It'd be interesting to see the population totals from the list, to see what % of Americans will be following the accords.
Crunched the numbers. The following data uses 2016 population estimates for most cities and states, with a handful using 2015 numbers. City population data is city proper, not metro area, so realistically the actual numbers are higher.
United States of America total population (2017):
Combined population of
United States Climate Alliance member states:
102,169,711 (31.4%)
Combined population of United States Climate Alliance member states + prospective members:
149,995,781 (46.1%)
Combined populations of United States cities committed to backing the Paris agreement:
54,048,964 (16.6%)
Combined populations of USCA member states + committed cities not part of USCA member states:
129,089,578 (39.7%)
Combined populations of USCA member states + USCA prospective members + committed cities not part of USCA member/prospective member states:
171,074,715 (52.6%)
Again, city population data is city proper, not metro area, so realistically the actual numbers are higher.