Sammy Samusu
Wow, it's really hard to find a good Jhen team, people just don't know how to kill it. It's like 30min for nothing.
Hawkian said:I'm about to start using LS, and using it in multiplayer. Please give me tips and not other stuff?
Mr_Appleby said:all weapons are annoying in the hands of an idiot.
That's a tiny bit off. Keeping your gauge up but not using spirit combos is totally useless. You don't get the attack boost unless you land the finishing move.Alex said:1.) Be aggressive, get your gauge up and keep it up with consistent attacks. Look into Fast Charge when you can
2.) Learn to use the Evasion sweep when necessary. It builds the greatest block of spirit can allows you to fade in the direction of your choice, it'll also chain off of multiple minions if you have some around to swat.
3.) Don't bunch together if you plan on using your spirit combo to build a gauge. Take advantage of the mad reach it gets. Properly planned you can get a gauge off of an unattackable situation just from the sheer range of the strike.
4.) Don't always feel obligated to use your spirit combo. Just link together a standard combo if it's not a good place to be, especially at maximum spirit, only the sweep of the spirit combo has any real AP hike over your typical.
The L. sword was a bit iffy in MHFU, but now it keeps fairly even pace with everything else. Just learn the offbits of it and don't knock your pals down
And avoid the GameFAQs angst from it, you'll really know it when you see it. (See above)
ivysaur12 said:Any tips for Barroth? I feel like I'm spending more time evading than attacking. I beat it once, but I wasn't leading.
That's a ridiculous answer on so many levels. I started writing a long ass reply, but i'll just drop it. This discussion is not going anywhere constructive.Soneet said:If it's the 3rd swing of the triple pound, then it's not my fault![]()
imprecise! said:If fatalita is a gaffer, sorry for the disconnects. I guess my wireless is having a bad night or something.
That's just how Barroth goes--he's a big fucking spaz. Staying near his feet and his front left side to avoid tail swipes helps, but he never really calms down until he's tired. Just wait til you fight a Barioth.
Anyone?PounchEnvy said:So what's a good High Rank Razor Sharp w/ Razor Sharp+ armor combo with good defense? I've been trying to think of one but there are just too many variables for me to take into account right now. :lol
PounchEnvy said:Anyone?
Mafro said:Did that quest earlier. It caught me by surprise and I fainted once :lol
Yeah, I'm on for some more action tonight. You spelled Bosch just right.dsister44 said:hey Mafro, and hey Bosch (sp?) last night was really fun, mini uraguanns are awesome! You guys up for more hunting tonight? just need 1 more jaw and then ill be able to make an awesome uraguuan/barioth armour combo![]()
i'll probs be on from around 8, that good with you guys?
Remfin said:But if you already have your GS out, what do you use? The sweep is (AFAIK) the fastest swing from that position, so if you don't know when the monster is going to move again it's a good move to start with...
Mafro said:Oh, and what do you guys recommend upgrading my Tough Break switch axe to? The red path that gives the attack bonus, or the yellow that gives +15% affinity?
Expect to feel like that for the first 20 hours or so. And then once in a while after 60 hours. :lolTheLastCandle said:Just got this game last night! Played for about 3 hours. So far it's really fun, but is it normal to be completely overwhelmed at first?
This is my first MH game, so I'm getting used to it, but like I said... really digging it!
Boney said:Every time I can, I send you flying. It feels so good.
Sammy Samusu said:Wow, it's really hard to find a good Jhen team, people just don't know how to kill it. It's like 30min for nothing.
Alex said:Not really unless you're some GameFAQs hugging tart
Alex said:But If you're still playing all around exclusion on it, you're kind of being an ass.
Alex said:Trying to pull out the "WUTS THE BENEFIT HURF" is so stupid.
Alex said:Don't rage at others because Narutofan69 kept knocking you over with sweeps.
Alex said:so please don't drop an angst bomb on me like the GameFAQs base.
Alex said:And avoid the GameFAQs angst from it, you'll really know it when you see it. (See above)
Wait, seriously? Or... sarcasm? Because when someone triple pounds it's usually aimed for the head and when another players runs right into the 3rd strike of the triple pound (near the head) which is takes about 4-5 seconds to get started on the same spot (so clearly visible to the other players...) then it's not like it should be the Hammer user's fault..?Fistwell said:That's a ridiculous answer on so many levels. I started writing a long ass reply, but i'll just drop it. This discussion is not going anywhere constructive.
If you're lucky someone in your team (or yourself) has a charm that gives +10 perceptive. That unlocks the skill "Capture Guru". This skill will show when a monster is ready for capture by paintballing them and checking when the dot is flashing yellow/pink. If you don't have this skill you can get it from decorations or armor parts. Without the skill, you need to judge from the monster's movements. There are lots of hints. Some get slower. Some rage at 1 hit. When they flee. When everything is broken. But it's still easier with the skill, so I really recommend that if you plan on capturing a lot.rayner said:Got to HR 6 last night... and I realize that I stink at capturing monsters. Is there a guide or something I can learn how to capture a monster. I managed to Capture a Great Jaggi, I used the suggestions from the Guild lady when I did that quest, but I've been trying to capture a Royal Ludroth and I was in a group of 4... we got him injured and he's retreating and I laid down the Trap and put 3 Tranq Bombs in the bastard and nothing and literally 2 mins later we killed him by accident :-(
I'm at work and really want to know the best method to Capture a monster... how to make traps, all the necessary equipment. I know that a Bomb Casing + Tranqulizer = Tranq Bomb. Where can I find / make Shock EX Traps? How many times do we have to tranq the fucker before he's captured? Anyone out there that's a decent Trapper could you help me out![]()
Shock traps are thunderbugs + trap tools. Monsters take two tranq bombs to go down, it's just a matter of making sure you're trapping after they're limping, and actually hitting them with the tranqs.rayner said:Got to HR 6 last night... and I realize that I stink at capturing monsters. Is there a guide or something I can learn how to capture a monster. I managed to Capture a Great Jaggi, I used the suggestions from the Guild lady when I did that quest, but I've been trying to capture a Royal Ludroth and I was in a group of 4... we got him injured and he's retreating and I laid down the Trap and put 3 Tranq Bombs in the bastard and nothing and literally 2 mins later we killed him by accident :-(
I'm at work and really want to know the best method to Capture a monster... how to make traps, all the necessary equipment. I know that a Bomb Casing + Tranqulizer = Tranq Bomb. Where can I find / make Shock EX Traps? How many times do we have to tranq the fucker before he's captured? Anyone out there that's a decent Trapper could you help me out![]()
botticus said:Expect to feel like that for the first 20 hours or so. And then once in a while after 60 hours. :lol
botticus said:Shock traps are thunderbugs + trap tools. Monsters take two tranq bombs to go down, it's just a matter of making sure you're trapping after they're limping, and actually hitting them with the tranqs.
Soneet said:If you're lucky someone in your team (or yourself) has a charm that gives +10 perceptive. That unlocks the skill "Capture Guru". This skill will show when a monster is ready for capture by paintballing them and checking when the dot is flashing yellow/pink. If you don't have this skill you can get it from decorations or armor parts. Without the skill, you need to judge from the monster's movements. There are lots of hints. Some get slower. Some rage at 1 hit. When they flee. When everything is broken. But it's still easier with the skill, so I really recommend that if you plan on capturing a lot.
When a monster is ready for capture, throw 2 tranqs to capture. I usually throw a 3rd one too when I'm guessing but so far I haven't seen any monster that needed 3 tranqs when it's capturable according to the skill.
Pitfall traps can't be used underwater and are made with Trap Tool + Net. A Net is made from Spiderweb + Ivy.
Shock traps are made from Trap Tools + Thunderbug.
Limp = capture, always. Maybe not when a Qurupeco heals... but that I've never seen yet >_<rayner said:Thanx, I'll make some Shock Trap EX when I get home. So say we injure the monster and he limps away to another area, we pound on it a little, he looks like it gets staggered... we lay a trap and tranq'em. That's not the right method? I have to wait until it limps away again? I seriously need that skill that informs you when a monster is "captureable" just so I can practice and see it's behavior when we can trap it so I can do it without the skill.
rayner said:I'm at work and really want to know the best method to Capture a monster... how to make traps, all the necessary equipment. I know that a Bomb Casing + Tranqulizer = Tranq Bomb. Where can I find / make Shock EX Traps? How many times do we have to tranq the fucker before he's captured? Anyone out there that's a decent Trapper could you help me out![]()
rayner said:Thanx, I'll make some Shock Trap EX when I get home. So say we injure the monster and he limps away to another area, we pound on it a little, he looks like it gets staggered... we lay a trap and tranq'em. That's not the right method? I have to wait until it limps away again? I seriously need that skill that informs you when a monster is "captureable" just so I can practice and see it's behavior when we can trap it so I can do it without the skill.
selig said:Taking the chance to ask: What is the best way to defeat Jhen Morahn? What I keep doing at the moment is: Spam cannon, hop onto his back and destroy the 2 targets, spam cannon. THen final showdown, I run up to him and keep hitting one of his legs.
Once he limps once, he's ready. I think the only time this doesn't apply is if he runs away and for whatever reason you don't go after him right away and he has time to sleep - unless someone corrects me, I think that will start to restore health.rayner said:Thanx, I'll make some Shock Trap EX when I get home. So say we injure the monster and he limps away to another area, we pound on it a little, he looks like it gets staggered... we lay a trap and tranq'em. That's not the right method? I have to wait until it limps away again? I seriously need that skill that informs you when a monster is "captureable" just so I can practice and see it's behavior when we can trap it so I can do it without the skill.
botticus said:Once he limps once, he's ready. I think the only time this doesn't apply is if he runs away and for whatever reason you don't go after him right away and he has time to sleep - unless someone corrects me, I think that will start to restore health.
rayner said:Thanx, I'll make some Shock Trap EX when I get home. So say we injure the monster and he limps away to another area, we pound on it a little, he looks like it gets staggered... we lay a trap and tranq'em. That's not the right method? I have to wait until it limps away again? I seriously need that skill that informs you when a monster is "captureable" just so I can practice and see it's behavior when we can trap it so I can do it without the skill.
There's a bit of irony in that sentence....JudgeN said:Wow, way to much unnecessary hate on the long sword. Its a great weapon on big/chunky monsters (use hammer for smaller stuff) and all you really have to remember is it call "LONG" sword. You don't have to be right next to the monsters to hit, once your able to judge the reach of your sword vs the monsters I generally always go for the tail/butt and spirit combo there while hammer/SnS/GS/lance users are in the front. I can do a full spirit combo and hit no one, but its not always the LS fault that people get it and its retarded to blame him only. Its a team game and if your team mates are going to do stupid shit like get right next to the LS user and start attack then there going to get hit. Why should I be to blame for that?
Soneet said:Limp = capture, always. Maybe not when a Qurupeco heals... but that I've never seen yet >_<
Kyoufu said:It doesn't need to limp. The monster just needs to be at a certain % of health to be captured, which is some time before it will limp.
So for example, if a monster has 20% hp left, it'll be ready to capture, but at 10% it will start limping.
As my favourite saying goes: TRAP IT and CAP IT!
rayner said:Thanx everyone, so once it limps away and not sleeping it's good to TRAP IT and CAP IT! :lol Does it require only 2 Tranq bombs or 2 Tranq Shots? Or are the Tranq shots less effective? I've had numerous failed attemps at capture and I'm getting a little discouraged with those quests... or the spoils that capturing offers.
Hey anyone wanna HR Gind with a lowly HR 6 ~ 5pm EST?![]()
I found the 'combination list' at the Monster Hunter Wiki really helpful for finding out what combos create what. If i had more time I'd experiment but I like having the list - printed it outrayner said:I'm at work and really want to know the best method to Capture a monster... how to make tra ps, all the necessary equipment. I know that a Bomb Casing + Tranqulizer = Tranq Bomb. Where can I find / make Shock EX Traps? How many times do we have to tranq the fucker before he's captured? Anyone out there that's a decent Trapper could you help me out![]()
Infinite Justice said:That's great and all but how the fuck your supposed to know when it has 20%?
Not everyone is gonna constantly calculate your damage output and stuff.
Infinite Justice said:That's great and all but how the fuck your supposed to know when it has 20%?
Not everyone is gonna constantly calculate damage output and stuff.
Why do i find this current argument weird since i'm using the 2 weapons being talked about (Long Sword and Currently Hammer) :lol
john tv said:Hey guys -- I need Mohran Shells; are those easier to get from the normal "Repel Jhen Mohran" quest, or are they easier to get from the high level "Slay or repel Jhen Mohran" quest? Anyone have any ideas?
EDIT: Kyoufu -- up for some Jhen runs? Or baby Uragaan?
I got them a lot from the 3* quest Festival of Fear, none of those event quests. They should be easiest to get there since you have a low-level Jhen yet you can kill him.john tv said:Hey guys -- I need Mohran Shells; are those easier to get from the normal "Repel Jhen Mohran" quest, or are they easier to get from the high level "Slay or repel Jhen Mohran" quest? Anyone have any ideas?
Kyoufu said:I was just stating the difference between limping and being ready to be captured. Unless you know how much time it usually takes for your group to weaken a monster then you'll be using visual cues like limping as a guide to TRAP IT and CAP IT!
Leezard said:Either you use Capture Guru or you just wait for it to limp. If you have capture guru you will notice it doesn''t need to limp, but without that armor skill you will have no chance in judging it.
julls said:I found the 'combination list' at the Monster Hunter Wiki really helpful for finding out what combos create what. If i had more time I'd experiment but I like having the list - printed it out![]()
rayner said:I've been using the wiki and I should really print out the Combination List when I get home... can't view it at work ( blocked ) That's why I post on NeoGaf... for some reason it's not blocked at workFor those Capture missions they should give you more traps and tranqs, I mean they are necessary to complete the quest.