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Moon Studios CEO trashes Alyssa Mercante from Kotaku on X: 'Journalists know nothing about game development'


Golden Boy
And thus the insane will be causing their own demise.
The more Mercante is spreading her hatred the more the industry will see the true face of “Games Journalism”.
What the fuck is this shit?

So bitch lied about working for Moon studio, then got caught by the company CEO, then she was mad at being exposed and threw a tantrum on him?

What the fuck?
Question Mark What GIF by MOODMAN

Jesus, this is the kind of moment that I agree internet is a mistake, and pussy like this should just have been bullied at school.
I mean...if you're a """journalist""" and your defense is "you're a dickhead", chances are you're looking in the mirror and have nothing else to defend yourself with.

And it's true. There's a huge disconnection between gaming journalism and game development and you can see that even in game reviews.

I'll never forget journalists complaining about the huge Sony guidelines on how they couldn't spoil TLOU2 and GOW Ragnarok storyline (2 playable characters). They are more interested in ruining games with spoilers than mentioning actual issues like performance issues. It's interesting you can release the most broken game ever and somehow rate these games with a 9 or 10. If you read Elden Ring reviews and then see actual game-breaking bugs that some people were having back without the day one patch you have to wonder a few things.

Good thing gaming journalism is dead anyway and people pay less and less attention to articles. With our attention span ruined anyway people just care about gaming scores and then move on to the next thing.


What the fuck is this shit?

So bitch lied about working for Moon studio, then got caught by the company CEO, then she was mad at being exposed and threw a tantrum on him?

What the fuck?
Question Mark What GIF by MOODMAN

Jesus, this is the kind of moment that I agree internet is a mistake, and pussy like this should just have been bullied at school.
She probably was - she just took the wrong learnings from it...


Gold Member
Toxic positivity seems to be main reason why "woke" games are so low quality. Baldurs Gate 3 is progressive in a lot ways too, yet it is one of the best CRPG ever made, probably because they were able to avoid toxic positivity mind virus.
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Toxic positivity seems to be main reason why "woke" games are sow low quality. Baldurs Gate 3 is progressive in a lot ways too, yet it is one of the best CRPG ever made, probably because they were able to avoid toxic positivity mind virus.

Toxic positivity is just another tendril of "inclusivity". In order to not offend anyone, you are to remain silent even if you see something obviously wrong. And then you end up with something like Concord or SW Outlaws.
It's also worth noting that this entire situation transpired because an unhinged streamer (Quelaag) claimed to have worked on Ori when she was actually in Xbox user research. It's kind of like the person in charge of buying scalpels saying they're a brain surgeon.

The Moon Studios CEO said he had never heard of her, which is understandable because he probably didn't want her dragging his studio's name through the mud as if she worked there. But of course, she's friends with Alyssa Mercante, who calls him a dickhead for addressing Quelaag publicly instead of through DMs, even though she publicly said she worked on Ori.
This thread is making me interested in checking out No Rest For the Wicked.


Gold Member
I didn't think it was possible, but she may be worse than Anita Sarkeesian.
She is worse as a character but not as important to change anything in the industry, anita did some damage, drunkman's brain being the clearest, more famous victim.
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Toxic positivity seems to be main reason why "woke" games are sow low quality. Baldurs Gate 3 is progressive in a lot ways too, yet it is one of the best CRPG ever made, probably because they were able to avoid toxic positivity mind virus.
Im guessing thats what happens when you start hire ppl based on gender, sexuality and race instead of talent, just to create these virtual safe spaces where anything can be seen as a "micro agression". So they all have to agree with eachother and all the creative process needed to create an actual good videogame (movies as well) goes down the drain.


Yo Alyssa - tell me that you're a crazy-ass liberal DEI hire, without telling me that you're a crazy-ass liberal DEI hire. "Hold my lady dick and watch this" (maybe that last part was a tad overkill)


And then we read a person going into their defense calling everyone "phobics". Those are from the same asylum.
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You guys need to stop calling them "journalists".

- They don't have journalism degrees
- They have ZERO journalistic integrity (i.e. they often omit facts or outright LIE to support their narrative)
- They commit the cardinal sin of making the story about them

These are paid bloggers at best. Stop calling these clowns journalists.


Gold Member
You guys need to stop calling them "journalists".

- They don't have journalism degrees
- They have ZERO journalistic integrity (i.e. they often omit facts or outright LIE to support their narrative)
- They commit the cardinal sin of making the story about them

These are paid bloggers at best. Stop calling these clowns journalists.
Many people would lose their metacritic ammunitions if they admit that these people are not videogame journalists with good opinions.
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Plague Doctor

Gold Member
I am becoming open to the conspiracy theory that Kotaku is now a covert counter ops campaign to do maximum damage to the modern gaming journalism establishment and bring the entire opera down with them.

There is no fucking way their editors/leadership can look at Mercante's actions and say, "This is helping win hearts and minds!". She is making everything so much worse for the publication and the causes she is championing. She and her bosses have to know this, right?


She really is the dictionaries definition of the word cunt, I can not stand her.

She is fucking vile and really needs putting in her place a lot of these maniacs do.


Psychology PhD from Wikipedia University
Several women did. She just chickened out of it. She's the textbook definition of a crybully.

You wait just a God damn minute, this women really tried to fight interweb strangers? Please fill me in on what happened as I don’t have social media.

First question: what happened that she went off
Next question: who was she trying to fight on the interwebs?

Why do some many folks have a hard time controlling their emotions and letting other people see their feelings? Have we become the Jerry Springer show or something?


Gold Member
She really is the dictionaries definition of the word cunt, I can not stand her.

She is fucking vile and really needs putting in her place a lot of these maniacs do.
It’s what happens when you exist in a bubble. Most of her peers encourage her simply because she’s a woman. No one calls her out on her stupidity because it’s not socially acceptable in their bubble.

She needs a Joe Rogan in her life

Omnipunctual Godot

Gold Member
You wait just a God damn minute, this women really tried to fight interweb strangers? Please fill me in on what happened as I don’t have social media.

First question: what happened that she went off
Next question: who was she trying to fight on the interwebs?

Why do some many folks have a hard time controlling their emotions and letting other people see their feelings? Have we become the Jerry Springer show or something?
Here's a quick/general recap, although it doesn't show that a few other women agreed to fight her as well, which she also weaseled out of. Classic internet tough guy behavior.



Go play at least these 2 games and I'm fine with you, f the media, they don't forget and forgive people, I don't enjoy doing this like other youtubers, that's not who I am.


Time to finally play Ori.

Side note, I can't stand when people in higher positions write like complete shit and it seems to be incredibly common. I guess they're either "too busy to care," don't know any better and have never been called out for it, or just don't give a shit. Just a massive pet peeve of mine.

EDIT: Caught up with the thread. Don't give deranged people like Alyssa attention and they'll disappear.
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