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Monster Strike |OT| Lucy in the Sky with Divine Sharls

I think I'm fading on this game.

Did a 10 pull on the new gacha and got nothing - literally. All 4 star monsters of no real use.

I feel like I've seen pretty much everything -- at least, I can't really change the experience each time without spending money and hoping to luck out with a new monster to raise.

To grind out another 50 orbs will take weeks and then I might get another set of 10 useless rewards for my trouble.

I'm struggling to see the point of building another, different, team of 3, especially without any 6* possibles to raise.

This is where I was about a week ago. Haven't played since and it's really a crazy, unsatisfying grind.

I did enjoy the MP stuff but unfortunately that isn't enough to keep going. The gacha rates are terrible. Quite a few pulls including a couple bucks and the best one I have to show for it is Odin and Nanani.

You guys can drop me from your friends lists and Line if needed, I'm still logging in and playing every now and then but not actively. Flyin@GAF.


I personally feel that the rate at which the 5* are pulled from the gatcha will ultimately be what makes people lose interest. Well that and the cost for the Magic Orbs. The rates are so low, that the odds of pulling anything decent is unlikely, and the expense at trying for more pulls just isn't worth the risk/reward. Because of this, people won't be purchasing more Magic Orbs, which will result in them having less monsters to level up/evolve, and their passion for the game will wane.

Over the weekend I spent 45 of my free/earned Magic Stones in Puzzle & Dragons [during a Godfest] and out of 9 pulls I received 6 new Gods. In comparison, during the Monster Strike Margarite batch/gatcha, I spent 100 Magic Orbs [including 60 which I purchased with real money] and didn't receive a single 5*. Needless to say, I'm pretty poisoned with the idea of spending any more money on in-game Magic Orbs.

It's a shame too, as the actual game is a lot of fun. I still play daily, and jump in LINE frequently to play with other GAF members, and don't foresee myself quitting any time soon. That being said, if they don't fix/improve the gatcha rate [or at least make the Magic Orbs a lot cheaper than they are], I can see a lot of people dropping the game pretty quickly.

One change I was thinking about is removing the 4* monsters from gold eggs. That way, when you see a gold egg pop out, you at least know that it's a 5* unit and not something useless. Make 4* monsters a silver egg drop, and make changes to the gatcha machine so it's more feasible to do single pulls. As it is now, you basically have to save up 50 Magic Orbs to make a pull, since with single pulls not only are you pulling against the low 5* rate but also against 4* as well as 3* units. If single pulls were more tempting, the grind to 50 Magic Orbs wouldn't be there and people wouldn't feel so frustrated when they don't get anything out of a 10pull.


I feel if they had a one guaranteed 5* for a 10-pull like in a certain other game that comes to mind (LLSIF), it would make it somewhat more justifiable to do a 10-pull. Maybe not all the time and only during certain events?


I feel if they had a one guaranteed 5* for a 10-pull like in a certain other game that comes to mind (LLSIF), it would make it somewhat more justifiable to do a 10-pull. Maybe not all the time and only during certain events?
I was just coming back to add that to my comment, but it seems you've beaten me to it.

Yeah, if doing a ten pull guaranteed you a 5* unit from that specific event, that would definitely help things.
I feel if they had a one guaranteed 5* for a 10-pull like in a certain other game that comes to mind (LLSIF), it would make it somewhat more justifiable to do a 10-pull. Maybe not all the time and only during certain events?
That would (presumably) go against the philosophy behind the rates being so low. They don't want you to be satisfied or get close to being satisfied. If you are the type of person that is going to give them money, they want to drain you for all you are worth.


relies on auto-aim
My main gripe right now is that (aside from drop rates and Orb prices being insane, blahblahblah whales) tabbing to LINE or a browser just restarts the MS App. Even joining others is a pain as it will restart. Rebooting the phone seems to lower this chance from 4/5 to like 2/5. Hosting makes this a nightmare as you have to spam the link, it restarts, then points to the last stage (wrong).

It's seriously killing my mood to host and play. Maybe it's a temperature issue? It's on Nexus 5. Didn't start happening until 2 weeks ago and seems to just have gotten worse (Others were experiencing this before me)
just had the final boss drop its egg after killing it on the final healthbar....but that egg didn't show up in the final spoils page.

seems other people are experiencing it as well: http://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterStrike/comments/2mn7ah/there_is_a_bug_in_the_game/
Happened to me on Extreme too.


The LINE group for this died quickly. :(

LINE group is very active when descend is available.

PSA: For players that are hosting or joining the bonus stage exploit, I highly recommend that you stop now. JP has released a banwave before banning exploiters. So just a heads up for those have been joining or hosting it.
from Monster Strike Global facebook fan page


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Word chrono01 !!

Loosing interest in this f2p project of mine as well. I thought i would be able to hold out at least till the 60 Stamina dungeons are released but its getting tougher and tougher. From my last three 10-pulls i got exactly one 5*. This sucks, but if it were just me i could somehow understand it because you need luck for the Lottery but entering the Line group and watching other results just show that the drop rate is ridiculous low in general.

The dependence on Line and Co. to play find coop team mates also bothers me, the App is making millions a day in Japan and they can bother to implement a more robust online framework or/and fix a mayor bug like the exp bonus ? Guess its easier to just ban people. Not even mentioning the constant App restarts since you have to run Line, Browser and the game pretty much at the same time.

The game itself is fun, but the framework underneath is made for a completely different market it seems. I expected them to modify the drop rate to cater to the western audience more.


I kinda expected the bans, and I've mostly stopped joining/hosting those anyway. But if I do get banned for past transgression, I think I'll be fine without it. Drop rates on the gacha and disappearing quest rewards will do that to you.

So thanks for a few fun weeks Mixi, but if you kick me out instead of fixing the actual problems then I won't be the one losing out here.


Saint Nic
I think I quit 2 weeks ago now. Reading about all of you considering quiting now is exactly what I figured would happen. The game is a ton of fun, but the gacha rates are borderline insane. I think it would be less of an issue if so many 4* monsters weren't utter trash. The balance leans heavily towards the super rare 5* stuff.

It's too bad since the framework for the game is so solid. But crazy bad gacha and laughably rare mats pushes this game into another money grabber in my eyes. I don't regret buying orbs or anything (I got a ton of hours of enjoyment out of the game in the short time I played), but I am sad that something doesn't exist that isn't so money hungry.

john tv

Faiz - have people been banned?

FWIW, your feedback is being heard (fairly directly, since I have a direct connection to the team and I often pass it on), so while I personally understand your concerns (the Hatcher has burned me too, LOL), keep in mind you guys are among the first of the first players of this game and it's still very new here (well, there). I hope you'll stick it out a little while longer while they iron out the kinks. :) (But they really do listen and care about what you think, so the feedback is very much appreciated!)


Honestly, the thing that bothers me most about this game is the annoying Line client that takes forever to refresh when you haven't used it for a few days. I just want to see the newest messages. :/


I kinda expected the bans, and I've mostly stopped joining/hosting those anyway. But if I do get banned for past transgression, I think I'll be fine without it. Drop rates on the gacha and disappearing quest rewards will do that to you.

So thanks for a few fun weeks Mixi, but if you kick me out instead of fixing the actual problems then I won't be the one losing out here.

Pretty sure that everybody would be banned by then, they'd be killing their player base.


Faiz - have people been banned?

FWIW, your feedback is being heard (fairly directly, since I have a direct connection to the team and I often pass it on), so while I personally understand your concerns (the Hatcher has burned me too, LOL), keep in mind you guys are among the first of the first players of this game and it's still very new here (well, there). I hope you'll stick it out a little while longer while they iron out the kinks. :) (But they really do listen and care about what you think, so the feedback is very much appreciated!)

that facebook PSA post was actually posted in our line chat approximately 2 weeks ago (right when i got back from Spain). I haven't heard about any bans since then so it doesn't seem like its happened (future be warned obviously). I still see lots of bonus levels being run in coop (i live in NYC so big population and short distance area for cooping), can't see them banning anyone who joins them without knowing so it'll be hard to differentiate.

feedback to mixi might be guaranteed 5* for a ten pull, and the guaranteed 5* being one of the promoted ones. (see brave frontier for how they do it, they have events where they send the one to the mailbox). it really sucks knowing i burned 3 10 pulls and getting absolutely nothing of worth, so it might fix it. I would never ever ever buy gems to pull, with these rates, knowing 25 dollars might get be nothing.


To add to potential bans for bonus exploit discussion.

The person running the official twitter I ask plainly what was their official stance on the bonus stage exploit, and he responded it is being patched soon, nothing about banning people or even telling us not to do it.

I pretty much stop pulling the gatcha, it took 250 orbs for me to learn that lesson. I will give new stuff one pull, but saving my orbs for when the super special events like Izanami, Kushinaga, Izanagi, etc come out.


Faiz - have people been banned?

FWIW, your feedback is being heard (fairly directly, since I have a direct connection to the team and I often pass it on), so while I personally understand your concerns (the Hatcher has burned me too, LOL), keep in mind you guys are among the first of the first players of this game and it's still very new here (well, there). I hope you'll stick it out a little while longer while they iron out the kinks. :) (But they really do listen and care about what you think, so the feedback is very much appreciated!)


I think the biggest mistake Mixi has done was making the 4 stars featured monsters (shadowgaf and that chimera). Doing ten pulls and getting six of those as those pulls was easily the most frustrating gacha pulls that I've one.


Yea...I'm pretty much about to quit due to gatcha rates. I pulled so many times to get a good start with Arthur and Striker but after that the pulls haven't been interesting.


Yea...I'm pretty much about to quit due to gatcha rates. I pulled so many times to get a good start with Arthur and Striker but after that the pulls haven't been interesting.

with arthur, you can currently beat probably everything soooo...you have time to pool orbs til some other event.

at least that's what i'm doing.

edit: and striker in the future becomes kickass so you've got a good team.


I've pretty much only been logging in daily to work toward the guaranteed divine. Overall, it seems like progress is too heavily gated by the low rates of divine drops and gatcha pulls. Extreme events were fun for a while, but when you have a box full of 5* event monsters waiting for a divine and you know that orbs will only pull trash, it's hard to get excited to play.


relies on auto-aim
I've pretty much only been logging in daily to work toward the guaranteed divine. Overall, it seems like progress is too heavily gated by the low rates of divine drops and gatcha pulls. Extreme events were fun for a while, but when you have a box full of 5* event monsters waiting for a divine and you know that orbs will only pull trash, it's hard to get excited to play.
Eh, you get two garunteed divines, there are a lot of ascend monsters to tide you over without needing a divine, and drops aren't that bad tbh.

Play enough and you'll have more than you know what to do with :p


How do you control something like that to make sure it's rewarding to players, but without being unfair at the same time?

MS creator Yoshiki Okamoto: We don't really feel it's an unfair system in the way that Monster Strike employs it. We still have a long way to go to really tweak the rates and stuff like that. But for example, every time there's a new event, the drop rate for the monsters will go way up. And there are just certain times where we'll do events where the drop rates are heightened.

MS producer and director Koki Kimura: In a way, it's not unfair between players, because it's just pure luck for everyone.

KK: The way we think about it is: Because this is a game where you get together and you communicate with people, even when you're doing the Hatcher, it's an experience that you get to share with your friends. So if you one of your friends gets a really strong monster, you're happy for them.

And another thing about Monster Strike is that if you don't personally hold super-strong characters, you can get into a game with someone who does have super-strong characters, a friend of yours who happened to have better luck than you, and they can sort of pull your characters up, and level up, and things like that.

I'd compare it to trading card games like Magic: The Gathering. One of the really good things that I think about Monster Strike is that everybody has different characters, so you don't have everybody aiming for the same characters. The more friends you have who are playing the game, the more you can create varied, interesting parties.

Another thing that we do, is that those rotating events -- those drop monsters, right? And, actually, the strongest monsters in the game come from the rotating events. They don't come from the Hatcher.

My main gripe right now is that (aside from drop rates and Orb prices being insane, blahblahblah whales) tabbing to LINE or a browser just restarts the MS App. Even joining others is a pain as it will restart. Rebooting the phone seems to lower this chance from 4/5 to like 2/5. Hosting makes this a nightmare as you have to spam the link, it restarts, then points to the last stage (wrong).

It's seriously killing my mood to host and play. Maybe it's a temperature issue? It's on Nexus 5. Didn't start happening until 2 weeks ago and seems to just have gotten worse (Others were experiencing this before me)
I constantly tab between the apps so it doesn't restart.
They have had too much of their own Kool-Aid.


I think I'm fading on this game.

Did a 10 pull on the new gacha and got nothing - literally. All 4 star monsters of no real use.

I feel like I've seen pretty much everything -- at least, I can't really change the experience each time without spending money and hoping to luck out with a new monster to raise.

To grind out another 50 orbs will take weeks and then I might get another set of 10 useless rewards for my trouble.

I'm struggling to see the point of building another, different, team of 3, especially without any 6* possibles to raise.

Yeah this is where I'm at as well. I go in and out on games like this and P&D though (I just upgraded to Android 5.0 and can't even play P&D right now). It was a fun game, but it's a vicious cycle. I played divine gate for a while when they did the Hatsune Miku collab and basically stopped playing a full month later.


MS creator Yoshiki Okamoto: We don't really feel it's an unfair system in the way that Monster Strike employs it. We still have a long way to go to really tweak the rates and stuff like that. But for example, every time there's a new event, the drop rate for the monsters will go way up. And there are just certain times where we'll do events where the drop rates are heightened.

Except the rates don't go "way up". At all. People have spent 100+ Magic Orbs during an event, myself included, and not get a single 5* monster, including the "super high drop-rate" ones from the event.

I mean, I know RNG is RNG, but to get 20+ pulls and not a single advertised "rate up!" monster? There have been reports of people going even higher than 100 Magic Orbs and not a single 5* too. Either we're just super unlucky [it's possible], or the "improved" rates aren't nearly as high as they should be.

I still believe that a 10-pull should guarantee you at least one 5* monster from that specific event, with single pulls still giving you a chance at them. It would ensure people save up whatever Magic Orbs they can, or possibly purchase some, to get that 10-pull, while those who are impatient can still try their luck at single pulls. It's not as though having duplicate monsters isn't appealing. I know quite a few would love duplicate Margarite for Inazami, and more people would opt to spend real money if they knew there was a sure-chance of at least getting something out of it. I know with Puzzle & Dragons, and Brave Frontier [it's hard not to reference other similar "gatcha games"], that if I spend some money on in-game currency, I'll get at least one good unit out of it. Even if it's not the one I'm after, it won't be a waste. With Monster Strike, though, and the odds of 5* being so low [even during events] and the capabilities of 4* being so low, it's just too much of a risk.


I've only played once since I got my Ascended Zeus over the weekend, and I haven't really missed it, so I don't know what my future is with the game. After seeing that Square is going to be putting out a Triple Triad game, I know my time with this will only last until that is released.


Saint Nic
MS creator Yoshiki Okamoto: We don't really feel it's an unfair system in the way that Monster Strike employs it. We still have a long way to go to really tweak the rates and stuff like that. But for example, every time there's a new event, the drop rate for the monsters will go way up. And there are just certain times where we'll do events where the drop rates are heightened.

Except the rates don't go "way up". At all. People have spent 100+ Magic Orbs during an event, myself included, and not get a single 5* monster, including the "super high drop-rate" ones from the event.

I mean, I know RNG is RNG, but to get 20+ pulls and not a single advertised "rate up!" monster? There have been reports of people going even higher than 100 Magic Orbs and not a single 5* too. Either we're just super unlucky [it's possible], or the "improved" rates aren't nearly as high as they should be.

I still believe that a 10-pull should guarantee you at least one 5* monster from that specific event, with single pulls still giving you a chance at them. It would ensure people save up whatever Magic Orbs they can, or possibly purchase some, to get that 10-pull, while those who are impatient can still try their luck at single pulls. It's not as though having duplicate monsters isn't appealing. I know quite a few would love duplicate Margarite for Inazami, and more people would opt to spend real money if they knew there was a sure-chance of at least getting something out of it. I know with Puzzle & Dragons, and Brave Frontier [it's hard not to reference other similar "gatcha games"], that if I spend some money on in-game currency, I'll get at least one good unit out of it. Even if it's not the one I'm after, it won't be a waste. With Monster Strike, though, and the odds of 5* being so low [even during events] and the capabilities of 4* being so low, it's just too much of a risk.

Basically all of this.
I don't think guaranteeing a 5* monster would work well with the gacha metagame or mixi's business model for Monstrike. If you want that you'd better prepare yourself for a lot more useless/niche 5* monsters being introduced into the game like PAD does.


The gacha rates definitely need to be fixed. It's one of the areas where I think PaD shines because even though you get Gungtrolled oh so many times, eventually you'll get an amazing roll. I don't know how they do it, but they do it well. I


I think MS gatcha rates are made in mind that MS has coop.

Basically all you need is one good monster and in coop mode you can clear all hard content. Other gatcha games don't have the same coop as MS and because of this its hard to compare gatcha rates.

For example PAD is single player only game and team consist of 5 monsters. You need good gatcha drop rates in PAD to create good teams, there is no other way around it.
I think MS gatcha rates are made in mind that MS has coop.
Seeing as how hard it can be to find people to play with at certain times (let alone with the units you want for your team), this doesn't hold water.
Basically all you need is one good monster and in coop mode you can clear all hard content. Other gatcha games don't have the same coop as MS and because of this its hard to compare gatcha rates.

For example PAD is single player only game and team consist of 5 monsters. You need good gatcha drop rates in PAD to create good teams, there is no other way around it.
Definitely not true.


relies on auto-aim
I think MS gatcha rates are made in mind that MS has coop.

Basically all you need is one good monster and in coop mode you can clear all hard content. Other gatcha games don't have the same coop as MS and because of this its hard to compare gatcha rates.
Hard and not Savage and Extreme sure :p

Or if you roll Arthur then yeah you can do 95% of the content just fine, sure.


Hard and not Savage and Extreme sure :p

Or if you roll Arthur then yeah you can do 95% of the content just fine, sure.

I don't have any S or SS rank monsters. Only 2nd or 3rd tier ones and I can do extreme or savage solo without continue. Usually I'm using friend arthur or dark zeus.


free 50 orbs

Its the starter promo from the launch party, it has unlimited uses only can be used once per account


Use at you own risk but I don't think anybody will get in trouble, since its a legit promo code.


free 50 orbs

Its the starter promo from the launch party, it has unlimited uses only can be used once per account


Use at you own risk but I don't think anybody will get in trouble, since its a legit promo code.
Very nice!


free 50 orbs

Its the starter promo from the launch party, it has unlimited uses only can be used once per account


Use at you own risk but I don't think anybody will get in trouble, since its a legit promo code.

I'll give this a try. If I get in trouble, it'd probably be for the best.


Used the promo code to reroll for an alt account and got Nonno, my alt is already starting off better then my main.

credit for sharing the code goes out to some guy on reddit and johnny5 for posting it on LINE GAF.


The game also needs to rebalance 4 Star units so they're more viable as units overall. If 5 star units from the Gatcha are meant to be rare and powerful, then their lower ones need to be usable until you luck into the buff ones or they need to be situationally strong.

Brave Frontier does this really well and usually keeps more than 50% of their units viable while still introducing new ones with new mechanics. Having that variety is essential to making a good gatcha game, IMO.
The game also needs to rebalance 4 Star units so they're more viable as units overall. If 5 star units from the Gatcha are meant to be rare and powerful, then their lower ones need to be usable until you luck into the buff ones or they need to be situationally strong.

Brave Frontier does this really well and usually keeps more than 50% of their units viable while still introducing new ones with new mechanics. Having that variety is essential to making a good gatcha game, IMO.

I think unlike pad the lack of leader skills and team composition really hurts subs in this game. they really just don't fit any roles as well as five star monsters do and high level content almost requires a five star.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
I think unlike pad the lack of leader skills and team composition really hurts subs in this game. they really just don't fit any roles as well as five star monsters do and high level content almost requires a five star.

Thats not true, there are very good 4 stars like Lotta and all top Shield breakers so far are 5 stars as well. I dont think they need to be better or stronger, they are supposed to be average and arent a substitute for 5* top tiers. Dont see the problem with high level content requiring the best monster available.
Thats not true, there are very good 4 stars like Lotta and all top Shield breakers so far are 5 stars as well. I dont think they need to be better or stronger, they are supposed to be average and arent a substitute for 5* top tiers. Dont see the problem with high level content requiring the best monster available.

I have a box full of monsters and use maybe 5 tops. Most of the time I use 3. That's a problem IMO.
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