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Monkey puts his balls on Ps2 and Xbox - more details


The ghost of Dreamcast past
They can't officially confirm it until they're ready to start the media exposure, but another original game in the Super Monkey Ball series is of course planned. You can't always take it for granted with every series, but you can for successful brands like this.


As you know, Sega is slowy ditching Nintendo, even though it's been it's most friendly supporter for it's Japanese titles...

my plea to Sega


Why are you making Super Monkey Ball for XBox but you aren't giving Gamecube loyal fans Jet Set Radio Future or Panzer Dragoon Orta or GunValkyrie.

Looks like just like Acclaim did with Turok and Squaresoft with Final Fantasy you want to betray Nintendo fans that were first in line to support your new venture as a 3rd party and call a truce on an old rivalry, but now you're just putting games on PS2 and XBox.

I bought Super Monkey Ball on launch day Sunday back in 2001, and I did is to show my support for Sega after reading how on igncube.com how much Sega liked the Gamecube, but now you've turned your back.

I ask, WHY?!

I wouldn't mind if the other systems got the games also, but you are also giving them EXTRA content, and doing the same with Sonic Mega Collection. Why?

Also, why don't you bring the games on XBox and PS2 to Gamecube like Shinobi and Virtua Fighter.

You really lost my respect and many other Nintendo fans. If you don't believe me got to message boards, and in fact if you change your mind and put games like Panzar Dragoon Orta and Jet Grind Radio (or JSRF) game on Gamecube we'd support you again and buy those games at $50 and not wait for drops in price like fans of the other systems.

Also, I bought a Dreamcast and Sega Saturn AFTER I got a Gamecube and encouraged my Nintendo friends to do the same cause we liked Sega after they gave us Super Monkey Ball and Sonic, but now we might change our minds, but we'd really like an explanation.


then I get this reply:

Dear Mr. *****,

Thank you for e-mailing Sega Technical Support.

The console manufacturers advise Sega which games they want made for
their customers. We honor their advise.

Information about future Sega game releases is shown at our web site.

Just go to www.sega.com and select Sega of America. Future releases
are given by Title, by the Platform, and by the ESRB (rating).

Please visit this site frequently to get the most current information
about Sega and Sega games!

Sega of America Technical Support

this was actually a second e-mail, the first one was an automated or quick response one I think, and it told me if I wanted a specific response, I'd have to respond to that e-mail, but surprisingly, they responded anyway...

I wonder if Nintendo knows that it can advise Sega as to what games it wants on it's system...

"we honor their advise", yeah right, more like "we honor their moneyhats, in the form of endless 30-second ads on MTV and Comedy Central"...


The Amiga Brotherhood
I fear that despite Monkey Ball's success, if we were going to see a Monkey Ball 3 it would have happened by now. Rather than releasing the ports to build up momentum for a 3rd game, I think this may just be a way of getting a last bit of money out of the series. The fact it is out-sourced implies that as well. Monkey Ball 2 is already 2 years old, the momentum has gone out of the series, despite it still having some hardcore fans. I don't think an Easter 2005 release of Monkey Ball Deluxe will breathe much life into the series, let alone encourage them to release Monkey Ball 3.

I'd like to be proven wrong of course, but I'm fed up of waiting for a game that I really want but just don't think exists. Out of all Sega's console titles, I think Phantasy Star series is the only one that's safe in Sammy's hands :(
Somebody needs to beat it into the fanboys heads that companies don't owe you anything, especially not thrid parties.

While they haven't really done anything wrong, it is kinda karma/funny how after all the crowing on about Sonic Adventure, Sonic Mega Collection and SMB doing so well on GC as the evidence that Sega should support GC more, Sega's response has been to make the next Sonic game multiplatform and do enhanced ports of SMC and SMB for PS2 and Xbox.

To be honest I do think Sega need to go more mulitplatform (it's just unfortunate for Nintendo fans that it's been previously GC exclusive titles that are getting ported around). Outrun2 possibly, depending on how much of its viability is reliant on Live play. Given how well Aklaim's crappy Crazy Taxi ports did on PS2 and GC Sega should be doing something with the franchise on those systems. The 'Shining' games? Rpgs don't really tend to get ported that much but I think there is a case for also putting them on GC, maybe have GC Shining Force IV link up with GBA Shining Force II. Virtua Fighter, to be honest I'm not so sure, I think the ship may have sailed on that one for this gen.
Why are you making Super Monkey Ball for XBox but you aren't giving Gamecube loyal fans Jet Set Radio Future or Panzer Dragoon Orta or GunValkyrie.

Looks like just like Acclaim did with Turok and Squaresoft with Final Fantasy you want to betray Nintendo fans that were first in line to support your new venture as a 3rd party and call a truce on an old rivalry, but now you're just putting games on PS2 and XBox.

I bought Super Monkey Ball on launch day Sunday back in 2001, and I did is to show my support for Sega after reading how on igncube.com how much Sega liked the Gamecube, but now you've turned your back.

I ask, WHY?!

I wouldn't mind if the other systems got the games also, but you are also giving them EXTRA content, and doing the same with Sonic Mega Collection. Why?

Also, why don't you bring the games on XBox and PS2 to Gamecube like Shinobi and Virtua Fighter.

You really lost my respect and many other Nintendo fans. If you don't believe me got to message boards, and in fact if you change your mind and put games like Panzar Dragoon Orta and Jet Grind Radio (or JSRF) game on Gamecube we'd support you again and buy those games at $50 and not wait for drops in price like fans of the other systems.

Also, I bought a Dreamcast and Sega Saturn AFTER I got a Gamecube and encouraged my Nintendo friends to do the same cause we liked Sega after they gave us Super Monkey Ball and Sonic, but now we might change our minds, but we'd really like an explanation.


Jesus Christ you people are a bunch of whiny bitches. Sometimes I wonder how you ladies are able to function in every day society.
norinrad21 said:
And who came back crying?

Judging by Nintendo's diminishing market share and the fanboys clamouring for any glimmer of a new SquareEnix game on the GC.

Unless you are going by the rumours regarding Square not being allowed a GBA license, which they desparately wanted to stem their massive losses after the movie, unless they ponied up some GC support, which as was pointed out many times, without any Nintendo fans ever paying attention, would have been an illegal move by Nintendo (and don't you think it's strange that many other developers not giving Nintendo GC support were still granted GBA licenses, Enix being most predominant). Throw in that by the time Square on the GC and GBA was official, nevermind when they actually got around to releasing anything, the success of both FFX and KH had set Square well on the road back to good financial health, which would only be furthered by the merger with Enix and that Square have not exactly been flooding the GBA with the expected quick SNES ports (what's Final Fantasy I+II, their fourth/fifth game in 18 months?), and the whole Nintendo fanboy wishful theory of Square crawling back on their knees looks slightly shaky.


Also, I bought a Dreamcast and Sega Saturn AFTER I got a Gamecube and encouraged my Nintendo friends to do the same cause we liked Sega after they gave us Super Monkey Ball and Sonic, but now we might change our minds, but we'd really like an explanation.
efralope said:
Also, I bought a Dreamcast and Sega Saturn AFTER I got a Gamecube and encouraged my Nintendo friends to do the same cause we liked Sega after they gave us Super Monkey Ball and Sonic, but now we might change our minds, but we'd really like an explanation.

What. The. Fuck.

That is SO wrong on so many levels.. I can't believe someone actually wrote/thinks like that. SEGA doesn't owe you SHIT. This is some of the worst fanboyism I've ever seen on the GAF, just ridiculous. Btw, where the fuck where you when Saturn and DC launched?

You don't even deserve to play Super Monkey Ball.

You only own a Gamecube, you only deserve to play what you bought the system for: Nintendo games. Buy a Ps2 or Xbox if you really want to play 3rd party games.

Don't ever again say or even think SEGA owes you jack shit, you weren't even around to support their systems. End of story. Oh, and somebody save this thread, this has got to be one of the worst displays of Nfanaticism I've ever witnessed, you guys are babies.
jarrod said:
I don't see the point in comparing brands as different as Monkey Ball and GTA. Scale makes it worthless.

Translation-- "The one concrete counterexample to an argument that has no basis in fact (or even examples put forth) does not count."


PanopticBlue said:
What. The. Fuck.

That is SO wrong on so many levels.. I can't believe someone actually wrote/thinks like that. SEGA doesn't owe you SHIT. This is some of the worst fanboyism I've ever seen on the GAF, just ridiculous. Btw, where the fuck where you when Saturn and DC launched?

You don't even deserve to play Super Monkey Ball.

You only own a Gamecube, you only deserve to play what you bought the system for: Nintendo games. Buy a Ps2 or Xbox if you really want to play 3rd party games.

Don't ever again say or even think SEGA owes you jack shit, you weren't even around to support their systems. End of story. Oh, and somebody save this thread, this has got to be one of the worst displays of Nfanaticism I've ever witnessed, you guys are babies.

Worst IGN mods > All GAF mods.
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