If they're simplifying the combat, SwAxe, Charge Blade and Insect Glaive are all on the chopping block.
Hunting Horn is the first to go obviously
(I appreciate all good HH players. My GS salutes you)
If they're simplifying the combat, SwAxe, Charge Blade and Insect Glaive are all on the chopping block.
I mean, if you don't like the combat changes, and you don't like the changes outside the combat, do you just not want any changes at all?Stalking and tracking is time wasting fluff that makes getting to the point of MH (the combat) take longer.
It doesn't even get it's own flagship monster. Wow.
As a SA user I can confirm this.Swag Axe and Insect Glaive are some of the noobiest weapons, LOL.
So how is MH Generations a mainline game but not MH World? Some of you are so transparent it's unreal lol
Hopefully. The main aspect that the trailer clearly wanted to focus on was the "living breathing world", so there's the use of the environment in combat and other monsters fighting each other. It's not to say that it'll detract heavily from weapon combat, but it's a type of trailer that fans of the game didn't expect.Quite the opposite! I saw traditional Monster Hunter combat in the few moments we did get.
That right there is a slow-ass greatsword jumping attack. The combat's core will remain intact nearly for sure.
This game exists because many people in the west have played and enjoyed MH. MH4U was a million-seller outside of Japan.
I have to wonder what this game is for.
Helping console in japan would make sense if it was more traditional/5.
Don't imagine the game will appeal to much to core MH fans nor people not interested in MH either I'm not sure it'll sell too well either.
It's also not a looker.
I'm actually not a big fan of MH and I think the changes would result in a game that appeals to me more, but it's an odd situation.
Hunting Horn is the first to go obviously
(I appreciate all good HH players. My GS salutes you)
The whole rumor was kinda on point though
-Westernized MonHun
-Main team but isn't called 5.
Still, the main drawn in monster hunter in Japan is portability so...
So how is MH Generations a mainline game but not MH World? Some of you are so transparent it's unreal lol
A LOT of people don't get if the game is online only though, thinking it's like Frontier.
I mean, if you don't like the combat changes, and you don't like the changes outside the combat, do you just not want any changes at all?
Uh-huh. Look, whether some of you like it or not this is the next major step in the franchise for Capcom.It's not. Gen is a spinoff with gameplay similar to the main series.
Uh-huh. Look, whether some of you like it or not this is the next major step in the franchise for Capcom.
If they take out Switch Axe then I will... get very mad about it on the internet, I guess
I thought it looked okay.Don't really understand how stealth fits into MH though. All that stealth for just one hit?Seems a waste.
They should take two steps and announce MH5 then.Uh-huh. Look, whether some of you like it or not this is the next major step in the franchise for Capcom.
Hunting Horn is the first to go obviously
(I appreciate all good HH players. My GS salutes you)
I remember cooking and resource gathering and sharpening weapons. Isn't that fluff too?Stalking and tracking is time wasting fluff that makes getting to the point of MH (the combat) take longer.
Try to be more open minded people. As a massive fan, i'm all for this new direction. If you ask me, it was about time that Monster Hunter does something different and innovate.
Uh-huh. Look, whether some of you like it or not this is the next major step in the franchise for Capcom.
Uh-huh. Look, whether some of you like it or not this is the next major step in the franchise for Capcom.
You're crazy if you think there won't be a Monster Hunter 5 on 3DS and/or Switch. This game isn't going to sell as much worldwide as a single entry did in Japan on 3DS.
Sounds like MH Frontier to me.The changes I want are new monsters and new weapon types. I don;t want the core gameplay to change at all.
Bowguns almost certainly will be simplified before everything else, but that's probably a good thing. The current Bowgun ammo complexity is an utter mess for new players, and it really adds little to the gameplay.They are also by far the most densely mechanical of the weapons so I hope they aren't gone. As someone who's only played SwAxe from my back half of my time with 3U on that would legit be a deal breaker. I could also see them pairing down, simplifying or removing the bowguns.
It's true. And I say this as someone who loves the Swag Axe.Don't you talk shit about the Switch-Axe.
Wish we saw some female Hunters and flashier armor. Hyped tho.
I remember cooking and resource gathering and sharpening weapons. Isn't that fluff too?
I see this stuff as part of the "hunter" in Monster Hunter, and the game I played on PSP seemed like it wanted to be more of an open world but was limited by the hardware.
But again, I've only played a little, and enjoyed what I played, and wondered for years now why we haven't seen it on the HD consoles, so this is pretty cool.
They should take two steps and announce MH5 then.
This was a very bad trailer. They don't show the player hit the monster once other than the mounting. The way it keeps cutting around to avoid showing any real gameplay feels telling. Some of the stuff felt like it could be very scripted which is really against the spirit of monster hunter.
Bowguns almost certainly will be simplified before everything else, but that's probably a good thing. The current Bowgun ammo complexity is an utter mess for new players, and it really adds little to the gameplay.
Maybe a big bonus on that one hit. It's not uncommon for stealth hits to do extra damage.
The JP twitter has more people asking for a Vita version, haha.
Are they calling this Monster Hunter Worlds in Japan?
Honestly yes. I pretty much never cooked in past games except during tutorials and resource gathering has always been a chore and a diversion I deal with to get to the meat of the game. Nobody likes the early game gathering quests or defeat small monster quests lolI remember cooking and resource gathering and sharpening weapons. Isn't that fluff too?
I see this stuff as part of the "hunter" in Monster Hunter (learning your targets and exploiting their weaknesses and behaviors), and the game I played on PSP seemed like it wanted to be more of an open world but was limited by the hardware.
But again, I've only played a little, and enjoyed what I played, and wondered for years now why we haven't seen it on the HD consoles, so this is pretty cool.
X/XX is basically a greatest hits of the history of MH. Old map design jank and all.gotta do it when nobody looks at you!
äääh... you know not all main entries are not numbered right? XX is a main entry.
Still. Unless it's doing something crazy like 10 percent of the monster's damage it hardly seems worth it and that much damage in 1 hit is counterintuitive to what MH is supposed to be.
MH4U is a 3DS game.Actually, I'd argue that this game exists because Capcom wants to try to make their biggest franchise crack the mainstream western gamer market.
Said market wasn't on the WiiU, and given that this game isn't coming to Nintendo consoles, It's pretty hard to try to argue that this game exists for a WiiU audience who most likely aren't even playing PS4/XB1s today.