Sorry if this type of question has been asked a million times but I've narrowed down the type of weapon I want to use to a few and I was hoping for some advice on what to pick:
After trying them all I really like Great Sword, Charge Blade, and to a lesser extent to either of the first two the Switch Axe.
Just wondering if any of those will make it hard to get into the game for a new guy or something. I've watched Gaijin Hunter's weapon videos too. All I've played in the past is 12-15 hours of Monster Hunter 3 ultimate, pretty much all with the Long Sword.
Great Sword is pretty straight forward, slow and powerful weapon that does LOTS of damage, mostly focused on Raw damaged as opposed to elemental. Requires knowing the monster well so one can start charging up the attacks before the monster stays still.
Charge Blade is more complex, very rewarding, the weapon encourages switching between both sword and axe mode to load and unload the damage respectively. There are 5 phial icons on the top left corner. In Sword mode one hits the monster until the phials start to grow orange, then continue further so they glow red.
So for example, when they are glowing press R+A to "load" the phials (Orange will load 3, red will load all 5) After that you can switch to axe mode to either unleash elementa or impact damage, you can alternatively though, keep in sword mode and make the fully loaded phials glow to red, switch to axe do X+A attack, and in the middle of the animation, hit shield (R) to completely load the fully loaded phials, which then can be unleashed for a HUGE damaging attack. This doesn't even cover the guard points.
Both weapons are fun.
I use gunlance though 10/10 would full burst again