Non-specific advice, but doing the [Advanced] Double Trouble quest and breaking as many of Ian's/Los' parts before completion (the tails, specifically) is the easiest to get drops from, including the Marrow.demonkaze said:Today is turning out pretty great. Finally got my dragongem, HR31 so i can do elite quests now and only need two rath marrows to make the new lance. Talking of the marrows, where's the best place to get them, and is there a higher chance for them to drop?
Aarrr, and I'm so loath to do another Jhen run! >:Idemonkaze said:Finally got my dragongem,
You'll find it out once the urgent quest shows up.Londa said:someone asked me if I needed the urgent quest? I have no idea how to find this out. can anyone tell me?
demonkaze said:How rare are Agnaktor Claws, i've fought like around 10 of them and only have 1 claw.
slaughterking said:Aarrr, and I'm so loath to do another Jhen run! >:I
Bisnic said:I've been looking at weapons on the wiki website of Monster Hunter, and they have 2 differtent sharpness bars, how do you get the sharpness from the 2nd bar?
I think I recall reading that the rathian plate is a 3% carve from a rathian tail.Hiltz said:Still trying to get rathian plate.
Killed 2 of em and captured another.
Finish the wyvern egg level 4 quest.
Just need to slay Lagiacrus.
Neo C. said:Finally ready for the urgent quest. Will do it tomorrow evening.![]()
Londa said:how do I get a fishing rod?
Um, try setting up DMZ for the wiis.Schmitty said:So why is playing online with my friend such a chore? We keep getting the processing error. Anyone know what's going on?
Why does everything on the Wii always make me mess with my router for it to work?Lonely1 said:Um, try setting up DMZ for the wiis.
Well, I remember I had some problems, until I changed the broadcast Channel to 6. Got no problems since. or you can go wiredSchmitty said:Why does everything on the Wii always make me mess with my router for it to work?
Londa said:ok, I got my first Urgent quest, anyone up for helping me?
anyone see that message from Capcom?
PounchEnvy said:Firecell stones! Where can I get them? Online?
Me too! edit: aww room is full.Kard8p3 said:Sure, I'll help, and what message?
That's kind of vague... Or is it one of those things where if you have to ask then you're not there yet.Kard8p3 said:volcano, high rank.
PounchEnvy said:That's kind of vague... Or is it one of those things where if you have to ask then you're not there yet.
I just quit college because I'm going to change career, and this whole week has been also pure Monster Hunter bliss.. except for that plate...Apenheul said:So I had vacation for a week and I spent it ALL on Monster Hunter Tri, more than nine hours a day. Can't remember the last time I was so hooked. Today was the last day of my MHTri week and I did a runthrough of almost every monster I've met so far. Great Jaggi, Qurupeco, Royal Ludroth, Great Baggi, Barroth, Rathian, Rathalos, Lagiacrus, Gobul, Diablos and Jehn Mohran gained me five HR in one day. A vacation well spent!
Boney said:I just quit college because I'm going to change career, and this whole week has been also pure Monster Hunter bliss.. except for that plate...
Boney said:I just quit college because I'm going to change career, and this whole week has been also pure Monster Hunter bliss.. except for that plate...
blackflag said:I got my Rathian plate on my first kill. Rathalos is paying me back though because his just won't drop.
Dreavus said:I just fought an Agnaktor twice in a row offline, and on the second hunt he was HUGE. I knew monsters came in different sizes but I didn't think it would make such a dramatic difference. I never noticed it until this fight.