There's intricate health regeneration and then there's Gears of War regeneration.Besides, regenerating health has been a standard mechanic since the first game, though most people tend to not notice it.
There's intricate health regeneration and then there's Gears of War regeneration.Besides, regenerating health has been a standard mechanic since the first game, though most people tend to not notice it.
Good stuff, thanks.
Sounds like people will need to make the same adjustments as MGS players did for MGSV with the game going open world. No more running away to another screen/area etc.
There's intricate health regeneration and then there's Gears of War regeneration.
Enabling drop-in is the biggest change for me (and my friends).From Arekkz on Reddit, a guy known in the MH community,
- Multiplayer is now "drop in", so if you begin a quest solo, your friends can join you. This is what the flare is used for from the gameplay trailer.
- Underwater exploration was seen but they have confirmed underwater combat will NOT be making a return
- The map is fully open, and there will NOT be loading zones between areas, so gone are the days of running out of the zone to hide or heal
- All 14 weapons are confirmed to be returning (thanks Kogath for the link)
- The game is NOT a spin-off, it is main series
EDIT - He's going to be interviewing Capcom this morning on MH:W, that's the info he knows above.
Honestly this could very easily end up being very good
So far noone has verified the truthfullness of the rumour, but seems it came half true. And MH sells huge as a portable game in Japan. Sony is shitting the bed saleswise there, so they want exclusivity for partially funding the game. Capcom is gambling that "westernizing" MH on PS4, Xbox1 and PC, might increase sales, so seeing is believing. Still think its a separate spinoff, reboot on MH1 so they won't upset Nintendo. I'm sure Nintenfo gavr Capcom there blessing because I doubt Capcom would make a MH game behind Nintendo's back, without consulting them first.
From Arekkz on Reddit, a guy known in the MH community,
- Multiplayer is now "drop in", so if you begin a quest solo, your friends can join you. This is what the flare is used for from the gameplay trailer.
- Underwater exploration was seen but they have confirmed underwater combat will NOT be making a return
- The map is fully open, and there will NOT be loading zones between areas, so gone are the days of running out of the zone to hide or heal
- All 14 weapons are confirmed to be returning (thanks Kogath for the link)
- The game is NOT a spin-off, it is main series
EDIT - He's going to be interviewing Capcom this morning on MH:W, that's the info he knows above.
So..Is there any validity that Sony blocked Nintendo from this "multiplatform" game as rumors suggested? Why would they feel threatened?
Sounds great. Usually I'm averse to change with franchises I love, but nothing I've seen rubs me the wrong way about this yet. It's obvious the E3 stuff was set up to show the new things being brought in to the series. (Grappling hook/environmental traps and destruction). With the people behind it, and confirmation of the weapons returning, I'm sure combat will be just as good as ever. Love the drop in/drop out co-op too. Wonder how this works with Carting.
Also, I love the ideas of the monsters relentlessly chasing you when you need to heal, and no longer getting de-zoned by a monster trapping you in the corner.
I'm so damn hyped about this game. It's what I wanted for so long.
Je Suis Monte!
Wait, so we still have the classic hub to launch mission right? Just that there's no segmented map?
So..Is there any validity that Sony blocked Nintendo from this "multiplatform" game as rumors suggested? Why would they feel threatened?
So..Is there any validity that Sony blocked Nintendo from this "multiplatform" game as rumors suggested? Why would they feel threatened?
So much talk about MH appealing to the west but I just don't see it. To me, MonHun is rooted in research, figuring out what Mega Nutrients do, checking a Wiki to discover route trees for specific weapon or armor configurations, or how the fuck to farm Cathageafish Fry. Those things are the opposite of what Western Gaming champions - simplicity, clearly explained objectives, cinematic presentation and to be frank, some hand holding.
Capcom wants the series to be a multi million seller in the west but honestly shy of stripping out Monster Hunter's specific complexities (which would completely destroy it as a MH title) I doubt it'll ever happen.
By the way, what's the Je Suis Monte thing? I saw that in a YT vídeo too.
And no words on map variety / regions or monster variety yet? It's a missed opportunity given the fact that it releases in less than 12 months. Maybe we'll get a full gameplay reveal at TGS.
Because it'd sell a lot better on Switch. The game isn't even coming out on XBO and PC in Japan, and worldwide I don't think they see those two platforms as much of a threat for this particular game.
That said, I don't know if that's true as that seems like an odd deal. Maybe Capcom didn't want to be limited by the hardware or something.
Long running meme since MH4U that french players seemed to gravitate to Insect Glaive for mounting purposes when it was a pretty broken mechanic. It's the default message that pops up when you mount a monster if you choose French as your language.
regenerating health in MH has been a thing for ages
I get the sense most of the people complaining aren't really to hardcore and knowledgeable about MH as they'd like to appear
If you look at the Japanese market, this isn't even the first time a game only came out on Xbox in Western territories--Valkyria Azure Revolution was/is the same, and I imagine Code Vein will end up that way as well.
If you look at the Japanese market, this isn't even the first time a game only came out on Xbox in Western territories--Valkyria Azure Revolution was/is the same, and I imagine Code Vein will end up that way as well.
And no words on map variety / regions or monster variety yet? It's a missed opportunity given the fact that it releases in less than 12 months. Maybe we'll get a full gameplay reveal at TGS.
How are they going to deal with multiple hunts with open map? Deviljho stars wreaking havoc and you can't do shit about it?
Of course, so it's basically the closest thing to an exclusive they can get without actually paying for exclusivity. The game won't sell shit on Xbox One. Only the Switch would be a threat.
I think it's safe to say there is a spectrum between "a need to research info on wikis to advance sufficiently" and "hand-holding".
How are they going to deal with multiple hunts with open map? Deviljho stars wreaking havoc and you can't do shit about it?
How are they going to deal with multiple hunts with open map? Deviljho stars wreaking havoc and you can't do shit about it?
How are they going to deal with multiple hunts with open map? Deviljho stars wreaking havoc and you can't do shit about it?
It has been happening since the PS3 (Metal Gear Rising etc.), XB is completely irrelevant in Japan so JP devs have zero problems not releasing a version for it there.
Didn't 4chan rumor say it's timed exclusive for Sony console? That turned out to be false so that now I think it's unlikely Sony moneyhatted (it is possible that they are giving some technical assistance like Deep Down, but nothing more I guess).
How are they going to deal with multiple hunts with open map? Deviljho stars wreaking havoc and you can't do shit about it?
That's where I'm at. The trailer focused on the new and different things, which would have been fine in a normal sequel situation. The fact is though that this game's announcement was preceded by a leak with rumour of "westernisation", and that's what makes the lack of the old and familiar a bit uncomfortable. The supposed "westernisation" would make sense too, since a home console release would do little for a Japanese audience, and Capcom will need to compensate for that somewhere. Just seeing a hunt play out from a gameplay demo would put my mind at ease. I won't mind if it's different, as long as it retains the feeling of Monster Hunter.Eh, it feels that people assume things about aspects of the game that weren't shown. There are a few changes, like the bowgun and the mounting, and there are a few questionable additions, like the fireflies and the stealth, but I'd swear most of the vitriol in this thread is based on assumptions, primarily fueled by a rumor that may or may not be entirely true, because nothing shown warrants so much criticism. It's a trailer to a new game, of course they focus on new mechanics, but people make up scenarios about entirely different approaches on Monster Hunter World's hunting based on small indications. I just wish Capcom will hurry and show a quest from the game and will clear everything up, for better or worse.
The trailer showed your hunter squeezing through vines and diving up from a pool of water. They could potentially use that to gate areas off into more manageable chunks.Still not sure what they mean with open world.
Did they revamp the fine tuned Monster AI for small arenas to work basically anywhere thus enabling much larger areas or did they just take out the transitional loading screens between areas and connected them more organically?
One assumes you jump in a bush and stealth for a second and heal or just run your ass off to get enough time to pop something. Imagine having jho mad af on your ass across the map tho, whew
Granted, but does or will Monster Hunter ever fill that spectrum? I doubt it.
I've tried to get a number of my friends and relatives into the game and the three main comments I hear are:
Early missions are boring
Too much item management
Difficulty spike is frustrating.
How does Capcom remove any of these things and still call it Monster Hunter? The early missions are boring but are necessary to teach players how the world works. The item management and planning for a mission is the core of the game, and the difficulty is the entire point of the fights. How does a "westernized" version address this without destroying the core values of the series?
This could be pretty exciting and would make sense why swimming is back, you could hide under water from various Monsters who can't swim to escape or to approach.
Why is PC delayed, though?8
This is Capcom thing nowadays. They revel the game less than a year before it's release and starts a gradual flow of new info till the game's release date.
Apparently even though swimming was shown it won't be a part of the game.
Apparently even though swimming was shown it won't be a part of the game.
I just hope that MH:W does not go the SFV route. :/ Adding monsters / maps as DLCs or anything like that and starting with a bare minimum of content.
It is console exclusive in Japan and time exclusive to consoles in general, so that point is still valid.
I read that as it is as much a main-series as MHX is. I think the only thing Capcom considers a spin-off are MH Stories and those weird cat games.