I think this is the kind of game you play while wearing headphones, lol.
Only to find out you didn't plug them in!
I think this is the kind of game you play while wearing headphones, lol.
Isn't everything but mobile starved for card games?Cool, that seems fairly solid for $30, Vita is starved for card games so might give this a go
Isn't everything but mobile starved for card games?
True, but even mobile only has a few real card games. The bulk of them don't require any strategy, but rather time investment and cash to get the best cards. Also tapping, they require a lot of tapping and the purchasing of 'energy.'
Just curious, what do people consider the better card games available, in general? Not even restricting it to this gen.
What, I thought that...
The European release was initially scheduled for May 28, but was changed in order to allow the title to be available to fans in Germany, Russia, and Switzerland, where the game was originally going to be unavailable. US release date will be the same, 5/27/2014.
What, I thought that...
I'm just wondering if there's a Blue-eyes White Dragon equivalent.
Well played.Time to rub one out.
It's so sad that amount of censorship western release has suffered, even with that rated Mature on US and +12 on EU.
40 of 350 illustrations censored simply pathetic.
IFI keeping everyone here off of FBI lists is a good thing, you should be thanking them
More specifically, as I understand it the reasoning was that the uncensored images would have resulted in an AO rating from ESRB and a request to feck off from Sony (since an AO rating is an automatic certification fail for all of the three console manufacturers).
More specifically, as I understand it the reasoning was that the uncensored images would have resulted in an AO rating from ESRB and a request to feck off from Sony (since an AO rating is an automatic certification fail for all of the three console manufacturers).
It's so sad that amount of censorship western release has suffered, even with that rated Mature on US and +12 on EU.
40 of 350 illustrations censored simply pathetic.
Seems unlikely, isnt AO mainly for explicit sexual content? Which none of the cut material was. Just IFI being over-cautious I'd say. Based on the list it looks like its only 19 or 20 out of 350
They have changed 40.Based on the list it looks like its only 19 or 20 out of 350
Idea Factory International is fully aware of the concerns expressed by fans, so we would like to inform everyone about the censored images in greater detail.
Monster Monpiece is a card battle game, in which players summon various “Monster Girls” onto the game’s battlefields and then fight their opponents. These cards—meaning the “Monster Girls”—are able to be powered up by exposing themselves (taking off their clothes) via the level-up features called First Crush Rub and Extreme Love. We kept the same number of cards in the game as the original Japanese version, but replaced some of the higher level Monster Girl images with the “less exposed” lower level versions of the corresponding Monster Girls due to some intense sexual imagery. The number of censored cards is about 40 out of the approximately 350 card images available in the game. This means that over 300 cards are left untouched from the original images. That said, each card that has had its image removed will still have the same number of levels for the player to increase, but the higher level card images will be the same as the lower level, even though they have leveled up and have become more powerful. We would like to emphasize that the game’s playtime, the game’s system, and the game’s features are all the same as the original Japanese release, and players can level up their Monster Girls to the highest levels as well, again, matching the Japanese release.
This was a very difficult decision since we work very hard to satisfy our fans and want to bring the same content being offered in Japan.However, Western society is not as lenient as that of Japan when sexual images are involved—especially images of humanoids that appear to be younger than a socially acceptable age. The borderline of what is “acceptable” will always be extremely gray and vary from person to person, but as a responsible company working in the U.S., we had to make the difficult decision that we did. We sincerely apologize for those who do not agree with any level of censorship, but we greatly appreciate your understanding with the decision we have made.
About the rating differences between North America (ESRB, Mature) and Europe (PEGI, 12):
The reason for the difference in these ratings is simply the difference in the rating system between ESRB and PEGI. We received a Mature rating for Monster Monpiece from the ESRB with the censored material we submitted.However, for PEGI, and with the same material assets for their review, they rated it 12+ because of the minimal amount of violence shown in the game. We appreciate your understanding with these rating differences.
Idea Factory International, Inc.
- See more at: http://www.hardcoregamer.com/2014/0...orship-complaints/71011/#sthash.zzEU3BrX.dpuf
I'm just wondering if there's a Blue-eyes White Dragon equivalent.
They have changed 40.
Idea Factory press note:
That said, each card that has had its image removed will still have the same number of levels for the player to increase, but the higher level card images will be the same as the lower level, even though they have leveled up and have become more powerful.
HUZZAH, the party has begun!It's up if you navigate to it on the Vita store.
Have you seen the images? You'll feel like you're inside an episode of Law & Order SVU
They have changed 40.
Idea Factory press note:
Dat DLC...
Is any of the non-voice stuff worth getting?
If I remember, the seal stones are for upgrading cards to their highest level. You can earn them via online play I believe. I don't know if the cards in the rare packs are unique to those packs or not. Rub points are used for upgrading cards via the rubbing minigame but you earn plenty of those through normal battles. The battle items are not worth buying.
Thanks. The description for the '3rd Rare Pack' says "A 3-card pack with newly added monster girls. Receive randomly chosen monster girls."
That makes it sound like new cards. Was there any Japanese DLC that added more cards and maybe this is it?
I wouldn't be surprised if they added new cards. I have a horrible habit of buying games faster than I can finish ones I already have, so I never actually finished this game when I imported it last year when it came out. I booted it up just to refresh my memory for some things to answer questions, but never bothered to check into DLC stuff.
Is the DLC available in game if you don't buy it?
Okay, time to start; had to run to the store and get ready.
So for those who have played it - is it worth the $30? I love card games and it seems interesting.