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Monkey puts his balls on Ps2 and Xbox - more details


The ghost of Dreamcast past
The whole reason SEGA went third party was to not be obligated to a platform. They're no longer in the business of owing any console anything.
sonic4ever said:
First, just becuase a game is Multiplatform doens't mean the controls, graphics or audio would be bad. thier are alot of Multiplatform games that turn out good on all systems.
It often does when you have one less button on the controller, no joystick click and a non-standard button configuration.

I really see where you're coming from, and this isn't even a matter of right or wrong, but I think that the recipie for a truly huge Gamecube title involves a component of this fanboy pride. The way the Nintendo community sticks together creates a really strong network of hive-like opinions and of word of mouth campaigning. Seeing companies like Acclaim, Lucas Arts and Sega fail to follow up on their previous successes is odd.

Drinky Crow said:
So once a game loses its exclusivity to a particular console, it stops being fun to the owners of that console?
It doesn't stop being fun, it just stops being bought. Lord knows a game doesn't have to be fun to have fans (Xenosaga, P.N.03, Blinx).


The ghost of Dreamcast past
their own couldn't sustain them.
Most of their franchises that appeared on all of the platforms sold better on just the Dreamcast than the three other consoles combined. And they didn't have to pay third-party royalties on each unit of those games either. Sustaining a platform with the manufacturing, distributing, and marketing needed was just too costly for them, so they dropped it and went third party to no longer be obligated to one console.


The ghost of Dreamcast past
Sure it was. When they could no longer afford to run a hardware business, they received generous offers from Microsoft to go Xbox exclusive, but they turned them down because they didn't think that limiting themselves to just a fraction of the market again was the best idea.


In exchange for this traitorous conduct, I'd like JSRFx, VF4 Redux, Crazy Taxi 4, Gungrave DX and . . . Shenmue 2+.

I'd buy them dammit.

Dave Long

Drinky Crow said:
The GAMECUBE NINTENDO wasn't exactly special to begin with.

Nice troll! :)

Platform exclusivity generates interest in the platform and most importantly among fans of the platform. If people love to play games with a Wavebird and on those cool little discs rather than on competing consoles, there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. But most important, those fans are going to be infinitely more interested in a game that's only coming to their platform than one that's being ported across the whole spectrum because the marketing is not focused their way on the multiplatform game. The marketing isn't focused at all... it's just another game, not a platform specific event.

Halo 2 would not be generating nearly as much buzz as a multiplatform title as it is as an Xdude exclusive game. It's whipped the fanbois into a frenzy and because it's also a sequel to one of the system's best EXCLUSIVE games, it's got far more interest than it otherwise would. Fable is another great example of platform exclusivity generating far more interest for a game that probably wouldn't get that interest otherwise.

So Sega really misses the boat yet again. I imagine sales of the SMB game on the other consoles will be rather poor because everyone who wanted to play it got a Gamecube to do that for the most part. They're certainly not going to suddenly reach this huge audience they didn't capture before on GAMECUBE NINTENDO. I don't think it's going to drive sales of the second sequel on the Xdude or PS2 either.


M3wThr33 said:
In exchange for this traitorous conduct, I'd like JSRFx, VF4 Redux, Crazy Taxi 4, Gungrave DX and . . . Shenmue 2+.

I'd buy them dammit.
Me too, as well as Shenmue 1+ (with decreased or no loading times !)


I agree that console exclusitivity can be a great benefit to publishers... the capcom 5 was hyped to hell and back, but VJ isn't nearly as coveted by Nintendo fans as it once was. I remember when Soccer Slam was the cock of the walk with Nfans, but died quickly when ports arrived. Same thing happened with God : DAMM

Publishers can have success with multiplatform titles though for just a bit more development costs. Just give each console something exclusive like Link in SCII or the snow level in Splinter Cell for PS2. Note to publishers: connectivity to GBA is neither desired or required and does not fit the criteria.


Will start substantiating his hate

> When they could no longer afford to run a hardware business

That was the cause. Not teaming up with M$ is a seperate issue.


The ghost of Dreamcast past
Not being able to afford a console was the reason for getting out of the hardware business. Not being obligated to a platform was the reason for going third party agnostic as opposed to platform exclusive.


The ghost of Dreamcast past
That is what I said - that SEGA's reason for going third party was to no longer be under obligations. It wasn't clear enough to avoid being confused for an explanation as to why they got out of the hardware business, though.


Every Sega thread can be summed up by 'Sega is stupid'. I like Sega and all, but they are seriously fucktarded. This won't lead to the other exclusives ever being ported, so let''s not go there. This will just lead to some sales on other consoles, les than Sonic Heroes ever got. So for the Xbox that means bomb city. It will create some angry fans on the Gamecube side for not getting 46 extra levels.

I think Sega's way of thinking may be, as in the case of successful Gamecube sales: "Hey we have a hit title here! We should port it!" when reality is the audience responds to Sega games. It is a scenario of a type of game having an audience with that console demographic. Gamecube owners have bought a lot of Sonic ports, Dreamcast ports, old games.

There is, oh punny words, a gaming age to the consoles demographics. Despite the fact the Gamecube is very kid friendly, the Nintendo core of fans gaming age begins back with the 8 bit era. This includes the 16bit era when Sega was actually popular and furthermore their type of games were popular. The playstationg age, or playstation generation comes around during the Saturn years and the Xbox is the youngest, coming fresh off the Dreamcast's death. Sega has supported the youngest gaming age and seen their original works sell like crap. It is very odd to think that at the start of their 3rd party life Sega began by giving Xbox exclusives that were new titles in older genres, while they gave Gamecube two exclusive sports arcade games with monkeyball and then little support towards ps2. I mean seriously, what the hell was the thought proccess?

I just hope, REALLY HOPE that SMB3 being multiplatform won't lead to a lessening of controls on the GC version.
Dave Long said:
Nice troll! :)

Platform exclusivity generates interest in the platform and most importantly among fans of the platform. If people love to play games with a Wavebird and on those cool little discs rather than on competing consoles, there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. But most important, those fans are going to be infinitely more interested in a game that's only coming to their platform than one that's being ported across the whole spectrum because the marketing is not focused their way on the multiplatform game. The marketing isn't focused at all... it's just another game, not a platform specific event.

Halo 2 would not be generating nearly as much buzz as a multiplatform title as it is as an Xdude exclusive game. It's whipped the fanbois into a frenzy and because it's also a sequel to one of the system's best EXCLUSIVE games, it's got far more interest than it otherwise would. Fable is another great example of platform exclusivity generating far more interest for a game that probably wouldn't get that interest otherwise.

So Sega really misses the boat yet again. I imagine sales of the SMB game on the other consoles will be rather poor because everyone who wanted to play it got a Gamecube to do that for the most part. They're certainly not going to suddenly reach this huge audience they didn't capture before on GAMECUBE NINTENDO. I don't think it's going to drive sales of the second sequel on the Xdude or PS2 either.

I understand what you are saying. but nintendo fans can still Play monkey Ball 3 with the wave bird and thier little cool disc. Sega not doing anything that other companies are doing, Viewtful Joe anyone. I guess Gamecube Nintendo Fans don't want to buy Viewtful Joe now becuase it also on the PS2. It is not Sega's Job to create a platform specific event out of thier games any longer, that stopped with the death of the Dreamcast.

Using Halo 2 as a game that is Exclusive game that that will whip the faboys up is the worng game to use in this analogey becuase Halo 2 is a 1st party game. It is it's job to get new players and soldify the current user base. It does the same thing that a Mario and Zelda does for Gamecube or a Grant Turisom game does For sony. Creating Buzz for a system is not Sega's job.

Saying only Gamecube users will buy Monkey Ball dx or 3 is wrong, thier could be many reaosn for some one not getting a Gamecube, and still wanting to get Monkey Ball. For me it was Money and the support that the Gamecube was getting. I had just finished with the Dreamcast, and I was looking for a new system to Buy. I choose the PS2 for the big name Japanese support, I was tired of the small time support that the Dreamcast got. ten I saw Sega Bringing out alot of games I wnated on the x-box, but I couldn't afford the price. So after the price drop this last may, chose the X-box for for the Sega games. As a Long time Sega fan Nintendo Gamecube had less titles that I wanted on their system. Now I do plan to buy a Nintendo Gamecube for the Obscure Sega title. As the example shows a Blank statement, Only Nintendo fans want Monkey ball is wrong.
I don't see the X-Box release of GTA3 and Vice City (with improved graphics) hurting the buzz for GTA:SA.

If a game is good and marketed well, it will sell well. Exclusivity helps the _console_ but not the game.


Ignatz Mouse said:
I don't see the X-Box release of GTA3 and Vice City (with improved graphics) hurting the buzz for GTA:SA.
I don't see the point in comparing brands as different as Monkey Ball and GTA. Scale makes it worthless.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
*Enter GaimeGuy, Nintendo Fanboy*

The reason why people are pissed isn't just because Xbox and Ps2 are getting extra content, but because pretty much ALL worthwhile GC exclusives are ending up getting ported to other consoles, at lower costs, and with extra content to boot. I don't see the GC getting Shenmue or PDO or any of the other games that are exclusive to Ps2/Xbox/both, but I DO see a lot of cases where companies take their so called GC "exclusives" and put them on the GC and Xbox. It gets irritating when devs release these quality exclusives on GC, build them up, then release them on other consoles with extras and at a discount price (see: viewtiful joe), yet you see very little of it happening with other consoles' games being ported to the GC.

That's why I think so many people are pissed.


buck naked said:
It often does when you have one less button on the controller, no joystick click and a non-standard button configuration.

I really see where you're coming from, and this isn't even a matter of right or wrong, but I think that the recipie for a truly huge Gamecube title involves a component of this fanboy pride. The way the Nintendo community sticks together creates a really strong network of hive-like opinions and of word of mouth campaigning. Seeing companies like Acclaim, Lucas Arts and Sega fail to follow up on their previous successes is odd.

It doesn't stop being fun, it just stops being bought. Lord knows a game doesn't have to be fun to have fans (Xenosaga, P.N.03, Blinx).

um, word-of-mouth campaining is key for the success of many games, Nintendo or otherwise.

BTW, what Acclaim? :D
It can be somewhat annoying when you buy the first two games and then a special edition comes out... even if it's on the same system. At the same time, if it gets more people to play the series, I'm cool with that. The games deserve the attention.


GaimeGuy said:
The reason why people are pissed isn't just because Xbox and Ps2 are getting extra content, but because pretty much ALL worthwhile GC exclusives are ending up getting ported to other consoles, at lower costs, and with extra content to boot.
I think the problem there is that Nintendo's less likely to cough up the cash to hold on to exclusives. Royalty incentives only get someone so far, Nintendo should consider actually helping in funding development more (as with The Twin Snakes) or extending incentives overall for publishers. Microsoft will pay through the nose for exclusive games and Sony has the userbase advantage where royalty/advertising incetives make a real difference... Nintendo's in a tight spot comparatively.


ha, my plea to Sega


Why are you making Super Monkey Ball for XBox but you aren't giving Gamecube loyal fans Jet Set Radio Future or Panzer Dragoon Orta or GunValkyrie.

Looks like just like Acclaim did with Turok and Squaresoft with Final Fantasy you want to betray Nintendo fans that were first in line to support your new venture as a 3rd party and call a truce on an old rivalry, but now you're just putting games on PS2 and XBox.

I bought Super Monkey Ball on launch day Sunday back in 2001, and I did is to show my support for Sega after reading how on igncube.com how much Sega liked the Gamecube, but now you've turned your back.

I ask, WHY?!

I wouldn't mind if the other systems got the games also, but you are also giving them EXTRA content, and doing the same with Sonic Mega Collection. Why?

Also, why don't you bring the games on XBox and PS2 to Gamecube like Shinobi and Virtua Fighter.

You really lost my respect and many other Nintendo fans. If you don't believe me got to message boards, and in fact if you change your mind and put games like Panzar Dragoon Orta and Jet Grind Radio (or JSRF) game on Gamecube we'd support you again and buy those games at $50 and not wait for drops in price like fans of the other systems.

Also, I bought a Dreamcast and Sega Saturn AFTER I got a Gamecube and encouraged my Nintendo friends to do the same cause we liked Sega after they gave us Super Monkey Ball and Sonic, but now we might change our minds, but we'd really like an explanation.



M3wThr33 said:
In exchange for this traitorous conduct, I'd like JSRFx, VF4 Redux, Crazy Taxi 4, Gungrave DX and . . . Shenmue 2+.

I'd buy them dammit.

And I'd like Cosmic Smash too ... with 46 new levels. :) Dammit.
efralope said:

Why are you making Super Monkey Ball for XBox but you aren't giving Gamecube loyal fans Jet Set Radio Future or Panzer Dragoon Orta or GunValkyrie.

Looks like just like Acclaim did with Turok and Squaresoft with Final Fantasy you want to betray Nintendo fans that were first in line to support your new venture as a 3rd party and call a truce on an old rivalry, but now you're just putting games on PS2 and XBox.

I bought Super Monkey Ball on launch day Sunday back in 2001, and I did is to show my support for Sega after reading how on igncube.com how much Sega liked the Gamecube, but now you've turned your back.

I ask, WHY?!

I wouldn't mind if the other systems got the games also, but you are also giving them EXTRA content, and doing the same with Sonic Mega Collection. Why?

Also, why don't you bring the games on XBox and PS2 to Gamecube like Shinobi and Virtua Fighter.

You really lost my respect and many other Nintendo fans. If you don't believe me got to message boards, and in fact if you change your mind and put games like Panzar Dragoon Orta and Jet Grind Radio (or JSRF) game on Gamecube we'd support you again and buy those games at $50 and not wait for drops in price like fans of the other systems.

Also, I bought a Dreamcast and Sega Saturn AFTER I got a Gamecube and encouraged my Nintendo friends to do the same cause we liked Sega after they gave us Super Monkey Ball and Sonic, but now we might change our minds, but we'd really like an explanation.


I really doubt such a letter will accomplish anything. Myabe if you worite it out and sent it snail mail, but online letters have very little effect.
jarrod said:
I think the problem there is that Nintendo's less likely to cough up the cash to hold on to exclusives. Royalty incentives only get someone so far, Nintendo should consider actually helping in funding development more (as with The Twin Snakes) or extending incentives overall for publishers. Microsoft will pay through the nose for exclusive games and Sony has the userbase advantage where royalty/advertising incetives make a real difference... Nintendo's in a tight spot comparatively.

Jarrod is correct. In this day and age, you either have to have the monster User base or be willing to give out money to keep an exclusive. this is not like the days of the 16 bit were a game would stay exclusive, though back then Nintendo did have an advantage with a big user base in Japan, and Sega did pay for the develpment for many games from small companies ( treasue, sonic software Planning, ect..). So maybe it hasn't changed that much...
I think the only reaosn Resident Evil is exclusive to Gamecube currently is because it is under contract. I can see after Resident Evil 4 and Capcom has meet thier Obligations to Nintendo, that they will start porting the Resident Evil games to PS2.
Enfralope i really doubt the
"Also, I bought a Dreamcast and Sega Saturn AFTER I got a Gamecube and encouraged my Nintendo friends to do the same cause we liked Sega after they gave us Super Monkey Ball and Sonic, but now we might change our minds, but we'd really like an explanation."
well effect Sega. If anything it shows you were not there to support Sega when they needed it. Also why should Sega care if you bought a Dreamcast or Saturn, they no longer make money from those products.


sonic4ever said:
Enfralope i really doubt the
"Also, I bought a Dreamcast and Sega Saturn AFTER I got a Gamecube and encouraged my Nintendo friends to do the same cause we liked Sega after they gave us Super Monkey Ball and Sonic, but now we might change our minds, but we'd really like an explanation."
well effect Sega. If anything it shows you were not there to support Sega when they needed it. Also why should Sega care if you bought a Dreamcast or Saturn, they no longer make money from those products.

Well, the Dreamcast was still in stores (got one for $50), and I wanted to try out a lot of their major titles like JGR, Sonic, and Seaman. They should care because they really converted a lot of Nintendo fans and becoming a SEGA fan was a natural fit. Just like the Jet Set and Panzar series would be a natural fit on GCN...

well, I was going to get the Dreamcast before (when they had the black sports special edition one, I'm a sucker for "Special Edition" stuff, but they shipped a limited amount, but then I lost interest when I never found it, and they didn't make any other special edtion after that).

At $50 thought, I was pretty excited to play games that I'd heard about (since E3 '00) like Jet Grind Radio.

I feel in love with the game, and in '02, it was one of my most played games... I left my GCN at home that semester (spring '02) and just played GCN at demo kiosks, like Smash Bros, etc..., but back in my dorm room, I was a JGR addict, I showed it off to people and some guy even liked it even thought all he played was the training.

After Sega gave the franchise to Microsoft, I was going to get it once I got an XBox (actually, I own a sealed copy of the game), but after seeing their plan of getting all their Cube games on other systems but XBox/PS2 games not on Cube, I started to change my attitude.

I really wish them success, but their tactics don't really make sense. Panzar Dragoon Orta on a system where PC-type games are what mostly sells?

Even Billy Hatcher outsold Panzar Dragoon Orta, with a much smaller advertising campaign. I'll still get their game when I get an Xbox, but I'd buy them much faster if they were on GCN....
efralope said:
Well, the Dreamcast was still in stores (got one for $50), and I wanted to try out a lot of their major titles like JGR, Sonic, and Seaman. They should care because they really converted a lot of Nintendo fans and becoming a SEGA fan was a natural fit. Just like the Jet Set and Panzar series would be a natural fit on GCN...

well, I was going to get the Dreamcast before (when they had the black sports special edition one, I'm a sucker for "Special Edition" stuff, but they shipped a limited amount, but then I lost interest when I never found it, and they didn't make any other special edtion after that).

At $50 thought, I was pretty excited to play games that I'd heard about (since E3 '00) like Jet Grind Radio.

I feel in love with the game, and in '02, it was one of my most played games... I left my GCN at home that semester (spring '02) and just played GCN at demo kiosks, like Smash Bros, etc..., but back in my dorm room, I was a JGR addict, I showed it off to people and some guy even liked it even thought all he played was the training.

After Sega gave the franchise to Microsoft, I was going to get it once I got an XBox (actually, I own a sealed copy of the game), but after seeing their plan of getting all their Cube games on other systems but XBox/PS2 games not on Cube, I started to change my attitude.

I really wish them success, but their tactics don't really make sense. Panzar Dragoon Orta on a system where PC-type games are what mostly sells?

Even Billy Hatcher outsold Panzar Dragoon Orta, with a much smaller advertising campaign. I'll still get their game when I get an Xbox, but I'd buy them much faster if they were on GCN....

Yes Sega should go more multiplatform. I know people are boing and hissing at Sega, but I believe this is a start of more of thier Multiplatform Port. So, thier is hope. I understand what the Nintendo fans are going through, having gone through both the saturn and dreamcast 3rd party situation. I guess Nintendo Fans are leaning that this buisness is not as fair as it should be.


I wish Amusement Vision would port Daytona 2 and Scud Race to Xbox and Gamecube.

(Outrun 2 bonus tracks aside)


sonic4ever said:
I guess Nintendo Fans are leaning that this buisness is not as fair as it should be.

actually they're learning quite the opposite, if Nintendo doesn't want to pay for exclusivity a publisher is free to put their game wherever they want, this isn't like the past when Nintendo unfairly force exclusivity onto any 3rd party game that appeared on their consoles
Link316 said:
actually they're learning quite the opposite, if Nintendo doesn't want to pay for exclusivity a publisher is free to put their game wherever they want, this isn't like the past when Nintendo unfairly force exclusivity onto any 3rd party game that appeared on their consoles

Ypu are correct about Nintendo's past actions with 3rd parties, but i was refering more to Nintendo fans are seeing how other fans were treated Fans of consoles that are not top dog and are not as important to the industry. When you are 3rd and even second, companies tend to overlook you. Nintendo fans had it good till now. with N64 it was nintedo's fault that they had such small 3rd party on the machine. Just think, if Nintendo had gone with cds instead of cartridges then everything would be differnt, but Nintendo had also control the media that ran on thier systems, and becuase of that they are 3rd.
If, by this time, you own a Gamecube and nothing else, you don't DESERVE games.

Fuckin' SUCK IT UP and BUY A PS2. Or an Xbox. I don't care. Just kill your fandom and shut up.
Drinky Crow said:
So once a game loses its exclusivity to a particular console, it stops being fun to the owners of that console? If that's the case, make everything multiplatform and drive those fucking losers to a new hobby.


Best post in this entire discussion.

Whats the big deal though?

Look,just find a means to own all the current gaming consoles and youre problem is solved. Maybe sell some old games and createstore credit,buy the systems used,stop eating Taco Bell so often,I dunno ..just do the old fashioned thing and *save* the cash and pretty soon this meaningless moaning will stop. Hell rent the game and go to a friends house if the game must be played even,there are ways to enjoy the software if you try to look at it the right way.

If not then forget it-its as if some of you almost love to be tortured by what these gaming companies do next.


The Amiga Brotherhood
I've been out the loop of Monkey-related news the last few weeks. Has Monkey Ball 3 been officially confirmed anywhere, or are we still basing our hope on the Banana Crazy/LAN rumour from aaaaages ago, and/or the assumption that Sega porting 1 & 2 now actually means something ... ?

Really don't care where Monkey Ball 1 & 2 end up, I just want to know that the long-overdue Monkey Ball 3 actually exists.

Show me the monkeys!
neptunes said:
why are people getting angry?

well the only thing that sucks is instead of making a sequel like they should be, Sega's going the cheap port route instead. Once the PS2 and Xbox ports flop it'll be the end of Super Monkey Ball.
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