Alright I decided on going with Agnaktor armor for my lancer because it suits me more. Now that I got my lovely Agnaktor set I notice something. It has a negative ability called Short Sprinter which makes running drain Stamina much faster. Ugh, but I'll cope. It also has this skill I'm ambivalent towards:
Flaming Aura. The skill causes monsters to react as if you are holding a torch. "Oh gee, this sounds like it would be a nice skill to have." So far these are the reactions I have gotten:
Giggi - Don't try to jump on you. Not very useful.
Melynx - Do not attack you unless you hit them, just like Felynes. Useful because I hate my shock traps being stolen
Bnahabra - I have become the victim of a plague of biblical proportions. If you are playing with me and I'm using a lance, take comfort in knowing that the Bnahabra will make a
bee line (eh, eh?) straight for me. Oh, Diablos is enraged and about to charge me? No problem let me just put up my shie--- ZZZT is the sound of me being paralyzed by a Bnahabra that exact moment.
So 1 positive result so far and 1 negative. Having to weight these I would say FUCK BNAHABRA but I'm not wasting a slot to remove this ability unless there are more negative monster reactions.
Hawkian said:
Nope, still need two wyvern claws.
I dunno what you mean by (fwoosh edit) "at this point."

Just beat Gobul offline.
:lol Are you on right now? I'll give you the Wyvern Claw so I can finally see you in your Rathian glory