickly as they're supposed to when shot (the smaller classes are harder to kill than a tank if the connection isn't spot on).


Picked this up immediately upon release and am thoroughly enjoying it, even through those games where shit just goes wrong in every conceivable way :D It's remarkably balanced straight out of the box download chute.

Started as a Support (Medic is my most played TF2 class, and was my 2nd most played class in original, QuakeWorld TF, behind the Scout), migrated to Gunner, then Assault and now Tank. Will be back at Support this week. I haven't the patience for classes like Assassins or Snipers.

And aside from all the usual gripes (Sniper's grapple shits me to tears, lag while not common is game breaking when it does occur [AusGAF member here], host migration failing 100% of the time, spawn camping [still undecided about how legit it is in this, compared to say MAG], and the crappiness of some maps), I've had a blast with it, certainly got my ~$20 worth.

GT is username.


Love this game. I think all the classes are pretty well balanced, could be a lil more unique tho. Like Tank and Gunner both havin lockdown is kind of a cop out. I think gunner could use a lil 2 second disappear or shield instead. I think that sniper is probly most op tho. The traps can be fuckin cheap an his throw as well. What really bugs me tho is like wat someone else said an they just take alot of dmg cause of lag or somethin, really frustrating. Engine lag is lame at end game when everybodys usin their lvl 3 abilites and theres 10 jackbots rollin around. Its pretty rad that someone made a dota shooter, but also with their own original touches. The announcer is fuckin great HIYO! If anybody needs another hit me up, im pretty good.

GT : Mennus


About to get a match or 2 of this in now. Haven't played it in about a week.

edit: Also, quick question. Does the lockdown or whatever you want to call it for the gunner have any effect on how much damage you take while you are stationary?


Elixist said:
Love this game. I think all the classes are pretty well balanced, could be a lil more unique tho. Like Tank and Gunner both havin lockdown is kind of a cop out. I think gunner could use a lil 2 second disappear or shield instead. I think that sniper is probly most op tho. The traps can be fuckin cheap an his throw as well. What really bugs me tho is like wat someone else said an they just take alot of dmg cause of lag or somethin, really frustrating. Engine lag is lame at end game when everybodys usin their lvl 3 abilites and theres 10 jackbots rollin around. Its pretty rad that someone made a dota shooter, but also with their own original touches. The announcer is fuckin great HIYO! If anybody needs another hit me up, im pretty good.

GT : Mennus

Sniper ice traps...

/shakes fist angrily!

Also, :lol at bolded part. I dig your confidence!


Jroderton said:
About to get a match or 2 of this in now. Haven't played it in about a week.

edit: Also, quick question. Does the lockdown or whatever you want to call it for the gunner have any effect on how much damage you take while you are stationary?

Yes, Gunner's Turret mode does increase your defense. That plus the critical hits it gives often allow you to win Gunner vs. Gunner shootouts.


First of all, we want to thank you for playing Monday Night Combat and supporting Uber Entertainment. We’ve been busy fixing bugs, exploits and optimizing based on your feedback on our forums, emails, Facebook, and Twitter. Our first Title Update is being tested right now and then it will be handed off for certification and in your hands as soon as possible. Here’s a full list of fixes and changes that will be in the Title Update.

Connectivity and Multiplayer:

* Reworked the way we handle parties in the pregame lobby to avoid splitting them up.
* Fixed several issues where host migration would fail immediately.
* Decreased wait time after a successful host migration.
* Lobbies will now host migrate and not kick you back to the main menu.
* If the host leaves during the end of match sequence, the host will migrate and players will return back to the lobby and not the main menu.
* Optimized the time it takes to migrate hosts, shortening the time to migrate.
* Improved weapon hit detection in high lag situations.
* Fixed endorsements being incorrect after a host migration.
* Fixed getting into private matches without an invite.

General Gameplay:

* Fixed players being able to damage the Moneyball’s shields.
* Fixed visual effects staying on the player after the effect has worn off.
* Reduced the amount of increased damage the Moneyball takes in Overtime, thus reducing the effectiveness of “Juice rushing”.
* Fixed Ringouts, Headshots and Grapple Kills not giving the proper amount of money. Balanced Ringout money to reflect the change. Message now displays correct total amount of money earned.
* New “You Win!”/”You Lose!” UI for the end of a match.
* Fixed juice benefits ending early if the player grapples during juice.
* Fixed juice bar getting stuck full.
* Fixed deploying on or near active jump pads.
* Fixed controller sensitivity of 10 not saving.
* Fixed messaging for kill streaks. Ultra and Uber streaks will now be named properly when popping up above your cursor.
* Fixed an instance of the player’s skill pick UI going away unexpectedly.
* Fixed an issue with bots walking by enemy turrets and bots without engaging them.
* Fixed upgrading a turret that has been hacked to the opposing team.
* Fixed turret collision not going away after being destroyed.
* Normalized time between a grapple miss and the ability to grapple again for all grapples. The biggest change is the Assassin not having as big of a penalty for a missed grapple.
* Fixed the “Team Leader” and “Team Player” highlights from being reversed.
* Fixed players being able to mute themselves.
* Fixed idle kicking when standing still but still looking around and/or shooting.
* Fixed players who cheat and hack their profiles from being able to apply multiple gold endorsements.
* Optimized main menu ticker for players with large friends lists.
* Fixed HUD showing Moneyball shields as up during over time even though they are down.
* Reduced announcer talking for kill streaks to help reduce the repetition of announcements.
* Various performance optimizations.


* Reworked Support’s bot aura so that it doesn’t make the Jackbot appear overhealed.
* Fixed Support’s Firebase skill from recharging while the Support is dead but the Firebase skill exists.
* Fixed being able to use the Heal/Hurt gun while taunting.
* Fixed some instances of the Support’s Firebase not appearing when thrown.
* Fixed Heal/Hurt gun not being affected by rate of fire endorsements and reduced it’s overall healing/hurting ability to compensate for the change.
* Fixed Supports being able to use their Hack skill through walls.
* Fixed Supports being able to throw their Firebases through the wall.
* Fixed Air Strikes sometimes damaging enemies under cover.
* Supports can now only Hack enemy turrets at Hack level 3.
* Increased the time to Hack enemy turrets.
* Decreased duration of Hack on a turret for levels 1 and 2.


* Fixed Assassins from being able to get permanent sprint and super speed.
* Fixed Assassins getting a double smoke bomb allowing them to jump higher than intended.
* Fixed Assassins being able to cloak during a grapple.
* Fixed Assassins from being able to use her smoke bomb during a lunge.
* Retuned damage done by dagger after a lunge.


* Tank’s Jet Gun alternate fire damage is now reduced depending on the percentage of ammo left in the clip. Increased the full clip damage to compensate.


* Fixed an exploit involving the Assault’s Fly.
* Fixed Assault’s bomb audio lingering after bomb is gone.

Monday Night Combat Live Update System:

* Pregame Lobby is now 45 seconds.
* Min Number of Players to start Crossfire is now 6.
* Increased player bot spawing from 5 seconds to 10 seconds.

DLC Plans

Beyond the Title Update, we will be releasing our first of three DLCs. The first DLC will contain new content, gameplay adjustments, and more bug fixes. What’s exactly in the first DLC will be announced closer to its release. We’re very invested in our community and want to see it thrive so the first DLC will be free.

Uber at PAX

For those of you going to PAX this week, you’ll be able to play the updated version of Monday Night Combat that incorporates the Title Update changes. Stop by the Uber booth for tournaments, merch like character statues, shirts, and prints and say hi to the Uber team.

As a support, that seems like a decent (as in fair) nerf. I hope the jucing in overtime change is successful, that has ruined more games for me than host migration (even when we win!)

Dan Yo


As a support, that seems like a decent (as in fair) nerf. I hope the jucing in overtime change is successful, that has ruined more games for me than host migration (even when we win!)
Well this is awesome. Looks like they covered just about everything in one fell swoop. There an ETA on this update? I'm guessing by next week if the updated version will be on display at PAX (then again, doesn't MS cert usually take about 2 weeks?).


Nice to see initial support follow-through for this game. I hope they keep it up. This game could coast for a long while.
Sounds like a great meaty patch, I stopped playing for a bit while the patch was being worked on as people rushing the moneyball without bots was just ruining the fun in most matches, good set of tweaks too.

Will add to OP, thanks for posting INTERNET.

Also wow first DLC will be free, I presume it will be a map pack since the game needs one to keep on living.


I like how they are supporting the game. Though, how would the DLC work for those who don't buy them? Are they going to split the userbase? Or maybe the dlc are just hats so it wouldn't matter =/

Edit: Ahh, missed the "First dlc free" part.
I'm glad that the devs are so on top of this game. Now if only I couid fix my inability to get away from the Hurt gun once its on me and maybe teach people to kill bots and build turrets then things would be perfect.
BigKaboom2 said:
I hope they're not foolish enough to kill off the community by charging for the second and third DLCs.
depends what they are and how it works, say it's another set of maps then the matchmaking would of course filter out people with and without the new maps, mixing them up if they all play an older map.

No idea how they would work on adding a new pro, it would have to be included for everyone to see via tiny 7mb title update otherwise that would split up the user base a lot.

Mikey Jr.

BigKaboom2 said:
I hope they're not foolish enough to kill off the community by charging for the second and third DLCs.

I have received a LOT of enjoyment from this game for 15 bucks. More enjoyment than ONE Modern Warfare 2 map pack.

Think about that for a second.....

Plus that patch and free DLC shows that they are committed to the game which is great. The map pack prices have to be reasonable though.

Dan Yo

Only thing that update is missing is a select best host feature rather just selecting the first player in the lobby as host. Leads to more laggy games than there needs to be.

If the new DLC content includes new maps, new achievements, and perhaps even new arenas or challenges for the blitz mode, I will be a very happy man.

More tags wouldn't be too bad either.


Awesome to see them supporting the game. I really like it.

* Fixed players being able to damage the Moneyball’s shields.
This about ruined the game for me.. helping bots get across seemed pointless when people were taking the shields down themselves.
Wait... no sniper nerf? What gives? If they just tuned the dmg down on their grapple and make it so they can only drop one ice mine, I'd be happy.

Mikey Jr.

For some reason, when the game starts, I only feel comfortable fighting on the right side of the arena. Just flows better for me. Anyone else have that? Going left throws me off a bit.
Mikey Jr. said:
For some reason, when the game starts, I only feel comfortable fighting on the right side of the arena. Just flows better for me. Anyone else have that? Going left throws me off a bit.

I'm the opposite. I always end up going to the left. Maybe because I'm left handed. In fact it annoys me because sometimes I tend to forgot there is a whole other side I'm not protecting/attacking on.

Dan Yo

RadicalRad said:
Wait... no sniper nerf? What gives? If they just tuned the dmg down on their grapple and make it so they can only drop one ice mine, I'd be happy.
I agree. Maybe make it so that they have to detonate the freeze remotely rather than have it go off automatically by proximity, or at least make it so that everyone that steps on the ice doesn't just freeze and only the person who was caught in the detonation is frozen. The way things currently are, two snipers can pretty much lock down the entire opposing team in their base on Steel Peel.

Dan Yo

Atomski said:
Awesome to see them supporting the game. I really like it.

This about ruined the game for me.. helping bots get across seemed pointless when people were taking the shields down themselves.
I think overtime would benefit if it just meant that both teams started spawning endless waves of quicker moving jackbots until one team or the other manages to escort them into the opposing team's base. No automatic money ball falling and no juicing at the last second.

Mikey Jr. said:
For some reason, when the game starts, I only feel comfortable fighting on the right side of the arena. Just flows better for me. Anyone else have that? Going left throws me off a bit.

That's because the camera is over the right shoulder. You can see more from that side and use cover more effectively. It will feel more comfortable to you and you have an advantage over any player you meet if you're the one going on the right side and they're going on the left.

Some game offer the ability to switch which shoulder the camera is on by hitting a button or clicking in the stick. They don't have it in this game though. Not a huge deal.
I'm fine with the way OT works where the money ball drops automatically and you don't have to force it to drop.

I'd probably be happy with just turning off the juice machine in overtime or a set amount of time before overtime begins or reducing how quickly a person's juice levels up in overtime. There are a number of possible ways to address the overtime juicing issue without fundamentally changing the nature of how ot works.

The main thing you want to preserve is that any damage done to the moneyball during the game should be important and a factor going into ot. The way it is currently if a team knows how to juice properly it almost doesn't matter at all what the status of the moneyball is going into OT. They can just juice and take certain classes over and kill it.

Dan Yo

Stoney Mason said:
I'm fine with the way OT works where the money ball drops automatically and you don't have to force it to drop.

I'd probably be happy with just turning off the juice machine in overtime or a set amount of time before overtime begins or reducing how quickly a person's juice levels up in overtime. There are another of possible ways to address the overtime juicing issue.
I think the main problem people have with it is overtime is kind of defeating the purpose of the game, which is to escort the bots to the enemy base to take down the shields. If a team can just hold off until overtime and hit the ball without the help of the bots, then it becomes assault, not dota.


Gold Member
Dan Yo said:
I think overtime would benefit if it just meant that both teams started spawning endless waves of quicker moving jackbots until one team or the other manages to escort them into the opposing team's base. No automatic money ball falling and no juicing at the last second.

That's because the camera is over the right shoulder. You can see more from that side and use cover more effectively. You have an advantage over any player you meet if you're the one going on the right side and they're going on the left.

Some game offer the ability to switch which shoulder the camera is on by hitting a button or clicking in the stick. They don't have it in the game though. Not a huge deal.

I disagree, I think the money ball should still fall but make the Juice cost more and adjust the scale of your damage based on your levels. That will help with the people who sit back and try to just accumulate money for the entire match and don't spend a dime.
Dan Yo said:
I think the main problem people have with it is overtime is kind of defeating the purpose of the game, which is to escort the bots to the enemy base to take down the shields. If a team can just hold off until overtime and hit the ball without the help of the bots, then it becomes assault, not dota.

I hear you but my take is this.

I like that OT is relatively quick. I don't want an extended OT period where it just takes forever. That's what the regular 10 minute game is for. If a team can't execute a strategy in that time then that's the cost. It sort of pressures people to get their shit together so you either win before OT or go into OT with a nice lead on the moneyball. Now if somebody wanted to make some changes in regulation time, to make it more likely that it won't go into overtime then I'm all ears, but I like that Monday Night Combat games are roughly 12 minutes at the most. I think fixing a lot of the cheap juicing that occurs right around and before OT would make whatever lead you carried into OT that much more important whether the ball drops immediately or not which is the more important aspect to me. How your team played in regulation time should have some carryover effect into OT even if its minor which currently isn't really the case.

Edit: For what's worth I could see them doing something like you suggested and just offer it in a different playlist. Although that probably wouldn't happen until a sequel.

Mikey Jr.

Dan Yo said:
That's because the camera is over the right shoulder. You can see more from that side and use cover more effectively. It will feel more comfortable to you and you have an advantage over any player you meet if you're the one going on the right side and they're going on the left.

Some game offer the ability to switch which shoulder the camera is on by hitting a button or clicking in the stick. They don't have it in this game though. Not a huge deal.

Ohhh!! Yeah, that makes sense.

Dan Yo

Stoney Mason said:
I hear you but my take is this.

I like that OT is relatively quick. I don't want an extended OT period where it just takes forever. That's what the regular 10 minute game is for. If a team can't execute a strategy in that time then that's the cost. It sort of pressures people to get their shit together so you either win before OT or go into OT with a nice lead on the moneyball. Now if somebody wanted to make some changes in regulation time, to make it more likely that it won't go into overtime then I'm all ears, but I like that Monday Night Combat games are roughly 12 minutes at the most. I think fixing a lot of the cheap juicing that occurs right around and before OT would make whatever lead you carried into OT that much more important whether the ball drops immediately or not which is the more important aspect to me. How your team played in regulation time should have some carryover effect into OT even if its minor which currently isn't really the case.

Edit: For what's worth I could see them doing something like you suggested and just offer it in a different playlist. Although that probably wouldn't happen until a sequel.
Well I just figure that if they spawn a huge amount of quicker moving Jackbots, that overtime shouldn't last much longer than it currently does, but still stays true to the main theme of the game, which is to get your bots to the ball. Overtime in its current state makes the bots pretty much irrelevant in the grand scheme.

I suppose that would make the annihilator the new hot spot for when overtime is beginning, but that could also be disabled for overtime.

I agree though that the simplest solution is probably just to take away the option to buy juice, which would give a team at least some chance to defend from an attacking team in overtime, I just doubt that it would end anywhere near quick enough without the spamming of juice that currently goes on. I could probably make a game last another 10 minutes or more if defending against an attacking team with my gunner if they cannot buy juice.


I'd love to play with some people that actually communicate and work together, anyone interested GT: PetriesLastWord


NeoGAF: my new HOME
Glad they're patching it, but I really wish they'd look harder at some of the tweaks. I don't think all of the core issues with each class have been dealt with and taking away the Assassins ability to cloak while grappling a dude is just fucking crazy. That class is an uphill struggle as it is.
I'd love to see the ball in overtime keep it's shield up to stop juice rushes but keep the flow of jackbots, once someone does lose their shield with jackbots everywhere it's going to be good enough for a take down, much better then just defending for 15 minutes then rushing a dropped ball, juice or not.

That or make the regular matches longer before overtime kicks in, but that will be more prone to quitters who get bored after 25 minutes.


* fixed effects staying on a player after they have worn off
No! My flaming assault :( I really like that glitch, it sucked for assassins tho :lol

Cool soundin patch thought they'd tweak the classes a lil more,( guess they got the

background balancing for that ) glad migrating sounds alot better. Hope they worked on

engine lag as well. Cheers

Edit: @Mcbradders agreed about assassin, they do get less cooldown on missed throws

though. I just rip 90 percent of assassins apart, thought they'd get more buffs, *shrugs*


NeoGAF: my new HOME
Elixist said:
* fixed effects staying on a player after they have worn off
No! My flaming assault :( I really like that glitch, it sucked for assassins tho :lol

Cool soundin patch thought they'd tweak the classes a lil more,( guess they got the

background balancing for that ) glad migrating sounds alot better. Hope they worked on

engine lag as well. Cheers

Edit: @Mcbradders agreed about assassin, they do get less cooldown on missed throws

though. I just rip 90 percent of assassins apart, thought they'd get more buffs, *shrugs*

Same. I've taken to playing the Assassin as a defensive class now as a result with great success... kinda bums me out I can't really be helping so much in the big firefights but whatevs, thats what the Gunner is for :)

Dan Yo

McBradders said:
Glad they're patching it, but I really wish they'd look harder at some of the tweaks. I don't think all of the core issues with each class have been dealt with and taking away the Assassins ability to cloak while grappling a dude is just fucking crazy. That class is an uphill struggle as it is.
Well apparently the assassin can just spam the grapple button more often than she used to, so they will become leagues more annoying than ever before.

I personally think the assassin should have to be playing their part well enough to get the grapple right the first time. If not, then they should be penalized. Not allowed to just jam the button until something connects.

An assassin running with an assault, tank, or gunner will be able to take out just about anybody if there is less or no cooldown on her grapple. She won't even have to remain hidden. Just rush someone with her ridiculous speed and jam the grapple button until she connects.


NeoGAF: my new HOME
Dan Yo said:
Well apparently the assassin can just spam the grapple button more often than she used to, so they will become leagues more annoying than ever before.

I personally think the assassin should have to be playing their part well enough to get the grapple right the first time. If not, then they should be penalized. Not allowed to just jam the button until something connects.

An assassin running with an assault, tank, or gunner will be able to take out just about anybody if there is less or no cooldown on her grapple. She won't even have to remain hidden. Just rush someone with her ridiculous speed and jam the grapple button until she connects.

Most switched on players can already see you coming from a mile off and her one perfect counter-use (against snipers) sees her at a huge disadvantage due to the fucking freeze mine (which might be better once its fixed, I cant say for sure).

Either way, it won't effect my playstyle with the Assassin too much, as I said, I use her as a defensive weapon and let the guys who can take a hit move forward so I will be mostly unaffected by most of her tweaks.
Dan Yo said:
Well I just figure that if they spawn a huge amount of quicker moving Jackbots, that overtime shouldn't last much longer than it currently does, but still stays true to the main theme of the game, which is to get your bots to the ball. Overtime in its current state makes the bots pretty much irrelevant in the grand scheme.

I suppose that would make the annihilator the new hot spot for when overtime is beginning, but that could also be disabled for overtime.

I agree though that the simplest solution is probably just to take away the option to buy juice, which would give a team at least some chance to defend from an attacking team in overtime, I just doubt that it would end anywhere near quick enough without the spamming of juice that currently goes on. I could probably make a game last another 10 minutes or more if defending against an attacking team with my gunner if they cannot buy juice.

There are alot of ways to attack the ot juicing issue but then honestly there are a lot of ot ways to juice which means I have a feeling they aren't going to be able to fix the issue completely on a first attempt.

For example one trick with a support class is when the game starts getting close to OT just start healing robots or turrets and have a juice prepared and ready to go for OT and then rush over and activate it at OT. Being able to store your juice meter and activate it at will, will just have people saving a juice for OT. Some people would call that a smart tactic but I just consider it kind of cheap at least for certain classes as its easier to get it with some classes. I would also like to see them reset your juice meter once the OT starts.

Edit: For what its worth I'll be glad when they patch the connection issues. That's a bigger issue to me. The net code as it shipped was pretty much broken. The host migration literally never works.

Dan Yo

Stoney Mason said:
Edit: For what its worth I'll be glad when they patch the connection issues. That's a bigger issue to me. The net code as it shipped was pretty much broken. The host migration literally never works.
Agreed. The net code actually seems fine as long as the host is adequate. Problem is picking a good host is not a probability in this game since it always picks the first player in the lobby as host rather than the player with the best connection.

Supposedly the new update should offer better hit detection in laggy situations, but I think the game's current method of host selection is just as big of an issue, and I didn't see that listed as one of the fixes.

I'm always disappointed when a p2p online game doesn't employ proper host selection. I have a 40mbps connection speed, so the host should always be someone better than me, if not me. Unfortunately, bad connections will always be prevalent in a game like this without any criteria for host selection.


Subete no aware
Is the game already dead? I just bought it and no one seems to be playing the co-op defense mode.

Unless, of course, like Halo, co-op has no matchmaking?
firehawk12 said:
Is the game already dead? I just bought it and no one seems to be playing the co-op defense mode.

Unless, of course, like Halo, co-op has no matchmaking?

That's because that's mostly a diversion where Crossfire is the real game.
firehawk12 said:
Is the game already dead? I just bought it and no one seems to be playing the co-op defense mode.

Unless, of course, like Halo, co-op has no matchmaking?

I would guess most people play crossfire honestly.


Dan Yo

firehawk12 said:
Is the game already dead? I just bought it and no one seems to be playing the co-op defense mode.
Unfortunately it literally takes less than hour to complete all of the modes in co-op defense, and then most people go on their way and never look back.

I hope some of the new content will have new maps, difficulty challenges, and achievements for that mode because it could really be interesting if it weren't so short and easy.


Subete no aware
Boo, that's lame. The one mode I want to play and no one plays it. Of course, I guess it's my fault for being a month late to an Xbox game.

Maybe it's a game only Americans play, since I can't find a game in Crossfire either.
firehawk12 said:
Boo, that's lame. The one mode I want to play and no one plays it. Of course, I guess it's my fault for being a month late to an Xbox game.

Maybe it's a game only Americans play, since I can't find a game in Crossfire either.

sounds like its a location thing for you then. I can always find crossfire games with very little wait.
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