Looks like it has:
Gnome proves an amazing fact about Earth’s gravity.
Did you know the Earth's gravity varies, wherever you go? A gnome is travelling the world to measure the phenomenon. Check out the results and follow his progress.gnome-experiment.com
That was the only thing I could find as well. " This wiki has some information on the various factors that affect weight measurements at different latitudes, and this video goes into detail about the various atmospheric factors at play. From the wiki:
When one examines the properties of the air they will find that other elements too are related to pressure, temperature, and humidity; such as air viscosity and thermal diffusivity -- all of which may affect the operation of scales. If a scale is affected by any of that then those factors should be excluded, ideally in a vacuum chamber experiment. Yet a search on such types of experiments finds none... an experiment which is based on bringing uncalibrated scales to different environments and then looking for differences of a fraction of one percent of a body's weight must only be questioned for validity. The European Union has mandated that any scale that is not calibrated after being relocated is not a legitimate measurement device.