With all of the Monster Hunter World hype around, I decided to jump back into MH3U and start pushing the multiplayer portion of the game. I tend to play solo and I really wanted to get some online xp under my belt before World launches next year.
I've been ranking up, currently 29 and have created the Myxo Demolisher (highest slime blade) and have crafted my first mixed set of GS Armor (Sharpness +1, Fast Charge, Fast Sheath, Earplugs) and I'm on my way to crafting some other weapons to mix things up.
First thing I've noticed is that multiplayer makes things substantially easier. In the past I have been doing Tavern quest solo and the difference in monster strength compared to village was a bit frustrating. Adding 3 others to the mix, makes things much faster.
Anyhow, I'm really enjoying my time jumping back in and pushing the online portion and I can't wait for World to come out!