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Monster Hunter 3 Tri |OT| Animal Cruelty Made Fun


The Cryptarch's Bane
Dragona Akehi said:
You know, I play as a GS/LS user, and you're a jerk. You (and people like you) are the reason I only play with friends online.

And I've never hit a single one of my allies. Ever.

Yes. Let's be friends?


You know, after beating up on Ludroth, Barroth, Rathian, and whatever else, it's nice to go take on Lagiacrus in the Flooded Forest and realize you still have no idea what you're doing in the game. I mean, what the hell. I figure I'll beat the single player portion after playing online for a few hundred hours.


Nicktals said:
Meh, not worth it.

Hoping to get on and have fun hunting for the first time in a week or so!
Oh nick you're back! Nice to see that! Hopefully we'll get some hunts today.
Soneet said:
People like me? What? What kind of people?

You don't even know me!

When I play, I do it for fun. I occasionally help lower HR's, I like healing teammates and support weapons are my favorite types if I'm not practicing a weapon type. In what way am I a jerk huh? For not liking people who are inconsiderate to teammates? That makes me a jerk?!

However, in a discussion board I thought it would be okay to discuss on popular abused weapons and ways to improve playing styles for the team.

But I guess I can't voice my opinion without LS fans jumping on me. Gawd. You don't see hammer users jump on people who say that superpounding is annoying. In fact, people will agree that abusing that move is a bad thing.

And that "I've never hit a single one of my allies. Ever."... sounds cool, but we all know that's just nonsense. Don't exaggerate like that because it makes no sense.

No, you've had an ongoing bitchfest about the "right way" to play certain weapons, sweeping generalisations of players who use the "taboo" weapons and generally been an elitist jerk about things. It's kept people from the thread (and not only me). It's certainly not conducive to discussion at all.

As for hitting my allies, you don't know me then. I've yet to send someone flying in all my time playing MHF2 and now Tri. It happens to me a lot with my friend with the Switch Axe, but I don't care.
does anybody else have connection problems ? i am on euro server.
never had any problems until tonight little icon on the top of my screen.
can someone shed some light on this ?


euro stalker said:
does anybody else have connection problems ? i am on euro server.
never had any problems until tonight little icon on the top of my screen.
can someone shed some light on this ?

It means the cat who builds decorations or whatever is ready with something.

EDIT: So, I had very different experiences tonight, including my worst one yet. First, I went into an alatreon room. Worst monster hunter experience yet. People were looking at my skills and refusing to start a quest until I changed into the armor/gems HE demanded. Granted, my armor/weapons were all fucked up, but it was my highest defense, and I didn't feel like messing around with stuff at the moment. But really, he (one person in particular) was just being a complete ass about it. I guess I should look on the bright side, that it was my first bad experience like that in the lobby.

So, I left. Got into another alatreon room, with the same exact goal (break horns). The people were cool, nice, and I think we accomplished everything both rooms were trying to do, which was break the horns/wings. And when I fucked up, they were cool about it.

So, first room (won't mention names), that sucked. Second room (znarf, Haruka, and a name that starts with an O), thanks for the hunts.


Hopefully, I'll have everything figured out tonight with my temporary setup so that I'll be hunting online once again. All I really need to do is figure out the keyboard situation.


Ridley327 said:
Hopefully, I'll have everything figured out tonight with my temporary setup so that I'll be hunting online once again. All I really need to do is figure out the keyboard situation.
I just unplug my computer's one.
markatisu said:
I think after playing Barrioth to the point of ad naseum memorization I can honestly say he is a bitch monster and always cheats :lol

I have at least managed to stay alive in a group against him but goddamn sometimes he is not even near me and I register getting hit by his fucking tail

See, for me, I guess I know the snow enemies well enough to avoid most (read...MOST) of there cheap attacks. My bane is Lagi...everytime, whether online or off, I ALWAYS get messed up badly at least a few times, mostly from electric mode/ tail slashing as well...

Perhaps it's just nothing big =p


Well, I figured out my keyboard situation, so expect that I should be on later tonight for a go at completing 4* and a run at level 40! Do not be surprised if I can't read your typing very well, though; my PC monitor does a super crappy job of upscaling 480p content, so I'm at its mercy. :lol


Dragona Akehi said:
No, you've had an ongoing bitchfest about the "right way" to play certain weapons, sweeping generalisations of players who use the "taboo" weapons and generally been an elitist jerk about things. It's kept people from the thread (and not only me). It's certainly not conducive to discussion at all.

As for hitting my allies, you don't know me then. I've yet to send someone flying in all my time playing MHF2 and now Tri. It happens to me a lot with my friend with the Switch Axe, but I don't care.
My posts were never that severe, so stop using a straw man argument.

Great that you've never sent someone flying, but that wasn't what you were originally saying. You said you never hit a single one of your allies, ever. Tripping someone also falls under hitting. You're gonna tell me that you've never tripped someone either? Because I'll definitely believe you that you've never sent someone flying with a Long Sword...

If there's nothing left here except to rage on me for not liking LS spirit spammers, then just drop it.

I don't care what you say, I haven't been an elitist jerk about this subject and I've tried to explain what I meant every time. I wasn't inconsistent either.


Boney said:
I just unplug my computer's one.
I bring my keyboard and bluetooth adapter home from work everyday. And yes, it's as inconvenient as it sounds. But worth it!

Holy crap, Barroth+ armor might turn Lagi into a cakewalk offline with more than double the defense of my upgraded set. I guess I know who I'm farming in addition to Quru+.

I am online now! Send me a message in-game or warp to me.
NA - Q7TGUV - Botticus (botticus) - HR32

Not on the list? Add yourself in this thread.

The official GAF server is: Recruiting / Wisdom 1 / Gate 40

I have no idea what the HR18` goal means, but hopefully it implies I'm looking for people HR18+. But if not, it's all good!


botticus said:
I bring my keyboard and bluetooth adapter home from work everyday. And yes, it's as inconvenient as it sounds. But worth it!
Well it is better than playing on the floor and getting savagely bitten in the fingers by your dog, who also likes to step in the keyboard in the worst moments. So yeah, I can see it's worth it.


Hawkian said:
Diablos made me feel like a noob again yesterday, after beating him like 8 times already :lol

Yeah, I was 0 for 2 last night. didn't die myself, but he was tough, and we took him all the way to his cave each time, only to fail at the last few minutes. Still fun fighting him though, I got some good rolling dodge practice in.

some more fanarts I came across:



and for you Colossus fans...



Just glanced through some posts and discovered the importance of hunters etiquette during the attack. I've been sent flying many times, probably threw a few others clear of the wreck too...I just thought it was funny. Usually when I'm knocked aside by another it's for my own good, gives me a chance ot heal, sharpen or whatever. I've played with some random person using an LS, I just tried not to get in the way.

I might add it was a female character sporting what I think is Gigginox armor???? Not sure...it was black, really badass...I never wanted to be a female character more lol. I use an SW...I try not to hit anyone, but we're all attacking like mad.

I think the worst thing I did...we were fighting a Barroth, it was a looooong battle...when we were collecting the goods from his carcass I finished with an uppity kick, accidentally kicking a teammate in the shin. lol oh gawd, I felt terrible...I said sorry...but it was still kinda funny :p


Wow, some people take this stuff serious!
I'm new to the series myself and loved playing with rookies because I ddidn't have to deal with the snobish types.
Unfortunately, I've recently exceeded HR30 and greatly miss my old haunt since I feel like I'm back at square one.

Anyway, I consider most of my play with randoms to be quite productive and my entire friend list is populated by players I met that way.
Especially early on, I've sent people flying a few times and have been sent flying but it hasn't really bothered me.
As a GS user, I love playing with LS users since their faster combos allow them to take opportunities I can't take anyway.

I haven't really been following up on the GAF server thing for this very reason.
I bought the game while not even knowing what to expect and I've been gradually getting the hang of it.
I didn't want to deal with irritable series veterans who might be numerous on GAF.
Maybe if there's a GAF noobs subgroup, I'll check it out.


Diffense said:
Wow, some people take this stuff serious!
I'm new to the series myself and loved playing with rookies because I ddidn't have to deal with the snobish types.
Unfortunately, I've recently exceeded HR30 and greatly miss my old haunt since I feel like I'm back at square one.

Anyway, I consider most of my play with randoms to be quite productive and my entire friend list is populated by players I met that way.
Especially early on, I've sent people flying a few times and have been sent flying but it hasn't really bothered me.
As a GS user, I love playing with LS users since their faster combos allow them to take opportunities I can't take anyway.

I haven't really been following up on the GAF server thing for this very reason.
I bought the game while not even knowing what to expect and I've been gradually getting the hang of it.
I didn't want to deal with irritable series veterans who might be numerous on GAF.
Maybe if there's a GAF noobs subgroup, I'll check it out.
Dude I haven't played with a guy like that never. Almost everybody helps low rank guys and nobody worries about shit like that. So come by the gaf server!


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Diffense said:
I haven't really been following up on the GAF server thing for this very reason.
I bought the game while not even knowing what to expect and I've been gradually getting the hang of it.
I didn't want to deal with irritable series veterans who might be numerous on GAF.
Maybe if there's a GAF noobs subgroup, I'll check it out.

Everyone I've played with on gaf has been great. Seriously. People at like HR50 taking time to help me with low level Lagi and stuff- actively trying to help me level up.

No complaints from me.


I play almost exclusively on the GAF server and it's highly recommended. I've had one bad experience, and that was during the really unusual Jhen quest, everyone else I've played with, whether GAF or random has been fantastic.

I don't always want to hunt low-rank Barroth or Quru, but people helped me with them so I'm happy to help others.


Sounds like there is a lot of awesome feedback from GAF server.
I may just pop in. My experiences online have been mostly good as well.


Great hunts, gang; it feels good to be back!

My ghetto-rigged setup that I'm using while my TV is busted works pretty well. The moral of this story? Never part with expensive component-to-VGA converter boxes, even when you're 99% sure you'll never need to use it again. :D


I don't have anything negative to say about GAF players on MHTri.

Randoms though...oh god. I hate it when suddenly some random person joins, runs to the clerk, posts a quest and expects you to help him complete it. Have the fucking decency to ask what we are planning on doing next before you dump your expectations on us! It is especially annoying when 3 of us have decided that we're going to do Alatreon. So we prepare all the supplies we need and then some random dude posts a quest to get his 3 fire cell stones. :lol

Thankfully GAF does not do this. <3


RuneFactoryFanboy said:
Question mostly for Tenbatsu but if anyone else can help feel free.

Look like my prayers have been awnsered, at least somewhat. Somebody translated a bit of the MH3 Skill Simulator look!

So first thing I do is throw in Sharpness+1 and Focus. It then gives me only a few choices when I think is something to do with charms, I right click one of those choices and picked the first option, then it gives me a whole list of combinations.

My question is, see the red circled part? Is this weapon slots? I love using the best weapon for the job on different hunts so if at all possible I do not want to rely on any weapon to have this skill set. I set it it to the 5th option and clicked search agian, and it returned no results. I try the 4th which I assume is 1 slot, nothing. I chose 2 slots, nothing. Only 3 slots is giving me results.

EDIT: Ok I know I'm doing something wrong because when I put in something simple like Sharpness+1 and Attack Up (L) it returns me 0 results.
That is the weapon slot. Let's say if you want to use a weapon with 2 slots then you just select 2 slots there and see if the skills you wanted is achievable. From your print screen, you input a charm of Handicraft +3 1 slot. I wonder if the half translated program is working properly? Sharpness+1 and Focus without charms will result in a lot of combinations.


RuneFactoryFanboy said:
HG Earplugs
Demonic Protection (there a different way to remove this with only a 1 slot wep?)

Jhen+ Kote, Vangis Coil, Ceadeus+ Helm, Mail, and Greaves should get you almost every thing you need. The only thing left is a talisman w/hearing+3 or fastcharge+4 and socket the armor w/2 fastcharge gems or fastcharge and hearing gems.


Ridley327 said:
Great hunts, gang; it feels good to be back!

My ghetto-rigged setup that I'm using while my TV is busted works pretty well. The moral of this story? Never part with expensive component-to-VGA converter boxes, even when you're 99% sure you'll never need to use it again. :D
You just missed out on Joe. He has awesome music. And he gave me a workout. Hit me once from behind when I ran out of stamina. :lol


The only thing Joe's theme is missing a chorus of singers screaming out YOU ARE FUCKED in whatever gobbledygook language they speak in MonHun Land. If Ceadeus is good enough to have singers, certainly Joe is as well!
Kyoufu said:
I don't have anything negative to say about GAF players on MHTri.

Randoms though...oh god. I hate it when suddenly some random person joins, runs to the clerk, posts a quest and expects you to help him complete it. Have the fucking decency to ask what we are planning on doing next before you dump your expectations on us! It is especially annoying when 3 of us have decided that we're going to do Alatreon. So we prepare all the supplies we need and then some random dude posts a quest to get his 3 fire cell stones. :lol

Thankfully GAF does not do this. <3

Oo that gets on my nerves.

My friend and I will make a room in recruiting - goal: lagi everyone welcome, etc etc. Or something like that, you know? Someone pops up and begs us to help him with qurupeco or barroth ;__;


Completed my Alatreon urgent! Thanks Boney, Nayishki, and Nicktals.

edit: I can't believe I used to dislike Bari weapons.


What do you guys think are the prospects of this game having a viable community in 4-6 months in the NA region?

john tv

Kyoufu said:
I don't have anything negative to say about GAF players on MHTri.

Randoms though...oh god. I hate it when suddenly some random person joins, runs to the clerk, posts a quest and expects you to help him complete it. Have the fucking decency to ask what we are planning on doing next before you dump your expectations on us! It is especially annoying when 3 of us have decided that we're going to do Alatreon. So we prepare all the supplies we need and then some random dude posts a quest to get his 3 fire cell stones. :lol

Thankfully GAF does not do this. <3
QFT. I wouldn't be playing the game if not for GAF. (or I'd just play the JP ver, where pretty much everyone is nice)

Was out today and will be out tomorrow as well, but hope to get some time in with you guys this weekend!
So I guess I always miss you guys..I am HR38 atm. I play about daily. I have never met a bad random in the NA version.

Anyways...I am just trying to figure out what set to get for + and wondering if there is an IRC channel? I saw the one in online but I couldn't connect to it.


sazzy said:
What do you guys think are the prospects of this game having a viable community in 4-6 months in the NA region?

MH1 had a fairly active community until Capcom shut the servers down back in 2007. I really wouldn't worry too much about it.


Well, I tried to solo Quru+ after my partner had another DC right as we were getting into the hunt, but I guess it's not that easy. At least I busted his flints so I got something out of the deal; too much time wasted running away from Diablos, I think.

Sorry I left you in the empty room Khory, I will be around this weekend for plenty of hunting
Kyoufu said:
I don't have anything negative to say about GAF players on MHTri.

Randoms though...oh god. I hate it when suddenly some random person joins, runs to the clerk, posts a quest and expects you to help him complete it.

oh geez those people. we had some guy the other night come in to our room - which was well buried on the emptiest of open servers and tagged 'playing w friends' - and though we were fairly clear that we were only doing the Diablos+Uru event he starts insisting we help him with his jhen moran. Being friendly people we took the time out to give it a shot, even though he was already fucking up our event runs.

He proceeds to faint, and faint, and then starts telling us he's got no potions left. So i give him all my potions, he eats them all, tells us he's out again, then runs in to start wailing on jhen without a care in the world. you can guess how that ended.

not played with any gaffers though, in aussie timezone and euro gaf server is always empty when i'm on.


Funny enough, I had low, low expectations of Monster Hunter when the GAP program informed me that it was the next game being sent out for testing since the previous game was Resident Evil Outbreak, which as many of you know is kinda shitty. I had heard from other people that the Auto Modellista beta also did not garner a positive reaction, so I had every inclination of not expecting much out of another Capcom game. Boy, was I wrong.
Mr_Appleby said:
oh geez those people. we had some guy the other night come in to our room - which was well buried on the emptiest of open servers and tagged 'playing w friends' - and though we were fairly clear that we were only doing the Diablos+Uru event he starts insisting we help him with his jhen moran. Being friendly people we took the time out to give it a shot, even though he was already fucking up our event runs.

He proceeds to faint, and faint, and then starts telling us he's got no potions left. So i give him all my potions, he eats them all, tells us he's out again, then runs in to start wailing on jhen without a care in the world. you can guess how that ended.

not played with any gaffers though, in aussie timezone and euro gaf server is always empty when i'm on.
:lol :lol :lol I'm just imagining this now


john tv said:
QFT. I wouldn't be playing the game if not for GAF. (or I'd just play the JP ver, where pretty much everyone is nice)

Was out today and will be out tomorrow as well, but hope to get some time in with you guys this weekend!

Lets do some Blos+Ura event quest hunts this weekend. I need 4 more plans for the upgrade.

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
After a week or two of being too busy in the evenings to even turn the Wii on, finally got around to completing the Barroth hunt quest last night.
Wasn't too hard, though I worked myself up into a frenzy beforehand thinking I was gonna be killed (given my disastrous first attempt) and have to do it again, which didn't help.
He actually reminded me of a bigger, faster Great Jaggi - the double tail swipe, the charge forward, etc. God, I'm so behind :lol
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