[Cringe] In a new all time low Alyssa Mercante from Kotaku DM'ed SmashJT's wife.

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Gold Member
There's some people you just don't interact with as they are crazy and will make your life hell.

They are lowlifes, and have nothing to lose.

That's a good life lesson. There are a lot of these people out there -- people with nothing to lose, people with miserable lives and shitty personalities (narcissistic, antisocial) who enjoy inflicting their misery on others and don't really give a shit. Avoid all contact with them. Sometimes, I have to remind myself of that, because my ego wants to strike back and get into it with them. I know that's a mistake. I am not like them; I enjoy my life and have plenty to lose. Engaging with them only puts me at risk (financially, legally, physically). There is no upside, only downside.
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