Had an awesome session last night with some randoms! Took down my first Jhen Mohran (someones urgent quest) with 15 seconds to spare first try
. Did a Cold Call run and finally got enough Dark Metals to make Tenebra! The whole team was awesome and worked together very well considering we didn't talk much during the hunts.
However, there was this LS user who kept spamming his spirit blade ignoring the fact that the other 3 of us were attacking in close vicinity of him. As a LS user myself, I'd just choose not to finish the combo in this instance but he was adamant on always doing it. Not only that, he didn't sharpen his sword much, causing a lot of his attacks to bounce of the monsters...
Personally, I see myself as a helpful LS user, if the enemy is small, such as G.Jaggi, and the other 3 are already pummelling him, then I'll hang back and look for an opening or use a horn on the team. I rarely knock anyone over with my LS (that I notice) and the times that I do, is either because someone walks between me and the tail or slight latency issues. If I see anyone near me - I'll stop the combo and move elsewhere.
Nearly at HR31 now so I can start some + ranked quests!
Also, Don't know if it was posted before, but I found this item database
http://www.futuristicimagination.com/item/ on Nintendo Go. Shows you where to get items and if they can be quest rewards for certain quests.