I guess that would be a bug when it tries to sleep or eat, but can't
Shogun Ceanataur is a dick.
::comes back to NeoGAF to have info about Monster Hunter World::
::sees people whining and arguing over the most ridiculous things::
::closes tab::
It'd be just as cool if instead of memorizing where its nesting grounds are located, if you could actually put some type of tracking device on it. This way you can find it later and you're free to go and hunt other monsters in the world.
::comes back to NeoGAF to have info about Monster Hunter World::
::sees people whining and arguing over the most ridiculous things::
::closes tab::
He was pushed to another zone mid-swing and came back.How did you post this when you closed the tab?
How did you post this when you closed the tab?
as a bowgun main that short snippet of gameplay is the most concerning thing I've seen so far. Hopefully bowguns don't just play like you just picked up a turret in Gears/Halo because I like HBG gameplay a lot. Even if it is probably the most arcane and inaccessible thing in MH.
The biggest issue with MH:W seems to be Capcom's apparently *purposeful* lack of information on exactly where the game falls on the MH spectrum. Is it mainline or is it a spin off? Right now, in this thread, we have at least 4 different groups of MH fans, all with different ideas of what the game is, and no one really has a clue. One group wants the game to radically shake up some of the core tenants of the series, and based on their interpretation of a rather crappy introduction trailer, sees just that. Another group sees all the environmental changes, and is mortified that the series is losing everything that made it the success that it is. The third is made up of people that like the "idea" of liking MH, but can't stand the "jank" of traditional MH. And the fourth are made up of console warriors, just happy with the chaos. I honestly don't know which camp I fall into (minus the 4th), since I don't really know anything about the gameplay. And honestly, neither do any of you. Why didn't Capcom have an immediate, worldwide press release ready to go, explaining some of the details about the game? Isn't this game supposed to re-introduce MH to the world, whether you want traditional combat with HD assets or a complete shakeup of the core systems? Why did I have to learn basic info about the game, third hand (thru GAF), from a twitter account of a European Community Rep? "I know our trailer didn't show this, but relax, all 14 weapons are in the game." "I know you didn't see a HUD, but no worries! Health and Stamina are back, Jack." The Famitsu article might have touched on some of this, but like 99% of the western world, I don't read Japanese. And apparently this game is focusing on the western market. Or maybe not, who knows! Capcom USA put up a blog post at 2:30am this morning, and all it does is regurgitate an overview of the trailer. And keep in mind, the crappy trailer for MH4 that's been mentioned earlier in the thread, was for a game that was still 2 years out. MH:W releases sometime between 6 and 9 months from now. Worldwide. This game was shown at one of the Big Three's press conferences. That's a pretty big deal. And knowing how adored and defended this series is, by both past console and current portable fans, wouldn't you think Capcom would want to limit uproar from everyone by actually giving some solid info? I would have at least put up a video on their Youtube channel showing some actual game play loops. What happens on the 20th, when it's shown that World isn't really all that different? Those that read big changes from the trailer aren't going to be happy. Or vice versa. I guess the point of my round-about ramblings is this: For as important to the Monster Hunter series as this game is supposed to be, Capcom certainly hasn't done it any favors with their terrible unveiling. All we have to show for it, are a bunch of MH fans arguing with themselves over a bunch of non-information.
This makes me question if there are going to be elemental weapons and if people will abuse the machine gun and slime/blast.
Cause we haven't played it before and we're interested...I'm fairly certain the reveal trailer for MH4(or was it gen? I don't remember) had a guy running away from a monster while environmental destruction was going on. I don't know why people keep bringing this up. I have faith.
That's one of the most hilarious MonHun bugs I've seen yet.
That's never happened to me playing hundreds of hours of MH. Like sometimes it runs when its near death a bunch but that legit is not something I have ever seen. Weird. Wonder if its a bug.
Will be interesting to see if there will be cross regions play
The details sheet in the OP already confirms this.Will be interesting to see if there will be cross regions play
They have only shown very little of the combat so... they're being negative for the sake of it.Seen a lot of comments saying the combat has been gutted...can anyone explain why this is a common opinion?
Seen a lot of comments saying the combat has been gutted...can anyone explain why this is a common opinion?
I keep thinking I missed a trailer or an info dump or something, because the trailer at E3 was like 5 minutes long and seemed pretty obviously focused on showcasing new elements, and an actiony scene with a monster.
So uh, is there no regular coop? Like invite a friend and then hunt together? Sounds like its only like Souls MP shere ya summon players.
Okay so, I just had a glimpse at a decent portion of the discussion here, and have a question--is there any actual evidence that this game will have 'dumbed-down' mechanics or whatever other buzzword for western gaming boogeymen outside of a 4chan post and hints of tracking systems and new weapons (which seem like pretty intuitive additions?)
Obviously the game is open-world from the announcement, but I can't imagine having segmented areas of a larger space in sprawling lands with huge monsters was by design. Admittedly, I have only played a bit of 4U and found that to be rather tiresome on a handheld, tried XX as well, and that still didn't grab me, but I would welcome a chance to play this sort of game in a sit-down experience with nice visuals.
Seen a lot of comments saying the combat has been gutted...can anyone explain why this is a common opinion?
That's already been confirmed. Even with Japan which makes me wonder if there will be any fun weapon/armor crossovers.
Oh goodThe details sheet in the OP already confirms this.
My thoughts too. I didn't see anything massively different, except for the rapid firing gun.
Probably posted but here are gaijinhunter's thoughts:
He seems genuinely excited. I share his thoughts on the trailer catering to existing fans instead of enticing new players.
Lol*Teleports behind u*
Heh... nothin personell... kid...
I kind of disagree with the notion that this was a trailer that caters to old fans. I mean, just the reaction on this thread alone contradicts it. If they had confirmed that the Monster Hunter everyone likes wouldn't change much and everything on the trailer is just QoL additions, there wouldn't be so much confusion and the reception would have been more positive. It actually seems like a trailer that caters to people new to the series, or more like those with a basic understanding of it and nothing more, as it's trying to be as flashy as it can.
The reception would have been a lot more positive if it was announced for Switch/3DS.
The reception would have been a lot more positive if it was announced for Switch/3DS.
I severely doubt that. A lot of what people are reacting to are the fundamental changes that they're making here, which would be just as criticized on Switch/3DS as they are now.
I really don't know why people keep trying to make this a console wars thing. It's not a console wars thing at all.
The reception would have been a lot more positive if it was announced for Switch/3DS.
The reception would have been a lot more positive if it was announced for Switch/3DS.
Yeah, it would be really cool if you actually has to pay attention to follow tracks instead of this terrible detective mode trend.Detective mode was by far the thing that put me off. I have since come around on the rest of the trailer mainly being a showcase for new things and not necessarily reducing the importance of melee combat. But following glowing trails in detective mode is the worst trend in modern games.
I severely doubt that. A lot of what people are reacting to are the fundamental changes that they're making here, which would be just as criticized on Switch/3DS as they are now.
I really don't know why people keep trying to make this a console wars thing. It's not a console wars thing at all.
What are the fundamental changes? I like MonHun, but I've only played 2 of them (MH4U and Generations) so it's hard for me to pick out "fundamental" changes.
What are the fundamental changes? I like MonHun, but I've only played 2 of them (MH4U and Generations) so it's hard for me to pick out "fundamental" changes.
Because it obviously is.
It's like people have forgotten the MH4 reveal trailer with just a dude running away.