Anything that have the word 'Worn' after appraised are good weapons.Dreavus said:What is the deal with these ancient/rusted shards? I've probably collected about 10+ rusted shards during my MH career and around 3 ancient shards total. What is the chance that they'll be something useful (ie. a rusted sword/lance/whatever). Mine all turn out to be junk weapons. =/
No problemo dude, now it's my turn!Nayishiki said:Great hunts everyone. Thanks for the help with my 5* Urgent.
Here are some of my top-tier mixed armors in the japanese version. You see, they still looks good!bigdaddygamebot said:This would be great.
I'm big on uniformity.
Nayishiki said:Great hunts everyone. Thanks for the help with my 5* Urgent.
Try not to this time as well! Wish us luck guys!Nicktals said:I was getting sick of seeing that 50 under your stats.![]()
Congrats dude, glad I didn't die too much.
markatisu said:Rotated another member out, need 1 more to fill the room (GAF Server City 3)
Schuelma if you are on come to our room
schuelma said:I would love to, but alas it is time for bed. I'm such an old man! I'll be on this weekend though if you are still doing 2 star stuff.
I'm coming. Hopefully, I'm not too late D:markatisu said:OK, yeah still doing 2 star stuff. I am trying to get my HR up so I can move on to 3*
If you let me know about when you are going to be on I can hop online this weekend and get some stuff done
Still need 1 more in our room tonight
Kad5 said:Thanks for helping me with the Barroth urgent quest guys.
I love playing this game with GAF.![]()
Bisnic said:Oh god, it's the 1st time i see a Rathian joining the fight on the "The Omen" offline quest, which is just fighting Rathalos in an unstable zone. All i saw up until now was Great Jaggis and Quru, but the damn Rathian just keep following Rathalos!! And whenever Rathalos is separate from Rathian, if he roar, Rathian will come.
Fighting 2 of these in the same zone sure is challenging.
nacire said:Yet so much fun!
Hey guys, it was great fun! Soneet, sorry you had to put up with the infernal duo's antics. I thought it was hilarious however how they left, we started cussing them out, then one came back, we kept cussing them out. And only THEN we noticed he was back.Soneet said:Great games Faust & Selenae! Sorry for some of my hammer hits, haven't played with one in quite some time![]()
Yeah, having a gunner makes it easier, more room and less clusterfudge. He was wrecking all sort of shit up too! I dont know what kind of explosive shot that was but he kept getting us openings by making los twitch! Delicious!windfish said:yeah i dont mind getting hit now and then, its just part of the mechanic and we owned rathalos so much today it was just fun (and always is, playing in a carring and capable team).
Playing with Hunter as a Gunner was helping too since there was no other swordsman hacking and slashing around los feet and hitting each other!
oh and btw iam serious we should try to take on JOE in the near future!! Don't stop believin'!!! ;D
I'm using it and it's great. I didn't want a big huge keyboard so this tiny one was perfect for me. I use it for my PC too (but it's only good for chatting because some of the keys are weird so it's not good if you want to actually work/program with it).Mafro said:Thinking about getting that Logitech Wii USB keyboard for this. Is it worth it? does anyone else have it?
Mafro said:Thinking about getting that Logitech Wii USB keyboard for this. Is it worth it? does anyone else have it?
Mafro said:Thanks. Just ordered it, should have it tomorrow.
Sweet you got the PAL one upSoneet said:I postponed the personalized banner, but this is quite usable I think? I'll be online 5 minutes.
I am online now! Send me a message in-game or warp to me.
EU - HJHKPB - Shin (Soneet)
Not on the list? Add yourself in this thread.
The official GAF server is: Recruiting / Wisdom 1 / Gate 40
oracrest said:Ridley, I bad networked stabilidied out of the server last night, but good hunt.
Not had a chance to propely use it yet. Used it briefly once and the audio quality was a bit disappointing.Oxx said:Have you been using your Wii Speak at all?
Do I need to do anything to active my Wii Speak ? Got the device, but not sure how to use it.
I am having problem with my Wii right now (couldn't read any Wii game disc, but able to read GC game disc), so I need to have it repaired before I can play MH3 some more and get online with it.
apujanata said:Asked this question in the community thread, but wanted to ask this here (since this one seem to be much more alive, and hopefully can give me answer faster)
markatisu said:I think you have to install the Wii Speak channel if you want to tweak it outside MH, but MHTri will detect it automatically once you start the game. You will see it light up blue and you can configure the settings some once in the game
It comes with a code to download the Wii Speak Channel. You can configure the settings in that, but I'm not sure if that's just the settings for the channel, or the games that use it as well.apujanata said:Asked this question in the community thread, but wanted to ask this here (since this one seem to be much more alive, and hopefully can give me answer faster)
So, I have a funny John TV story.Kyoufu said:John TV gets all the good shit...
Lance Bone Path said:So, I have a funny John TV story.
He doesn't have cool drinks and he's mining up on the rock bridge the veggie elder hangs out on. He mentions this, but probably figures that he'll use potions to recover his health.
I'm in the area and offer him a cool drink. He's probably doing the spamming the default action button thing that most gatherers do and accepts the cool drink without realizing it. It doesn't occur to me that he didn't notice.
Several seconds later he realizes he has a cool drink and doesn't have any idea how it ended up in his item bag. He's praising the HR god that gives him the rare drops that he takes from Kyoufu.
I didn't manage to magicially give to John a tuna bait I got from the veggie elder, though.
Yeah sorry I disappeared before saying goodbye, the game froze on me when I went to sit down for a meal :/Luigiv said:Cheers for the help Soneet, Mafro, Faust and Apenheul. Hope to hunt with you guys again soon.