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More fun in retail.

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Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Some people really do have balls, that's for sure.

Today's been a pretty quiet day. So quiet, in fact, that my boss let me close up and leave for 10-15 minutes this afternoon. :D

But before that, this happened:

Adventures In Babysitting-

I was helping out a lady and her kids looking for games and Yu-Hi-Oh! cards. (interesting perverted fact: the lady sounded like a MAN. It was scary, although s/he forgot to wear a bra and kept leaning over the counter, which made for it) As I'm ringing them up, a teenage girl who must of been 17-19 comes in, blabbing away on her cell phone, with 3 kids. One of them runs over to the TV, which is demoing Soul Calibur 2, and starts to play with the volume, cranking it way up. Then he tries to go for the controller to play it, which is behind the counter. I'm on the phone with my co-worker and ask the kid "Excuse, but just WHAT do you think you're doing?" I must have said it in a strange tone, as my co-worker started laughing. :) The kid asks if he can play, and I say no; it's just for demo. Then one of the other kids says "Yeah, you can only play after 2." I give him a bewilderd look, and he tells me "we were allowed to play games for like an hour yesterday!" I tell him that's not what we do; no game playing (especially little kids who want to waste time). This is not an arcade, after all.

The kid who tried to play is in some sort of game trance and won't take his eyes off Soul Calibur. He walks around the store, but always migrates back to the TV to stare at it. The two other kids, meanwhile, have decided to sit down at the table in the middle of the store (which is used for Yu-Gi-Oh! tournaments on Saturdays...yeah, that sucks) and play Yu-Gi-Oh!. Another co-worker shows up to see what's up. He's wondering what the hell is going on as well; the kids have probably been playing for 10 minutes now while I was busy. I have to go into the back for a second, and come back to find Soul Calibur kid has now wandered behind the counter. That's the end of it.

I walk up to the kids and tell them we don't play cards; that's only on Saturday. They tell me "Oh, it's okay...we're just playing for fun." My co-worker and I just look at each other. I tell the kids "sorry, but you can't just come in here and play games." The girl, who has been ignoring everything this whole time, puts down her phone and asks why not. (BECAUSE THIS IS A STORE, DUMB ASS, NOT A PLACE TO DROP YOUR KIDS OFF FOR ME TO BABYSIT.) "You're not busy now...we're the only ones in here." The she drops the bombshell: "Plus like, the MAIDS are at home right now cleaning the house, so they can't play at home." Right. So I'm going to let you come here and let your kids make lots of noise and leave their cards all over the counter. So I tell them I need to close the store to do something in the back, which gets them to finally leave. The kids hang out outside; Soul Calibur kid is plastered to the window staring at the game still. He tries to come into the store several more times before they all finally leave. I was glad I was able to close for a short while after this crap. :)

The Tale Of The Crunk Kid-

Two weeks ago:

It's Saturday, around 7pm. One hour left until closing. There's a birthday party in the back room still going on (We let kids play games for 2 hours nonstop, they get pizza, etc.). I have my modded Xbox hooked up, as it's dead, and I'm showing a former store employee the Genesis emulator that's on the system. In walks the funniest-looking wigger I have ever seen. This goofy kid is as skinny as a toothpick, wearing out of style ultra-baggy pants and a Lil' Jon shirt, with a hat turned sideways a la the Fresh Prince circa 1987, with the word "Crunk" on the brim. He's got some awful-looking fake bling on, too. This walking parody (complete with hilarious "hard" walk...I cannot stress how much of a wannabe this 15 year old is and how he's trying to act, failing miserably. it's also obvious he lives around this area, which is full of rich white kids) comes up to me and asks "Yo dawg, lemmee play dat game yo." I tell him no; it's a demo and it's not for sale. "Yo what is that yo? An emulator? Can I just see what games you got on it?" I tell him no (this kid is just here to waste time...Mommy went to the grocery store next door, you see) again, and he decided to walk around, looking at games and asking stupid questions. It's kind of funny because the former employee is talking to him about games, and the kid is just trying to act "cool": "Yo this the new Zelda?!" Yeah, the four swords. "Is it 2D?" the former employee starts saying how it's fun blah blah blah "Naw I don't GO FOR DAT 2D SHIT YO," and he drops the box and walks away. This goes on for about five minutes.

Then he walks back over near the TV and decides to go behind the counter, picks up the controller, and starts playing. I turn around, walk back to that side of the store, and ask in a loud voice "what the hell do you think you're doing?" He starts pouting and says "Yo dawg come on man...I'm tight with the owner yo he'd let me play." (sure) I tell him no, I SAID "NO," and reach out for the controller. B-Rad decides not to give it back and moves the controller away from me. Now, I can't get physical, nor can I curse, with the party in the back and all. So I walk over to the Xbox and turn it off. "Heywhereyagoinyonodon'tturnitoff--aww) Then I grab the controller and move it back behind the counter. He walks off, muttering "betchaitbeaightifistealitdo" I walk right up to him and ask "WHAT DID YOU SAY?" He seems a little taken aback and goes "Betcha...it'd...be...aight...if I stole it doh!" And slinks off. I tried to take a picture of this dork with my phone, but he was too far away to get a good pic. :( We all had a good laugh about it afterwards.
"Plus like, the MAIDS are at home right now cleaning the house, so they can't play at home."

I'd be DAMN... I'd be like, beeeeyoth, get your stank ass kids out this here.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
JeffDowns said:
"Plus like, the MAIDS are at home right now cleaning the house, so they can't play at home."

I'd be DAMN... I'd be like, beeeeyoth, get your stank ass kids out this here.

I was too shocked at what I'd just heard to come up with anything really creative. I could not believe the nerve that girl had. o_O


I'd pay to see a pic of that kid- I wanna see what the CRUNK hat looks like - sounds hilarious.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
robot said:
I'd pay to see a pic of that kid- I wanna see what the CRUNK hat looks like - sounds hilarious.

Just think of an almost anorexic-looking white 15 year old Flava Flav, sans clock, wearing HUGE baggy jeans and a black shirt/crunk hat, and there you go. The pic of Lil' Jon on his shirt (might have been a badge or something from a concert) was HILARIOUS. Made the whole "look" he was going for. YEAH! WHAT! YEAH!

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Mods, can I get a tag that says "King Of Crunk?" :)

Idle Will Kill said:
You never really mentioned what kind of store this is. What is it?

Oh, sorry. It's a video game store. I made a similar thread a few weeks back, too.
JeffDowns said:
"Plus like, the MAIDS are at home right now cleaning the house, so they can't play at home."

I'd be DAMN... I'd be like, beeeeyoth, get your stank ass kids out this here.

Don't they have parks anymore?


Yeah, time wasting, no money, shit talkin, unemployed loosers are the bane of videogame retail.

Thank the gods I got out of it not 2 weeks ago. People come into the store thinking it's a entertainment park for when they are bored, and of course everythings free.

Pulling the controllers out of IDU's is the only way around it. If the dumb bastards ever figure out that you just have to ask "Could I try this out?" doesn't bare thinking about.


I'm in a toystore, and we're always used as babysitters. Parents come in, plonk their brats down next to the GC- and GBA-demosystems, tell them to stay there, and happily walk away for hours. The kids obviously get irate after five minutes and start running around, knocking things down, crying, shouting, "testing" things, opening boxes and so on. And we can't do much about it since the parents are nowhere to be found, and we can't really throw the kids out either, since they would probably get lost right away.

Then there are the times when we're robbed. 21 days ago, a woman (24 years old, though she looked a lot older) in an electric wheelchair came in early in the day when there were only a few employees in the store. There were lots of customers, and the employees present couldn't get a good overview of the store. This woman drives around a loooong time in the back of the store where she was hidden from view. Then, all of a sudden every employee is busy somewhere away from the entrance, and she drives off undetected. With TONS of toys in her lap, behind her back and hidden in various places in her wheelchair. Probably around 250$ worth of toys. The employees checked the surveillance-system afterwards because she had acted a little weird, and see what happened. She had grabbed all those toys and hid, peeling off all the alarms, before she bolted out. Then, she drove into another store and asked for a bunch of plastic bags, which she incredibly enough got at once without question. After that, she drove into the handicap-toilet where she had stored other stolen things from a number of stores, and put all of it in the plastic bags. Then, she drove away. Man, those electric wheelchairs are FAST!

We map out everything she has done, and get it all on video. We also run checks with the police and the hospitals, and tons of other stores. Nobody recognizes her, but we have very good pictures and videos, and believe she lives not too far away, so we decide to wait and see if she comes again to repeat what she did.

Yesterday, the security guard comes in and points out a woman in a wheelchair for us. We investigate, and it's the same woman! The guard hides outside the store, and we just keep an eye on her as she drives around. She looks at different stickers for a long time, and drives further into the store. She has a HUGE wad of stickers in her lap. Moments later, she drives out, seemingly with no stickers in her hands. The guard pops out from his secret hideout and asks her to come with him to his office. One of our employees follow them. The woman realizes that she has done something stupid, and says that she wants to pay. But up to the office they go. There, our employee tells her everything she did LAST time she visited, down to the tiniest detail, and that we have videos of it all. Her eyes almost pop out... she had obviously never imagined that she would be caught for what happened then! She asks to call her parents, who are in the vicinity. She says "Daddy, they've caught me stealing!" and starts to cry because he gets real angry with her. Then she starts convulsing, and gets an epileptic attack. She falls out of the wheelchair, and there are around 100 packs of stickers lying where she sat... around 140 dollars worth of them! An ambulance is called, and they come and take her away to the hospital, leaving her parents to fill out the forms required by the police. It turns out that she had given away everything she stole last time, so we might never know exactly how much that was worth, since the resolution on the cameras isn't good enough to show small things clearly.

Ah, well. It's incredibly satisfying to catch people who steal, especially when we can prove the whole thing as clearly as we could in this case. Mostly we only catch kids, though, who are too young to be of interest to the police.
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