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Monster Hunter: World (PS4/XB1 early 2018, PC later, directed by MH4 lead planner)

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According the rumor leak that correctly predicted this game and the XX Switch game, the PS4/Xbox game is designed specifically for the Western market, with changes to the gameplay designed to accomodate Western tastes, and is made by a separate team that normally makes the mainline MH games.

The trailer seems to confirm that the gameplay is changed in very notable ways.
I thought this was being made by the main MH team. At least that's what I was reading in this thread last night....


The crowd reaction at the end...
every other game had more cheers and claps, clearly capcom isnt aping call of duty as much as they should be. they need those call of duty claps.

maybe they should give the monsters berets to mix it up.

Here's your cheers

That's the problem when you show the title/date then follow up with more footage and audio is only after that


I do like what I'm seeing, quite a bit, but I'm not sure it's the right format.
What makes monhun compelling to me is the portability, so that I can invest some time on it, and local coop. Hunting together with people around you is truly something else.

But I know in the end I will get both this and the XX translation.. Who am I fooling..


I think the reception was more a reflection of the conference itself. I mean when it's trailer after trailer and no one to come out and say something or hype the crowd up a bit that's most likely what is gonna happen. No live demos, no rep from Sony coming on stage getting people excited for what should have been a big announcement (although leaked before hand) there was literally nothing stimulating about that conference or reveals.

I'm excited though, I've wanted a MH for awhile now on PS and PC so I'll be picking this up when it comes out for sure. Looking forward to seeing some more info on it in the coming months.

But Shawn did hype the MHW announcement beforehand?


But Shawn did hype the MHW announcement beforehand up?

A little yes but it would have been better with a follow up showing some excitement and getting the crowd going, same could be said for any of those games every time they showed the audience they looked like they were barely even paying attention because it was all trailers. I'm sure the game will do very well regardless though so I'm not worried.
Yeah, but in most cases Capcom didn't make those games themselves, but outsourced them to western studios. And that was the problem IMO. Becaus they lacked the "japanese style and gameplay". DmC is maybe the best example. Or those Resident Evil shooters like Racoon City and Umbrella Corps (EDIT: Whoops that wa actually made by capcom, lol). Dead Rising and Lost Planet are other examples.

I hope you are right. I dont have a reason to want this to be shit. But I am worried.


I'm curious to know what the japanese fanbase is saying about this on their forums. Anyone from Japan can shed some light?
It's like I said elsewhere, I'm not mad about Monster Hunter Worlds and I hope it does whatever Capcom is expecting it to do, but if by the end of the Nintendo Conference there's no confirmed US release for Monster Hunter XX I'm gonna be upset.


I mean, if they want to make the brand bigger in the west, PS4 and Xbox are definitely the right platforms.

Given the graphics though, I don't know why they couldn't throw a Switch version in. It doesn't look all that advanced.


It's like I said elsewhere, I'm not mad about Monster Hunter Worlds and I hope it does whatever Capcom is expecting it to do, but if by the end of the Nintendo Conference there's no confirmed US release for Monster Hunter XX I'm gonna be upset.

Do you just want people to keep porting the same game over and over?
So MH is done for Nintendo and XX is the last entry?

No, Monster Hunter will come to Switch at a later date, but people need to stop with this "I'll just wait for MH5 to come out for Switch". This is MH5 in everything but name and Capcom are treating it as such. The insistence of some people in this thread to discount this game as a spin off even after Capcom keeps saying it's not as well as the other evidence available is so immature and obnoxious.


I think there was a post saying it's pretty positive but still early days hah.
Yeah i guess. Gonna have to wait for proper gameplay footage.

I mean, if they want to make the brand bigger in the west, PS4 and Xbox are definitely the right platforms.

Given the graphics though, I don't know why they couldn't throw a Switch version in. It doesn't look all that advanced.
Maybe Sony really moneyhatted, who knows. Still hilarious to see people a few pages ago swearing that the Switch couldn't run it

No, Monster Hunter will come to Switch at a later date, but people need to stop with this "I'll just wait for MH5 to come out for Switch". This is MH5 in everything but name and Capcom are treating it as such. The insistence of some people in this thread to discount this game as a spin off even after Capcom keeps saying it's not as well as the other evidence available is so immature and obnoxious.
Considering the amount of posts like this, i think it's going to be hilarious if the Switch game will indeed be called "Monster Hunter 5".


No, Monster Hunter will come to Switch at a later date, but people need to stop with this "I'll just wait for MH5 to come out for Switch". This is MH5 in everything but name and Capcom are treating it as such.

I know that this is a "Mainline" entry (i would say a Mainline reboot).

Going back to the rumor, maybe MHPortable could be MHW portable or some type of G Version in the Future. We will see what Capcom will do with this IP which is the most important for this Company.


So MH is done for Nintendo and XX is the last entry?

Too early to say, this could flop. Just don't think it can be assumed.

Not really. Especially since an insider in this thread has already confirmed they're working on a traditional MH game.

This looks plenty traditional and they easily be making that assumption. A lot of people assumed Portable 4th would be a thing on Vita.

I doubt it, those 3ds games must be real cheap to produce at this point considering how little they've changed the formula over the years.

3DS ain't cutting it in 2018 and beyond.
People insisting that they will totally make a separate game(even called MH5) sound like Vita fans circa 2012.
Yeah because they are totally going to skip MH5 and jump straight to MH6!

No, Monster Hunter will come to Switch at a later date, but people need to stop with this "I'll just wait for MH5 to come out for Switch". This is MH5 in everything but name and Capcom are treating it as such. The insistence of some people in this thread to discount this game as a spin off even after Capcom keeps saying it's not as well as the other evidence available is so immature and obnoxious.

I think they're just in denial. This is getting a mainline treatment and it's pretty obvious.


As someone who always wanted to like MH but just couldn't get into it, this reveal trailer was good. I'm looking forward to giving this a shot. Stoked that it'll be on PC and will definitely wait for that version.

Deleted member 125677

Unconfirmed Member
It's cool that they're trying to expand the series to a wider audience and that more people will get introduced to the series.

That being said, I'm kind of lukewarm to what's been shown here so far, especially in regards to gameplay. The trailer is not very inspiring. But let's see how it evolves!


Too early to say, this could flop. Just don't think it can be assumed.

Too early to say? Do you really think Capcom will drop the games for Nintendo portables? Only if they hate money and Nintendo and Capcom had some crazy fallout and they are like, XX is the last game you'll be getting. A new entry is an easy 3M seller over there in Japan.
I think they're just in denial. This is getting a mainline treatment and it's pretty obvious.

more like they're just fighting over the games name for no reason

I think it's because the original rumor that confirmed this game pretty much said "PS4 is getting an HD Western Focused Monster Hunter Spinoff and Switch is getting MH5 developed by the original team." Now it seems like some of that might be wrong, but it's too soon to tell yet.
I'm very curious about the structure of the game, though I'm fairly confident that it's mostly the same. There's been a lot of open world talk but the official statements only say seamless. Personally I'm betting that the quest areas are still separated like Jungle and Volcano but without the load zones.

That's exactly what is happening. I imagine they'll show it off in that stream on the 20th.

MHW is for the West. That's who the main target is, it's Capcom's attempt at getting a big seller outside of Japan. Its gameplay systems are being changed in order to reach that goal.

Traditional MH will continue on portable systems.

I think you should be careful about how you describe it. The gameplay systems are being modernised to increase it's appeal to the west, but they're not necessarily being westernised. As I've said in previous posts, there are some very nice quality of life changes to some of the features coming that traditional MH fans will really appreciate. People need to move away from this idea of the franchise being "westernised".

The next MH game on Switch will also draw from World as well.


It's cool that they're trying to expand the series to a wider audience and that more people will get introduced to the series.

That being said, I'm kind of lukewarm to what's been shown here so far, especially in regards to gameplay. The trailer is not very inspiring. But let's see how it evolves!

Yeah, because capcom is trying to sell it.

So they are investing a lot, treating as a mainline game, announcing in the biggest gaming event of the world, in a press conference no less!, being developed by their internal team.

But they're just treating it as a mainline game but it's actually not?

right lol
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