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Monster Hunter 3 Tri |OT| Animal Cruelty Made Fun


Lucked upon a +7 Guard Up charm that just made my guard armor set even more awesome - Constitution +2, Guard +2, Guard Boost. Mostly Ludroth+ with Agnaktor Greaves and Steel Vambraces+. Goes with my Babel Spear+ (+20 Def).

Next up for armor I'll probably work on my SnS medic set or an Evasion/offensive lance set. But first, need an Ura Ruby for the Elder Babel Spear.
I'd join you guys but I canceled my comcast tonight and my dsl dosent start till tommorow :(. Thank goodness my new job gave me a blackberry so I'm not gafless.

Before it was out I did a crapton of jaggy runs with my wife trying to get her enough bird wyvren gems to make a morpheus knife. We killed over 50 jaggi and she didn't get one. Grinding in this game can be such a pain sometimes.

I still would like to do altereon runs with you guys, please let me know if you are interested or just want to help out :)


I would've played today and yesterday but my router was being a jerk. I'll probably be on tomorrow if I don't get sucked into SMG2 again.


Tenbatsu said:
Heading into the battle without wanting anything particular in mind will usually yield you good rewards. I don't know why but thats just how the game works.
I try not to but I still need that damn plate. :(

Oh well I guess I'll focus on Multi for a while and see if I get one whilst HR grinding.


RuneFactoryFanboy said:
Before it was out I did a crapton of jaggy runs with my wife trying to get her enough bird wyvren gems to make a morpheus knife. We killed over 50 jaggi and she didn't get one. Grinding in this game can be such a pain sometimes.
Somehow I got 2 of those a while ago, but I'm 0-for-whatever since then. Baggi has a slightly higher drop rate, but not enough to make up for the longer fight, I'm thinking.

I remember when the hardest thing to get was a King's Frill.
This morning I noticed that the sand storm is over, which is kind of sad since I did jhen+ maybe twice during the storm. Last night I did jhen+ with some fellow gaffers, but fell asleep repeatedly, even once during the carving :/

I also managed to carve two gems so there might be something to not wanting anything.

There are two online arena quests available, but they won't give you anything you can't already get offline: the uragaan arena and the barroth/barioth/los epic arena quests. I did the barioth arena quest and the only thing I received was a barroth coin :/.


Tenbatsu said:
Yes from 0.2sec to:
Evasion +1 = 0.33sec
Evasion +2 = 0.4sec

Tough to decide whether that added time is really helpful without testing it, though...

In the end, I went with LastingPwr and Recovery Up. Invited two friends from the roster and kicked Ala's ass. It went smoothly, but I still think it's a fairly boring fight strategically. :)


Neo Member
Evasion +2 makes dodge feel an invincibility button if your timing is halfway decent.

I pair it with Barioth+'s Evade Up so I can just sit under Jho and scratch his tummy all day with the Fiendish Tower. You can evade through his body slam as long as his tail doesn't catch you. Jaw snaps when he's drooling his defence sapping juice? Not a problem. Foot stomps? Just a little hop back. Tail swings? Ha ha ha.

Poor Jho.


This is going to be my first Monster Hunter, what if I start with Bowguns?
4) Bowgun experiment failed. Over complicated, time consuming, and annoying. They need to completely rethink the way they handle ammunition before I'd even consider playing a gunner seriously. Save ammo sets, pay X, restock. Or simply consume X materials, restock ammo set. Whatever, don't care how they do it, get rid of the inventory nightmare of managing multiple sets of ammo for multiple armor and bowgun setups. The ammo sack was a step in the right direction, but it didn't complete the trip.
scares me.


Wizpig said:
This is going to be my first Monster Hunter, what if I start with Bowguns?scares me.
I would personally recommend going with a Melee weapon at first but there's no reason you can't jump straight into bowguns, you just have to deal with a steeper learning curve at the beginning.
Is the thread in the online section dead?

I bought a wireless router especially for som Gaf gaming,
played a couple of hunts on-line (with my stupid low hr i had trouble finding players who would join me),
but then everything grinded to a halt.

So, does the list of players still get updates?
Are there still players out there willing to drag a sp player through their first missions?
Are there uberhaupt any eurpean players left?


Animation-Imp said:
Is the thread in the online section dead?

I bought a wireless router especially for som Gaf gaming,
played a couple of hunts on-line (with my stupid low hr i had trouble finding players who would join me),
but then everything grinded to a halt.

So, does the list of players still get updates?
Are there still players out there willing to drag a sp player through their first missions?
Are there uberhaupt any eurpean players left?
Unfortunately the European Gaf scene has never been all that active and most of the guys have stopped playing by now. Your best bet is just to play with randoms or find some RL friends to play with you.

If you want I can help, though I don't play with any particular frequency so we'll need to arrange a meeting in advance.
Anyone want to come on and help me with a Alatreon? Every room i join is just full of people that don't want me there.
Ill be in the GAF server
Animation-Imp said:
Thx, I have some rl guys I quest with,
but they're way beyond my hr level and it's tedious for them to play those boring first missions again.
Hey dude, i dont mind giving a hand. Just let me know the time and server/gate (and char name).


Will QA for food.
Man, I've been farming for a Rathian plate for so long. I have about 30-35 captures of it now, and no dice. Tail, shiny, and quest rewards are all suppose to produce it (rarely), but no dice. Arrgrhr!
Fistwell said:
You get more res points and different hunt reward items i believe.
You get more hunt rewards for capturing, but the rewards for capturing/killing aren't different. IMO trapping is most worthwhile on the lagi and rathalos since you get the 4 star rare trade commodities from those two.


Animation-Imp said:
Is the thread in the online section dead?

I bought a wireless router especially for som Gaf gaming,
played a couple of hunts on-line (with my stupid low hr i had trouble finding players who would join me),
but then everything grinded to a halt.

So, does the list of players still get updates?
Are there still players out there willing to drag a sp player through their first missions?
Are there uberhaupt any eurpean players left?
I'm sorry, but that list is only useful with the tool I created. Even then, just meeting in the GAF server was easier. I was planning to update the list continuously but..

1. I got banned for something minor for a short time right before E3.

2. I got shitted on by way too many people here in this thread for disliking bad LS users, yet everyone else is allowed to voice their opinion about other bad weapon behaviors. From my point of view, there's a lot of hypocrisy.

So unfortunately, I won't be updating that tool anymore. I have to invest my personal hours programming that stuff and I personally don't feel like doing that for a forum that doesn't appreciate it.

As far as I know, most GAF players still visit the GAF server, but most people don't hop online that often anymore since everyone is nearing end-game.


Will QA for food.
Just a report: Griefer named Ronie today on the GAF server (Recruiting / Wisdom). Joined hunting quest, took all supplies, and quite before reaching the monster.

Did not use keyboard.


Long after I probably need a Rathian Ruby, I got one last night (I tend to have really good luck when announcing it will be my last quest for the night :lol). Also got a BW gem, so in a few dozen hours I should have a good sleep weapon.

Next up is the Uragaan Ruby and Barioth+ goodies, though I've started to have more fun just helping people out with whatever 4-5* stuff is needed. Hunting for the fun of the hunt is a lot more enjoyable than hunting for < 5% drops.


Got my wii fixed finally and now just started playing. Any new players like me to play some of the earlier quests? I'll see if I can find the gaf server.


botticus said:
Long after I probably need a Rathian Ruby, I got one last night (I tend to have really good luck when announcing it will be my last quest for the night :lol). Also got a BW gem, so in a few dozen hours I should have a good sleep weapon.

Next up is the Uragaan Ruby and Barioth+ goodies, though I've started to have more fun just helping people out with whatever 4-5* stuff is needed. Hunting for the fun of the hunt is a lot more enjoyable than hunting for < 5% drops.

The last thing I do every night, is check to see if any pre-Alatreon Urgents are posted, so I can help people out. It's a lot more fun when I have nothing on the line myself.
Palmer_v1 said:
The last thing I do every night, is check to see if any pre-Alatreon Urgents are posted, so I can help people out. It's a lot more fun when I have nothing on the line myself.

I just started doing this myself when there aren't any other gaffers on. Those who have played with me(Jason) know I stick exclusively to guns as my weapon. I love organizing sleep bombing runs and helping those who have had trouble with him and those completely new to him to kill Alatreon faster than they imagined they could. :D


I have been playing with randoms for weeks. GAF server is usually dead when I come by. Also I missed these Monster concepts. Some of these are pretty cool:

This Deviljho looks much more menacing. I'd love for it to be a new monster (Jho relative or something).
Probably a Barroth before. I like its simplicity.
I get a Deviljho vibe. The gooey film seems like a great "gimmick" to mess with.
There was a sever lack of grounded quadrupeds.
I like the sea lion design of the Royal Ludroth but this monster's pretty whimsical.
Another funny platypus-looking monster.
It seems pretty cool and the game wasn't that abundant with Thunder monsters...
Maybe a Gigginox concept?

Lol the list is already long enough so I'll stop posting so many. The Great Jaggi looked much less menacing (which I would have preferred) and I think the monster with the same armor concept as Agnaktor doesn't look as cool.

More here


Neo Member
Soneet said:
I'm sorry, but that list is only useful with the tool I created. Even then, just meeting in the GAF server was easier. I was planning to update the list continuously but..

1. I got banned for something minor for a short time right before E3.

2. I got shitted on by way too many people here in this thread for disliking bad LS users, yet everyone else is allowed to voice their opinion about other bad weapon behaviors. From my point of view, there's a lot of hypocrisy.

So unfortunately, I won't be updating that tool anymore. I have to invest my personal hours programming that stuff and I personally don't feel like doing that for a forum that doesn't appreciate it.

As far as I know, most GAF players still visit the GAF server, but most people don't hop online that often anymore since everyone is nearing end-game.

Well I really appreciated all the work you did with the program, and used it nearly every time I went online. Also I use LS, and will continue to do so, and I could really care less what anyone thinks about the LS. No one I have ever grouped with has complained to me, in G on PS2&Wii, MHFU on PSP, MH3, or MHF... so suck it haters! lol


Wow, I guess I need to do more 6* quests (when I need rare stuff). Did a 3-man Uragaan/Agnaktor quest and ended up with 2 Ura Rubies and 2 Wyvern Stones. Pretty good experience for my first run with random people. I had already blocked off about two weeks on my calendar for Uragaan+. :lol

I'll probably be on back in the GAF server for a little bit if anyone wants to join. Barioth+ is all I need to do, but he's kind of a pain with less than a full party, so anything else, any rank, is good.


Welp, I'm done.

Not feeling any desire to go on now (HR41). The last few weapons I need to upgrade to require materials that will need to be farm like a sonavabitch (rath and los rubies, elderdragonblood). My armor requires HRD spheres (or was it heavy?) to upgrade past 60 defense per piece.

I've already battled a joe (lost, but still, battled) and made an ass of myself when playing with Lance BP (hunting an Agnktr). Thing is, I have no motivation to learn them for a victory.

I think since the GAF server died, playing online just isn't as fun for me anymore. Finding a good group to play with can get incredibly frustrating, so I find myself just helping low rank hunters lvl up.

All said, at 122 hrs., it's definitely the single greatest game I've played this generation. I'm officially a MH whore, and will be there day one for the sequel, regardless the platform.

edit: It's been especially fun playing with Lance, Bot, Jason and a few others! Hope to see ya in future titles!


PounchEnvy said:
I have been playing with randoms for weeks. GAF server is usually dead when I come by. Also I missed these Monster concepts. Some of these are pretty cool:

This Deviljho looks much more menacing. I'd love for it to be a new monster (Jho relative or something).
Probably a Barroth before. I like its simplicity.
I get a Deviljho vibe. The gooey film seems like a great "gimmick" to mess with.
There was a sever lack of grounded quadrupeds.
I like the sea lion design of the Royal Ludroth but this monster's pretty whimsical.
Another funny platypus-looking monster.
It seems pretty cool and the game wasn't that abundant with Thunder monsters...
Maybe a Gigginox concept?

Lol the list is already long enough so I'll stop posting so many. The Great Jaggi looked much less menacing (which I would have preferred) and I think the monster with the same armor concept as Agnaktor doesn't look as cool.

More here
Wow, those are pretty cool.


felipepl said:
I'm planning to play this game on Dolphin, so no online quests for me...
Will I enjoy it anyway?
It's a pretty fun single player but you're going to missing out on half the content and hunting with others.
kinggroin said:
Welp, I'm done.

Not feeling any desire to go on now (HR41). The last few weapons I need to upgrade to require materials that will need to be farm like a sonavabitch (rath and los rubies, elderdragonblood). My armor requires HRD spheres (or was it heavy?) to upgrade past 60 defense per piece.

I've already battled a joe (lost, but still, battled) and made an ass of myself when playing with Lance BP (hunting an Agnktr). Thing is, I have no motivation to learn them for a victory.
The rare materials you want are easier to get in HR51+ quests. You really should be making a bum rush for the highest HR possible- basically all the MH titles make the rare stuff slightly less rare when you get to the highest HR.

Also, dying/fainting doesn't constitute making an ass of yourself. It happens.

Besides, your MHTri experience isn't really complete until you've faced alatreon. :D


Speaking of rare stuff (as always), is there an easy way to get Adv Armor Spheres? They really make you use an obscene amount of those, even for low-rank upgrades.

kinggroin said:
edit: It's been especially fun playing with Lance, Bot, Jason and a few others! Hope to see ya in future titles!
I don't think I've quite hit my limit yet, so if you feel like playing again, look me up, it's been fun!


botticus said:
Speaking of rare stuff (as always), is there an easy way to get Adv Armor Spheres? They really make you use an obscene amount of those, even for low-rank upgrades.

I don't think I've quite hit my limit yet, so if you feel like playing again, look me up, it's been fun!

Mine in the volcano (3 star one). Roll the uroktor quest is best for that. I can usually mine 3 or 4 per run.

Lance BP, thanks for the encouragement. I'll have to see how I feel after a few days away from it, so there's always the possibility that the itch will return.


PounchEnvy said:
I have been playing with randoms for weeks. GAF server is usually dead when I come by. Also I missed these Monster concepts. Some of these are pretty cool:

This Deviljho looks much more menacing. I'd love for it to be a new monster (Jho relative or something).
Probably a Barroth before. I like its simplicity.
I get a Deviljho vibe. The gooey film seems like a great "gimmick" to mess with.
There was a sever lack of grounded quadrupeds.
I like the sea lion design of the Royal Ludroth but this monster's pretty whimsical.
Another funny platypus-looking monster.
It seems pretty cool and the game wasn't that abundant with Thunder monsters...
Maybe a Gigginox concept?

Lol the list is already long enough so I'll stop posting so many. The Great Jaggi looked much less menacing (which I would have preferred) and I think the monster with the same armor concept as Agnaktor doesn't look as cool.

More here
Some of them are definitely going to be in the G version.

Grandpa Joe:lol


Sammy Samusu said:
The Lagiacrus event quest is up!

The drops aren't very good to me on that one. Ran it twice with Lance and Znarf, I think I got one ticket, no sapphires and no plates. Luckily I already got a sapphire I don't need.


Neo Member
botticus said:
Speaking of rare stuff (as always), is there an easy way to get Adv Armor Spheres? They really make you use an obscene amount of those, even for low-rank upgrades.
If you're low rank, put on your finest Baggi/Jaggi Mask and capture monsters in Moga Woods for 2*+ rare trade items when the merchant swings by or mine the low rank Volcano.

If you're high rank, I've been grinding the The Fisherman's Tale capture quest for the last few days trying to get Wyvern Stones from Royal Ludroth, but have also got a tonne of Adv and Hrd Armor Spheres as quest rewards - all my armour is now upgraded to Hvy Armor Sphere levels as a result. If you have a switched on team (i.e. not 3 S&S/LS/GS users who, rather than trying to ensure you all get a go at the 4% tail carve for a Wyvern Stone, want to hit that big ol' head but mostly hit you as you try to charge your Huracan Hammer...) you can cap him in less than 3 minutes a pop, and you'll also get Hrd Armor Spheres from the mining point any time you get Explorer.


insin said:
If you're low rank, put on your finest Baggi/Jaggi Mask and capture monsters in Moga Woods for 2*+ rare trade items when the merchant swings by or mine the low rank Volcano.

If you're high rank, I've been grinding the The Fisherman's Tale capture quest for the last few days trying to get Wyvern Stones from Royal Ludroth, but have also got a tonne of Adv and Hrd Armor Spheres as quest rewards - all my armour is now upgraded to Hvy Armor Sphere levels as a result. If you have a switched on team (i.e. not 3 S&S/LS/GS users who, rather than trying to ensure you all get a go at the 4% tail carve for a Wyvern Stone, want to hit that big ol' head but mostly hit you as you try to charge your Huracan Hammer...) you can cap him in less than 3 minutes a pop, and you'll also get Hrd Armor Spheres from the mining point any time you get Explorer.
Thanks - I actually misread kinggroin's post earlier about the volcano and didn't see the low-rank part. I was annoyed when I did another high-rank run and only got one that I couldn't keep because I didn't swap out my inventory in time.

I don't have a ton of Hvy/Hrd spheres, but certainly more than Adv right now.


Please refrain from making offensive or illegal statements
EvilMario said:
Just a report: Griefer named Ronie today on the GAF server (Recruiting / Wisdom). Joined hunting quest, took all supplies, and quite before reaching the monster.

Did not use keyboard.


Maybe if someone would Quest with ME they wouldn't run into this problem. MAYBE!


Please refrain from making offensive or illegal statements
EvilMario said:
Man, I've been farming for a Rathian plate for so long. I have about 30-35 captures of it now, and no dice. Tail, shiny, and quest rewards are all suppose to produce it (rarely), but no dice. Arrgrhr!

I actually haven't had any problems getting the Rath plate from what I remember. Have you tried wearing the Jaggi mask?
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