Sammy Samusu
Plus version?sprsk said:Jtv and I are going to be on in about 15 minutes or so, anyone down for some rathian plate runs?
Plus version?sprsk said:Jtv and I are going to be on in about 15 minutes or so, anyone down for some rathian plate runs?
sprsk said:Hey come back!
Oxx said:Just encountered Barroth for the first time. Didn't last long.
Is it time to retire the S&S and go for something more powerful?
I'll be there, I want to gain as many HRP as I can (still HR11)euro stalker said:anny euro players want to join tonight ?
i will open a room around 20.00 (my time GMT +01.00).
low level quest's, my HR is 8
Oxx said:Just encountered Barroth for the first time. Didn't last long.
Is it time to retire the S&S and go for something more powerful?
sprsk said:Jtv and I are going to be on in about 15 minutes or so, anyone down for some rathian plate runs?
Not sure if I can make it. Perhaps a bit later.euro stalker said:anny euro players want to join tonight ?
i will open a room around 20.00 (my time GMT +01.00).
low level quest's, my HR is 8
Oxx said:Just encountered Barroth for the first time. Didn't last long.
Is it time to retire the S&S and go for something more powerful?
john tv said:I got one too.Good games tonight -- thanks for the help!
PusherT said:Just went on my Nintendo channel to check gaming playing time I logged in 216 hrs on MH 3 already on 18 log ins. Got a few all night play session on it. Still haven't hit HR 50 either (46)![]()
sprsk actually got one as well. Total win -- I got my Rathian plate, you guys got your maws, and we kicked Diablos's ass too.Kyoufu said:Poor sprsk lol
Yeah we had really good games. We made Diablos look easier than Rathian who *cough* managed to actually kill us *cough*
Beaulieu said:wtf
so your average session is 12 hours long ?
that cannot be good for you man.
I had to kill more than 50 Rathalos to get mine.. I even had better armor at the time, but I just had to get it. I now proudly wear my Rathalos set, even though I really should change it.Hawkian said::lol grats on getting your plates guys. I wonder if anyone has claimed my record for number of attempts it took to get one.
I am really loving the armor and my new gun, though.
Boney said:I had to kill more than 50 Rathalos to get mine
markatisu said:S&S does the job it just takes longer
Oxx said:Longer than 50 minutes if my last attempt was anything to go by.
I went from S&S to a Ludroth Splashhammer for that quest. One of my favorite weapons hands down (especially once upgraded to a Vodanoy).markatisu said:Don't worry you will get there. You could always use some traps to get him stuck and wail on him that way. But you will still be cutting it close
Have you tried switching to the hammer or lance? if all that is going on is you are running out time (and not dying) then maybe temp changing up your weapon would help you past the quest
markatisu said:Don't worry you will get there. You could always use some traps to get him stuck and wail on him that way. But you will still be cutting it close
Have you tried switching to the hammer or lance? if all that is going on is you are running out time (and not dying) then maybe temp changing up your weapon would help you past the quest
Leezard said:So I just did the Rathian + Rathalos Urgent. I got 2 Rathian Plates, one from her tail and one from quest rewards. Too bad I already have the Rathian set. :lol No sign of a Rathalos one though. Does the Rathian+ set use Plates as well? I probably got all I ever need of em right now.
edit: one more is needed for the +chest. Oh well, guess I won't have to worry about that one at least.
Neo C. said:We made a Royal-Ludroth-marathon, killed 4 (or 5?) of them within minutes.:lol
My first great Baggy online, too.
Oh, nice. I better take a look at it.demonkaze said:There are also some weapons that use the plate, such as the Red Bludgeon+ (Hammer).
You see now why I´m so bitter about it. I hate silly drop rates in games, and my luck sucks when it comes to it. So yeah.Hawkian said:holy god. that's just torturous
Dude... Don't! just don't waste your time on that. Seriously.SYNTAX182 said:Damn Rathalos, give me your damn plate already, you dragonfaced asshole!
I think the game has something against me. Maybe I didn't pass Capcom's test huh..gotee12 said:Rathian Plate!!!
slaughterking said:Great games, dsister and Fistwell!
Our session pushed me in the three digit play time.
Boney said:Dude... Don't! just don't waste your time on that. Seriously.
It took 6 kills and 1 capture. And 1 more kill after the plate to the get the last talon I was needing. I did keep that goofy looking jaggi mask on the entire time, if that's any consolation.Boney said:I think the game has something against me. Maybe I didn't pass Capcom's test huh..
Well some people seem to be lucky enough to get them fairly quickly. But I learned it the hard way, no more looking specifically for rare loot. If it drops nice, if it doesn't tough luck.SYNTAX182 said:Ahk. Okay, okay. I don't want to get burnt out on the game. You win this time Rathalos but I will be back. roggle roggle
I need that bitches horn. 2 of em in fact.john tv said:sprsk actually got one as well. Total win -- I got my Rathian plate, you guys got your maws, and we kicked Diablos's ass too.![]()
gotee12 said:And now my Rath armor is complete. Gotta say, it's not as cool looking as I'd hoped. It'sgemmed to the high heavens though...low-level
L00P said:Man, I just had the best Lagiacrus run ever. I broke his chest, I broke his back, I broke his face, flipped him over three times, and I didn't even bother to use any potions. What do I get from the rewards? Three horns, a couple of shell shockers, a plate and a bunch of other parts. Completed the armor set in no time! That was also my only Lagiacrus run today! Really glad I had that Crazy Lucky Cat status![]()