[Cringe] In a new all time low Alyssa Mercante from Kotaku DM'ed SmashJT's wife.

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always chasing the next thrill
Can't imagine why she never made it as a sex worker
Pretty sure that’s a bin you just need to remove the hat and dispose your


Reseterror Resettler
I really can't stress how much I hate social media and all the weirdos it has spawned. When social media was first a thing back in the day, I used it to network and actually meet people (before it was a toxic lunatic-fest). Nowadays its just a sad cesspool of garbage.

I think a lot can be said about the way social media emulated Hollywood in so far as it began as a public Service- meant to entertain and enrich normal peoples lives, but from it crawled a primordial beast. All social media can basically be traced back to a dude or three making a grassroots project that they thought was revolutionary. Meant for people to meet people and extend our social reach. It was instead perverted into a church where the have-nots interact with a new, second and lesser school of online celebrities.

People that were literally a footnote before the Advent of social media in it's current incarnation, now hold entire fanbases, communities, etc. The smart people call it "parasocial relationships," Basically, it's our (collective) fault that we started giving people disproportionate amounts of attention for being closer than us to actual famous or interesting people.

Chick, you write ABOUT the people we actually want to know more about.


Who and what is this person? I always see the name on here but never any substance or content? All I feel is a queasy vomit sensation coming from the pit of my stomach when I look at it. Who the fuck is this and why should I should give a fuck? Genuinely asking.
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Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Who and what is this person? I always see the name on here but never any substance or content? All I feel is a queasy vomit sensation coming from the pit of my stomach when I look at it. Who the fuck is this and why should I should give a fuck? Genuinely asking.
Just a senior editor from Kotaku, other than acknowledging that she's mentally ill, you have no reason to give a fuck.
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I dont think a single completly ineffective DM to a nobody Youtuber's wife is worth an entire thread of its own.


Reseterror Resettler
Who and what is this person? I always see the name on here but never any substance or content? All I feel is a queasy vomit sensation coming from the pit of my stomach when I look at it. Who the fuck is this and why should I should give a fuck? Genuinely asking.

She's the editor in chief of Kotaku, a gaming news site that is historically filled with rage bait articles intended to galvanize the community, and at worst example - actively try to poise gamers and developers against each other. She has brilliant room temperature takes like "it's impossible to be racist against whites," and she was one of the first and loudest screeches when gamers began to mobilize against DEI.

Smash JT, by all accounts seems to be a smaller retro gaming youtuber who lucked out and got the prey marking painted on his back by Mercante, who, from an outside perspective, seems to have carefully chosen what she deemed to be an easy or advantageous mark, given his smaller channel and fewer big names to back him up.

It has kind of devolved into a weird outshitting contest, but if it's what it takes for Kotaku to take her aside and say "Really, this is actually retarded, write a guide or get a new job,"

I'm frankly shocked they haven't taken any action to that effect yet.


She's the editor in chief of Kotaku, a gaming news site that is historically filled with rage bait articles intended to galvanize the community, and at worst example - actively try to poise gamers and developers against each other. She has brilliant room temperature takes like "it's impossible to be racist against whites," and she was one of the first and loudest screeches when gamers began to mobilize against DEI.

Smash JT, by all accounts seems to be a smaller retro gaming youtuber who lucked out and got the prey marking painted on his back by Mercante, who, from an outside perspective, seems to have carefully chosen what she deemed to be an easy or advantageous mark, given his smaller channel and fewer big names to back him up.

It has kind of devolved into a weird outshitting contest, but if it's what it takes for Kotaku to take her aside and say "Really, this is actually retarded, write a guide or get a new job,"

I'm frankly shocked they haven't taken any action to that effect yet.
Ok nothing to do with gaming then, just pure toxicity. Don't need all that. Thanks for the info (y)


Gold Member
The site linked at the top of the OP isn't working. I wonder if he shut it down.

I find it funny that there is a site called Kotaku Detected.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
I get that a lot of people don't care.

But some people are invested in the show.

Mercante is a mess, with no real place in the position she's in. She's endlessly fanning Flames and being a crybully. To the forum's larger opinions credit, it's become more of a personal grudge match between Mercante and JT, and it's basically gone beyond the original framework of the conflict.

To everyone else's credit - it's fucking entertaining as hell.
Basically yeah, I already knew about this but I just filed it under "crap" along with most of Disney's announcements and whatever Neil produces next.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Ok nothing to do with gaming then, just pure toxicity. Don't need all that. Thanks for the info (y)
I mean it's like the TLOU TV show topics should be posted in Off Topic instead of Gaming and yet those fuckers keep posting it in the gaming section.
I know it's based on a game, but it's not a GAME so it doesn't belong here
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Where's the "barf" reaction when you need it? It's crazy that this woman actually thinks very highly of her own physical appearance when in reality she looks absolutely hideous, filthy and disgusting. I feel like I'm gonna catch something just by looking at a picture of her.
Good lord.


Reseterror Resettler
I mean it's the TLOU TV show topics should be posted in Off Topic instead of Gaming and yet those fuckers keep posting it in the gaming section.
I know it's based on a game, but it's not a GAME so it doesn't belong here

Yeah, I've always taken Gaming as anything related to gaming. Be that industry, journalism, movies or series based on games, Financials, tech analysis, etc.
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It's related, if tangentially, but not every piece of news or ongoing thing has to relate to everyone. I don't give any kind of fuck about Call of Duty or Hellblade 2, but some people do. Good for them.
Yea I get it. But to me, my hobby is me and the game, my consoles and PC, the setup and collecting, memories, and upgrading, etc. Not these nobody personalities in the industry who have a loud voice but don't really add anything other than their self-image and political views which should be irrelevant in our games.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
The site linked at the top of the OP isn't working. I wonder if he shut it down.

I find it funny that there is a site called Kotaku Detected.
It's reported back site details though... that's odd
Yeah, I've always taken Gaming as anything related to gaming. Be that industry, journalism, movies or series based on games, Financials, tech analysis, etc.
Industry, Journalism, Financial & Tech Analysis yes.
But Movies & Shows based on anything even if it's a game should go where the rest go.
But that just me.


Reseterror Resettler
Yea I get it. But to me, my hobby is me and the game, my consoles and PC, the setup and collecting, memories, and upgrading, etc. Not these nobody personalities in the industry who have a loud voice but don't really add anything other than their self-image and political views which should be irrelevant in our games.

Perfectly fair, my dude. Wouldn't try and make it any other way. But as an exercise in sharing - it's important to people that do care because the climate of gaming is often (sometimes unintentionally) tied to the product itself. Gaming journalism is (factually, verified) a shadowy cabal of useful idiots in a WEF Pyramid scheme. Essentially an effort to control behavior so that the dudes up top can reap all the benefit. It's why game studios keep closing, it's why the experience in most games feels watered down or at worst, muddied. It's why we keep getting failure after failure on the AAA scene, it's why tokenism is running rampant.

I get the "guy and a game," mentality, I do. I think it's largely from a place of sorely missing such a mindset that motivates a lot of Us to make noise about it.

Hope you have a good day, dude.


Both seem really going to town with their fights. Both are in a rabbit hole I would leave rather sooner than later. Best thing to end kotaku is to... end consuming it. Spend your energy on something positive, constructive and worth while. Aren't there some charity institutions in your area you can help with if you have that much free tome?

Just another drama.
Commenting on views and actions are always fair game imo, but tearing people down based on their looks always just comes across a meaningless, cheap blows to me.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins

This shit is just going WAY too far!! Alyssa clearly is a psychopath and why is she still active on Kotaku!?


Fucking hell, this industry can be so childish and pathetic.


I'll be there for her when she goes back to doing sex work in the streets. For a couple hours at least. Just for the story.


Reseterror Resettler
Okay, new news is that one of Mercante's followers instigated a mass reporting of JT's site to the server, resulting in the entire thing being shut down.

Kind of an interesting Grey area, you could argue that the Kotaku Detected thing was reaching a bit, and seems more petty than poignant, or you could argue that it's a clear example of gaming journalism actively snuffing out smaller independent creators to save face.
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From what I gather she's compiling or made a list of small tier "influencers" or gaming industry commentators including Vara Dark. Not sure if that's been on the forum yet. Kind of a tactic of the type, to harass and struggle session their way to victory.

Sounds like this dude was just one of many.
I don't know where some of you guys find this shit. More often than not, the first time I hear about these nutcases is here on GAF. Just use twitter for porn like normal people.
  • LOL
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From what I gather she's compiling or made a list of small tier "influencers" or gaming industry commentators including Vara Dark. Not sure if that's been on the forum yet. Kind of a tactic of the type, to harass and struggle session their way to victory.

Sounds like this dude was just one of many.

She capitalized on the SBI / Suicide Squad controversy, moved on to Stellar Blade bashing and from there she's somehow been on the news for all the wrong reasons.


Reseterror Resettler
She capitalized on the SBI / Suicide Squad controversy, moved on to Stellar Blade bashing and from there she's somehow been on the news for all the wrong reasons.

It's what happens when you shine a spotlight on someone who has made a career of shouting personal opinions into a filter that separates her from actual criticism. Twitter has allowed interaction between A and B, and that was great when it was a room of thralls telling her how much of a girlboss she is, but once contrary opinions make their presence known, this veneer of professionalism crumbles and she's exposed as just as maladjusted and prone to shitpost arguments as anyone else.
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