So it was my birthday yesterday, and I was gifted a $25 iTunes gift card. I figured, since I'm enjoying Monster Strike and all, that I'd put that towards the purchase of a few Magic Orbs so I could attempt to get Margarite. I already had over 40, so 60 extra would allow me to do two 10-pull.
So I did.
Nothing but 4*, and a lot of them being dupes.
That's 200 Magic Orbs I put towards this specific Gatcha, with 140 of them being earned in-game, and not one Margarite obtained. Sure I have Zeus, Arthur, Striker, Wildcat, Tini, etc., but I wanted Margarite since she's basically the gateway between more powerful monsters, but it seems as though I'll be without her.
I'll tell you one thing, though. It will be a long while before I spent more money on Magic Orbs. Actually, I can't see myself even buying more honestly. I know it's random, and there are reports of people getting amazing units on even single pulls, but to spent 100 Magic Orbs and not get a single thing out of it, especially considering 60 of those Magic Orbs were purchased with actual money [albeit, with the help of a gift card], and it's even more painful. It doesn't help that, despite a handful of 4* Units, that anything other than a 5* is essentially a throw away monster, and it's even more upsetting.
So yes, I still love the game, and will continue playing. However, whatever monsters I receive from now on will be obtained either in-game through Descents, or earned with free Magic Orbs. I just can't stomach the spending on this much money, when the Gatcha rate seems so low.
So much for the "Super" drop-rates. :/