Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate |OT2| I'm Felyne Eggs-tatic!

Whoo! Made it to G2. Now I need to farm a new armor set. My high rank brachy armor isn't cutting it anymore. What's the easiest way to farm G rank monsters? Tried an expedition and I don't think I can take down g rank monsters alone with my current gear.


so i finally found my copy of 3U, and i don't know what to do with it.

i had recently begun high rank village before i lost it.


Whoo! Made it to G2. Now I need to farm a new armor set. My high rank brachy armor isn't cutting it anymore. What's the easiest way to farm G rank monsters? Tried an expedition and I don't think I can take down g rank monsters alone with my current gear.

imo the best is to farm charms with the rathalos g2 quest, eat for explorer, grab an IG, get all the gold mine spots in areas 3, 5 and 6 and mount rathalos twice to get the subquest. Leave with the subquest and sell anything you dont need, you can sell the weapons you get for a lot of money and get some rathalos mat in the process (even the rare materials). Easy money, easy charms, easy mats.
imo the best is to farm charms with the rathalos g2 quest, eat for explorer, grab an IG, get all the gold mine spots in areas 3, 5 and 6 and mount rathalos twice to get the subquest. Leave with the subquest and sell anything you dont need, you can sell the weapons you get for a lot of money and get some rathalos mat in the process (even the rare materials). Easy money, easy charms, easy mats.

Thanks! That helped!

Trying to get to G3 but no one will do Shrouded Neescylla with me :(


need some bored people to run some G rank DLC quests with me.

at least four of them. after that, anything then



thanks a lot, everyone

dang dude we're Canadian buddies and this is the first time we've hunted together ;_;

anyway small crown hunting is the worst. I've got 21 left, wtf

No problem, was good shaking off the cobwebs.

And I think we almost did hunt together before but it was arena and Hawthorne jumped in

Still carting over here lol

damn how long? I still got some hunts left in me
Finally got to G3 last night. All I had to do was find a list of key quests and get luck with the online people. Almost everyone who seems to be joining my one man team is G Crown. I've got a handful of quests to go until I wrap that up now. My main question is when should I be going after expedition armor? It's the one part of the game that's really eluded me.


TIL you can cut the tail of a basarios.

edit: im fighting g3 teostra, man this is hard, kushala and chameleos were super easy compared to this


So couple days ago I was playing with randoms, doing the event Brachy on Ingle Island. This french dude told me I shouldn't play Defense L with my HH but I didn't understand why I should not, he was writing in french and my french is very bad.

What was he talking about? He told me like five times to avoid Defense L, I don't get it ^^ in the end they all carted big time, they could use some defense buff IMO...


Dunno, I was focusing on that and negate stamina because we had a dual blades guy and they were taking a lot of hits from Brachy. Oh well, whatever ^^ it's just a pain when they don't even try to write some english...


Anyone have Black Diablos, Stygian Zinogre, Brute Tigrex, or Brachydios guild quests with a bowgun bias? Please PM me if so. Thanks.


So couple days ago I was playing with randoms, doing the event Brachy on Ingle Island. This french dude told me I shouldn't play Defense L with my HH but I didn't understand why I should not, he was writing in french and my french is very bad.

What was he talking about? He told me like five times to avoid Defense L, I don't get it ^^ in the end they all carted big time, they could use some defense buff IMO...

Maybe it overwrites better buffs?
It doesn't. I'm guessing it's just because you brought a horn with Defense Up L instead of the generally more useful Attack Up L. Some idiots who probably have never once used the weapon get picky about what songs other people play. My philosophy is if you don't like the free buffs either go pick horn and play them yourself or fuck off. lol

Deleted member 245925

Unconfirmed Member
NeoGAF's own amazing orioto is looking for suggestions for a Monster Hunter artwork. Check out his thread if you have something good in mind.
Since I cant find a community, does anyone know if its possible to play the PS3 version of Frontier G without getting banned, or screwed over or something?

I was planning on buying a physical copy of the Chinese one, but I'm not sure if you need a Chinese IP address to play it.


Just remembered, MHGen is close!

Do we have a discord server for use with MonHunGAF for MH4U (and Generations of course)?


I'm not confident there will be a GU. Maybe on NX Idk.
A Generations Ultimate seems to make more sense than the alternatives.
  • Monster Hunter action hunting games have been annual things in Japan for awhile
  • the mainline team is finishing Stories, which won't be released in Japan until this October
  • the portable team released X in Japan last November
  • there's a mysterious Monster Hunter title in Capcom's fiscal year lineup projected to sell 2m, and isn't stories
So if it's not a MHX:G, I'm not sure what else that title could be based on when it's coming out and how much it's projected to sell. But even if it does turn into a thing, we won't be seeing it in the West for a long time.


Is the friend list borked? My buddy keeps appearing offline in the game's friend list despite being in the same online lobby as I am; able to see his online status on the system's Friend List.
A Generations Ultimate seems to make more sense than the alternatives.
  • Monster Hunter action hunting games have been annual things in Japan for awhile
  • the mainline team is finishing Stories, which won't be released in Japan until this October
  • the portable team released X in Japan last November
  • there's a mysterious Monster Hunter title in Capcom's fiscal year lineup projected to sell 2m, and isn't stories
So if it's not a MHX:G, I'm not sure what else that title could be based on when it's coming out and how much it's projected to sell. But even if it does turn into a thing, we won't be seeing it in the West for a long time.
Yeah, I see the potential for it. I don't think it's like... out of the cards or anything, but it seems like the sort of thing capcom would do lol.


Hey guys, MH noob here.
I got this game a couple of days ago and am having a lot of fun.
But I have some questions and thought I'd ask you guys for some tips.

I started my character as an insect glaive user which I was succesfull with but have now changed to the bow.
I am almost as good at killing monsters with the bow as with the insect glaive but it is taking a bit longer, which I don't mind.
Now I am having my doubts if the bow is the right weapon for me or if I will hit some difficulty spike with it and should change back to a melee weapon?
Are there generally things I should consider with the bow? I know about coatings but am mostly not using them right now, because they are kind of expensive and I use up 50 power coatings easily.


Sgt. 2nd Class in the Creep Battalion, Waifu Wars
Hey guys, MH noob here.
I got this game a couple of days ago and am having a lot of fun.
But I have some questions and thought I'd ask you guys for some tips.

I started my character as an insect glaive user which I was succesfull with but have now changed to the bow.
I am almost as good at killing monsters with the bow as with the insect glaive but it is taking a bit longer, which I don't mind.
Now I am having my doubts if the bow is the right weapon for me or if I will hit some difficulty spike with it and should change back to a melee weapon?
Are there generally things I should consider with the bow? I know about coatings but am mostly not using them right now, because they are kind of expensive and I use up 50 power coatings easily.
Yeah, gunner classes are pretty high-maintenance, to get good times with a bow not only should you bring 50 powers, but also ingredients to combine more powers into the hunt; I'd recommend going blademaster honestly.


Yeah, gunner classes are pretty high-maintenance, to get good times with a bow not only should you bring 50 powers, but also ingredients to combine more powers into the hunt; I'd recommend going blademaster honestly.

Ok I see. Thank you for your advice. I will go back to my Kinsect :)

Also one more question. Does the sword & shield have any advantage over the charge blade aside from being able to use items while guarding? Isn't the S&S kind of obsolete since the charge blade was introduced?


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
Hey guys, MH noob here.
I got this game a couple of days ago and am having a lot of fun.
But I have some questions and thought I'd ask you guys for some tips.

I started my character as an insect glaive user which I was succesfull with but have now changed to the bow.
I am almost as good at killing monsters with the bow as with the insect glaive but it is taking a bit longer, which I don't mind.
Now I am having my doubts if the bow is the right weapon for me or if I will hit some difficulty spike with it and should change back to a melee weapon?
Are there generally things I should consider with the bow? I know about coatings but am mostly not using them right now, because they are kind of expensive and I use up 50 power coatings easily.

I picked the exact same 2 weapons when I started the game (in reverse order) and discovered that both are actually pretty bad weapons to start with. IGs in particular take a whole lot of proper raising in order to achieve their best forms. They start out very, very slow. I think they are the only weapon that gains/improves functionality over the course of improving them (the insect gets SO much faster as you level its speed up, which completely changes the way they feel to play).

Gunner classes are also pretty bad to start with because they are a lot harder to solo with. Your armor makes you squishier, and you need a lot of ammo, which isn't really sustainable while you're leveling up.

I ended up ditching both weapons and doing most of my leveling with the switch axe and it become my favorite weapon in the game. Any other blademaster weapon should do you much better as a new player than the IG tbh. There's nothing wrong with trying them all out for a while to find one that you like the feel of. You can always go back to IG and Bow when you get to later game. I spent a toooon of time with IG and it's super OP in 4U because of how easy it is to mount with them. They're just kinda crappy at low level.


I picked the exact same 2 weapons when I started the game (in reverse order) and discovered that both are actually pretty bad weapons to start with. IGs in particular take a whole lot of proper raising in order to achieve their best forms. They start out very, very slow. I think they are the only weapon that gains/improves functionality over the course of improving them (the insect gets SO much faster as you level its speed up, which completely changes the way they feel to play).

Gunner classes are also pretty bad to start with because they are a lot harder to solo with. Your armor makes you squishier, and you need a lot of ammo, which isn't really sustainable while you're leveling up.

I ended up ditching both weapons and doing most of my leveling with the switch axe and it become my favorite weapon in the game. Any other blademaster weapon should do you much better as a new player than the IG tbh. There's nothing wrong with trying them all out for a while to find one that you like the feel of. You can always go back to IG and Bow when you get to later game. I spent a toooon of time with IG and it's super OP in 4U because of how easy it is to mount with them. They're just kinda crappy at low level.

:O But I love my IG.

Ok I guess I try the charge blade then. Thank you for the advice.
Having two opinions I will stick to a melee weapon.


I know nothing of bows, but bowgunning is just as good as going melee when solo, it's a little trickier and is generally not seen as a beginner weapon but it's perfectly viable. Farming shit for ammo can be a tad tedious in the beginning but it really aint so bad.

As for charge-blade versus sword and shield, the latter is an element/status weapon. Meaning, its raw dmg isnt usually very high, but it can have high elemental dmg or status effect. Each SnS is kind of situational in that respect, it'll work great on some monsters and awful on others, depending on its element and the monster's weaknesses. Dunno charge blades all that well, but they typically have more raw dmg, making them a little more straightforward in that sense. SnS gives you more mobility however.

But really, you should just go with what feels fun. Maybe try a few different weapons and see what clicks. All weapons are viable, and all weapons are great fun once they click. If the IG works for you, go for it. I think long swords and dual swords are usually seen as some of the easiest to get into. Hammer isn't bad either. Switch axe is pretty fun and easy going as well. Lances, gunlances and great swords can (initially) feel a bit sluggish in the way they allow you to move.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
:O But I love my IG.

Ok I guess I try the charge blade then. Thank you for the advice.
Having two opinions I will stick to a melee weapon.

Nothing wrong with using an IG for leveling, but they start out pretty bad. Every other weapon you use will have the same level of performance with a starter weapon as it does with a rank 10, end game weapon but IG doesn't. Maybe ignorance is bliss but once you experience playing with a high level bug you'll wonder how you ever killed anything with a low level one. I personally stopped playing with it early on because the act of "juicing" before you could actually mount any kind of offense every fight got really tedious and cumbersome and having a maxed out bug completely negates that. IG's are easily one of the best weapons in the game, but only at higher level IMO.


Play whatever you like and don't change to whatever weapon has the fastest speed runs just for a potential difficulty spike you may or may not ever hit. That's silly.

And don't give up gunner weapons just because it costs some money to buy ammo.


Play whatever you like and don't change to whatever weapon has the fastest speed runs just for a potential difficulty spike you may or may not ever hit. That's silly.

And don't give up gunner weapons just because it costs some money to buy ammo.

Pretty much this. I had so much fun once I went from blademaster (mostly GS -> LS -> IG -> SnS -> CB -> SA) to gunner (mostly LBG, now dabbling in bow). There's still a lot more for me to try but that's the fun.


I know nothing of bows, but bowgunning is just as good as going melee when solo, it's a little trickier and is generally not seen as a beginner weapon but it's perfectly viable. Farming shit for ammo can be a tad tedious in the beginning but it really aint so bad.
I can vouch for this also, having used the heavy bowgun from the beginning of the game all the way through the last quest. In the beginning of the game they give you lots of free common shots in the supply box (even for quests you don't need it) so it's easy to stock up. But over time the cost of ammo becomes insignificant as quests pay out more in rewards.

And although gunner armor is always weak, being a few rolls back all the time makes it easier to anticipate and avoid monster attacks. So gunners shouldn't be getting hit as often.

Bows are a bit different because they're designed to be in closer to the monster but have greater mobility to compensate. I don't have much practice with them personally, though.


After losing my 300+ hour save, I'm really enjoying going back to this and mucking around in Low Rank, with as many weapons as possible. I was almost exclusively GS and HH first time round, but now I'm determined to get a feel for as many weapons as possible on this new save.

It's easy to get caught up in the race to G Rank, but so much to appreciate on the way there!


Thanks everyone for your replies. I will try some weapons out (including the ranged ones) and see which is the most fun.
You don't really have to settle on one, though it's a bit easier. Choosing a weapon in MH is like choosing a character in a fighting game.


Ok I see. Thank you for your advice. I will go back to my Kinsect :)

Also one more question. Does the sword & shield have any advantage over the charge blade aside from being able to use items while guarding? Isn't the S&S kind of obsolete since the charge blade was introduced?

The SnS isn't obsolete, it's fast and versatile, most mobile weapon to use (apart from dual blades). Breaking away from combos to reposition or evade is one of its best traits.

Most of the weapons are element/status heavy, so know the weakness of the monster and equip accordingly.


Also, any weapon is viable in the game. You might find a monster that is much easier/comfortable to put down with bowguns than hunting it with a blade master weapon.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
MHX thirst took over and I started messing with 4U again.

I've got a pretty new character I'm finally trying to learn charge blades with. Not going great. I know how to charge up all my shit, but I feel like I spend more time messing around with getting all that done and not enough time fighting effectively. I've seen people be godly with the weapon tho, so I know it's just because I'm a noob.

I'd forgotten how big of a hassle it is to start fresh in a game like this. You take a lot of things for granted when you've got a 500+ hour save where you know every recipe in the game and have almost every item in the game stocked up enough to be able to build anything whenever. What you mean I need 2 stinkhoppers? Yeah, I guess I haven't been spending any time netting butterflies, I guess I need to go out of my way to do that.

For some reason I'm really looking forward to doing this all again in MHX, but doing it a 2nd time in 4U is kind of a chore. I think part of that is the fact that I kind of got a bit carried thru some of the LR/HR stuff in this game by friends who had the game months before I did. Gonna be nice starting at the same point as everybody else for a change.

It might be kind of early for this, but does anybody know who is going to be making the OT for MHX? Wondering if they would be interested in plugging the Discord server I made last year for MonhunGAF

Quite a few people in there and it got a bit of a resurgence when the MXH demo came out. I'd be up for appointing some new admins/mods to it and maybe fleshing it out a little bit if so.


user-friendly man-cashews
I've got a pretty new character I'm finally trying to learn charge blades with. Not going great. I know how to charge up all my shit, but I feel like I spend more time messing around with getting all that done and not enough time fighting effectively. I've seen people be godly with the weapon tho, so I know it's just because I'm a noob.
Keep with it and you'll get it, it really is a matter of grasping all the possibilities you have at each points of the charge blade combos and being able to choose without thinking.

In the end, I feel like CB is pretty easy to play with thanks to the amount of options it provides at all times. Very very versatile once you have integrated its flowchart in your muscle memory.

The X+A move in blade mode is an awesome multi-hit strike that gives a lot of charge, abuse it!
my (admittedly somewhat limited) experience with the chargeblade was that when I started out, I wanted to use my phials really bad, and once I got used to the weapon I rarely used them unless the monster was paralyzed or asleep or knocked out or something. Your infinite combos do so much damage and offer so much mobility that I rarely felt the need for the heavy hits unless I was guaranteed to hit them for free.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
About 30 hunts in with charge blade and I've improved drastically. Getting the muscle memory down and having all of the moves, charges and transitions becoming second nature made all the difference.

It's rare that it happens so perfectly, but the few times when I've loosed a fully charged shield combo directly on a monsters dumb fucking face have been euphoric. I just got done screaming "GET FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKED" at my 3DS while I watched one connect in slow motion on a downed Gore and it was one of the most satisfying MonHun moments I've ever had. What a fun ass weapon.

Some day I'm going to unequip the auto guard noob charm you get in the story mode and stop using that as a crutch, but today is not that day...


Anybody for some Hot Hot Friday online hunting action tonight? I'll be around from 8ish (GMT+2, that's 4+hrs from now) onwards. Up for anything from lr to g1.

FC: 1908-1110-4824
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