株式会社カプコンのプレスリリース(2021年4月28日 09時36分)『モンスターハンターライズ』の無料タイトルアップデート(Ver.2.0)が本日より配信。全世界累計600万本突破を記念して、「【大人気御礼記念】カムラパック2」をプレゼント!

And I can’t wait to be part of that. The game is just so ugly coming from MHW.Gonna see a large spike when it comes to PC.
Pretty insane numbers, mostly enjoyed my time playing.
And I can’t wait to be part of that. The game is just so ugly coming from MHW.
Really insane when it's already outselling the most await JRPG remake FF7R in just ~1 month.
FF7R youtube views = 16M
Monster Hunter Rise youtube views = 1.2M
I still remember back then people were so sure it was going to sell absurdly based on youtube views.
Official FF7 Remake Trailer breaks 7 million views on YouTube in less than a week
I was just showing the official trailer to a friend and happened to see the views. Just the official version of the trailer in the playstation YouTube channel has over 7 MILLION views! 7 MILLION! I couldn't believe it. In the time it has taken me to write this OP it has almost hit 8 million. I...www.neogaf.com
Those experts in Famitsu thread are not amused after claiming MHR was a bad business decision for Capcom despite being the fastest selling single platform SKU in Capcom historyB-B-B-B-UT!!!!
Don't respond his costant console war post, just be happy for monster hunter.Monster Hunter is multiplayer co-op game where it attract wider type of audience. nothing suprise here. the game sales also drived by the success of MHW.
Weren't you the one who expected MHR to sell more in worldwide despite being the fastest selling single platform released for capcom and claimed many people were waiting for PC SKU instead of buying Switch SKU?Don't respond his costant console war post, just be happy for monster hunter.
Really insane when it's already outselling the most await JRPG remake FF7R
Such a funny tension with Monster Hunter regarding Nintendo Platforms and Other Platforms.It's already Capcom's 8th best selling game of all time and it might surpass Street Fighter 2 on the SNES before they release their financial results in two weeks. Both MonHun's status as a worldwide mainstream hit and Switch's ability to sell software of all kinds are really impressive. It was pretty funny how the usual suspects scoffed at the obvious rumors about a new portable entry in the series because "it makes no sense for Capcom to make a Switch game".
I was going to get it but Binding of isaac repentance has me hooked at the moment.
Well deserved! Loving the game. Miiiiiight double dip when it comes on PC
Comparing Switch to calculators is an insult to all calculators.Loved MHW but no intention of playing on Nintendo’s glorified calculator.
2022 = MHRG(NSW) MHR(PC)Will be there when next MH happens for PS5/XsX. Loved MHW but no intention of playing on Nintendo’s glorified calculator.
Then play on Ryujinx.Will be there when next MH happens for PS5/XsX. Loved MHW but no intention of playing on Nintendo’s glorified calculator.