Sounds like the next MH needs a village shrink. :lolPounchEnvy said:Got two Ian plates during a cap quest. One from a sparkle and the other from a tail carve. But I died twice.I don't know Lance. Whenever I play with you I seem to do horribly. :lol
I'm not saying you're bad luck but I sort of focus too much on not dieing when I'm hunting with you rather than on the monster. :lol
So basically I try not to die when I hunt with you since I always seem to die when hunting with you, only to die because of that.
>_> I'm weird. Maybe I should stop caring so much. :lol
john tv said:Sounds like the next MH needs a village shrink. :lol
I'll be on soon after Chuck! I still need a rust lance.markatisu said:BOOOO I just found a group to help me with my Baby Uragaan hunts and the damn server goes wonky and boots me out
markatisu said:BOOOO I just found a group to help me with my Baby Uragaan hunts and the damn server goes wonky and boots me out
sillymonkey321 said:hmmm i wonder if that was you i was with. Were you with an Alice? We did end up killing it
I got six rust shards that quest and they were all iron weapons. Double boo.
Thanks for helping me as well! It was an amazing fight with the top-left clock still pointing straight to the rightsillymonkey321 said:Thanks nayi, ace, and haruka for getting me through Alatreon.
Yes - the same thing happened to me as I did that quest as soon as it became available. He's not too bad offline in the Deserted Isle, as there's plenty of room to manoeuvre, but he's an utter nightmare in the tight channels of the Flooded Forest.botticus said:My Lagi urgent popped up when I was a couple thousand away from HR18, and my 3* quests haven't unlocked after taking him down (ugh, I am not looking forward to that fight offline). Will they open up once I get the last 1600 HRP?
I love that about it- I was the same with Rathian. I first met her when a Qurupeco called her before I had access to any Rathian quests. She utterly pounded me in the wyvern nest area of Deserted Isle. Now we have a jolly old time when she calls around.julls said:What I love is how a few days ago I was horrified by the sight of one, but now I'll run up and start swinging away with no fear. That kind of game I guess - a real sense of accomplishment once you learn a monster.
Tenbatsu said:Try wearing these 2 skills 'Capture Expert + Luck' when you activated Ultra Lucky Cat/Lucky Cat.
rayner said:I beat the Royal Ludroth last night with the help of a few randoms online, and literally 1 minute before he died I died... and I ran like a mo-fo to area 6 and got one carve outta him... I made 2 pieces of Armor with the rewards, and I still need to get a King's Frill to complete my Rhino Armor... won't use it most likely. I actually like collecting complete sets of Bowguns + Armors... I can organize them pretty well in my Item Box. I'll start mixin' and matchin' soon... once I am able to make a decent ammount of Jewels.
How do I acquire Charms?
Rhino armour is pretty good against Barroth in the beginning (Negates Mud/Snow).rayner said:I beat the Royal Ludroth last night with the help of a few randoms online, and literally 1 minute before he died I died... and I ran like a mo-fo to area 6 and got one carve outta him... I made 2 pieces of Armor with the rewards, and I still need to get a King's Frill to complete my Rhino Armor... won't use it most likely. I actually like collecting complete sets of Bowguns + Armors... I can organize them pretty well in my Item Box. I'll start mixin' and matchin' soon... once I am able to make a decent ammount of Jewels.
How do I acquire Charms?
I randomly got a handful of charms from one Baggi capture quest last night, thought that was odd.dsister44 said:charms turn up as quest rewards, different quests give you different chances of getting charms but i dont think you can get a charm from just any quest
Haunted said:Rhino armour is pretty good against Barroth in the beginning (Negates Mud/Snow).
Either mine them at the volcano, or do some event missions, those usually give charms.
rayner said:I beat the Royal Ludroth last night with the help of a few randoms online, and literally 1 minute before he died I died... and I ran like a mo-fo to area 6 and got one carve outta him... I made 2 pieces of Armor with the rewards, and I still need to get a King's Frill to complete my Rhino Armor... won't use it most likely. I actually like collecting complete sets of Bowguns + Armors... I can organize them pretty well in my Item Box. I'll start mixin' and matchin' soon... once I am able to make a decent ammount of Jewels.
How do I acquire Charms?
DragonGirl said:Maaannn, I'm going to have to break my embargo on Monster Hunter this week because I really want to hunt a mini-Uragaan.
Edit: Meh, and while I'm here, I need advice for soloing Diablos. I've tried taking the thing down multiple times and always run out of time. This includes trapping and bombing the bajeezus out of it.
DragonGirl said:Maaannn, I'm going to have to break my embargo on Monster Hunter this week because I really want to hunt a mini-Uragaan.
Edit: Meh, and while I'm here, I need advice for soloing Diablos. I've tried taking the thing down multiple times and always run out of time. This includes trapping and bombing the bajeezus out of it.
dsister44 said:do you use sonic bombs when it dives into the ground? also what weapon are you using?
The online quest is similar - soloable, and you don't have to unsheathe your weapon once (unless you do subquest B, which I find takes too much time). Just got to load up on stamina and make sure you know how to avoid the Rathian that wants to spoil your day.Syril said:I got a bunch from the quest offline to get Wyvern Eggs.
selig said:ffs, did the Qurupeco-quest for elite-hunters, and suddenly...a monster appears that ive never seen. "Scanned" it and...Deviljho. Wow, im scared by that guy. Looks like Roland Emmerich´s Godzilla.
explodet said:The online quest is similar - soloable, and you don't have to unsheathe your weapon once (unless you do subquest B, which I find takes too much time). Just got to load up on stamina and make sure you know how to avoid the Rathian that wants to spoil your day.
I do that one if I need some cash (10K zenny) and you get a bunch of charms to boot. You just have to finish the Urgent 1* quest to access it.
The one I'm talking about is the online quest called "Wyvern Conservation" - it's 3 eggs, in the Deserted Island / Moga Woods. A Rathian shows up a few minutes after you start the quest. Paintballing her to keep track of her is recommended.rayner said:Wait... is this the quest where you have to just transport 2 Eggs in the Sandy Plains?
explodet said:The one I'm talking about is the online quest called "Wyvern Conservation" - it's 3 eggs, in the Deserted Island / Moga Woods. A Rathian shows up a few minutes after you start the quest. Paintballing her to keep track of her is recommended.
The 2 eggs in the Sandy Plains is offline, called "Herbivore Egg Hunt!"
Ridley327 said:I can assure you that it takes a lot more than a volley of missiles to take Joe down. We had him show up in a Rathian hunt last night and we got right the hell out of there and sort of hoped he'd soften the Ian up a bit.
I think some heavy guns let you block, but don't quote me on that, my gunner is in its infancy.rayner said:Cool, thanx... so far I have like 34 hours of play and only found 2 Charms... one with Auto-Block +10 and One with Ice Res +5. I'd like something with a decent skill, does a Gunner even benefit from Auto-Block?
explodet said:I think some heavy guns let you block, but don't quote me on that, my gunner is in its infancy.
I do play a Switch Axe user though, and when I had the auto-block charm on, it was greyed out because SA's can't block. So you're better off looking for another charm. I believe the offline versions have them as rewards too, you just don't get as many when you finish.
explodet said:I'm about 60 hours in and only just last night started messing around with charms, I was loaded down with them though. They sort by rarity and not by skill so it was time consuming to weed out all the redundant and useless ones.
My favourite charm is Evasion +5 / Flame Aura -10 on my Qurupeco set, free evasion level with no downside.
Took on an Uragaan last night, brought my water hammer and I was totally credit to team. It's good that he's so big I couldn't NOT hit him. Barioth was fun too, although with that sucker we got tired of trying to kill him because he's so bouncy, and when he was limping I tranqed his ass just to save time.
selig said:aside from amount of hp, is he really that hard? i mean, we didnt start fighting him, but he didnt look that dangerous in terms of attacks.
explodet said:Looking at it, looks like if you collect +10 Rapid Fire you get Bonus Shot, which means you get to fire 4 shots instead of 3. Check the Gun list on the wiki to see which guns rapid fire which ammo.
You'll probably have to make some decorations in order to get enough points, sometimes points on charms can be real stingy.
I'm upKyoufu said:Sprsk and John TV: hath Galaxy 2 consumed you both?
Need to farm some Agnaktors!
I was thinking about posting about how that quest wentjohn tv said:Sounds like the next MH needs a village shrink. :lol
I understand this is from your perspective, but what I'm seeing here is someone who's hoping for a teammate to be killed, only cares if he himself can hit the monster and someone who ends the quest early without asking anyone. Am I right? Do you play with a Long Sword too perhaps?Lance Bone Path said:I was thinking about posting about how that quest went.
Basically I went online with the thought that I would make some easy money doing easy quests because I was almost broke. I end up posting a capture ian quest since I'm the only one with an ian quest.
During the quest, I start to feel discouraged since somehow everyone keeps getting way spread out so ian is spending easily 70% of its time too far for me to attack. I secretly hope that someone will die so that the percentage goes down to near 50%. ian does a tail flip and someone dies.
Finally, I feel like I'm getting some attacks in. We take off the tail.
Back to fighting it with three people and we're all spread out, but this time it's raging. Someone gets caught in ian's fire blast attack. He dies. It's almost capturable, so I'm not concerned.
A little while later, we're back to three people again. Ian's capturable and calmed down. I lay down a trap and wait, standing right behind the trap. Should be an easy capture.
The other two join me, but someone is standing way too far to the side. Ian charges that person and misses the trap by an entire body width. Ian then flies off. In my mind's eye, I see the quest ending in failure as a raged ian charges someone laying down a trap.
I head back to base camp and do the "end via subquest". When the quest is done, I see that I've about broken even on money.
Sometimes I hope that people get knocked out of commission, but I've only acted on that impulse once. I feel mildly guilty about that, but i'm not sure you would understand unless you've been stagger locked by someone spamming lv. 1 akantor bow shots from behind you at an ioprey while you were being charged by a gravios.Soneet said:I understand this is from your perspective, but what I'm seeing here is someone who's hoping for a teammate to be killed, only cares if he himself can hit the monster and someone who ends the quest early without asking anyone. Am I right? Do you play with a Long Sword too perhaps?