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Morgan Spurlock of super size me fame dead at 54 from cancer


Super Size Me was the biggest joke with his overdramatized acting...like how he thought he was having a heart attack after eating a cheeseburger, so he sets up his camera to record himself in pain.

There are many documentaries out there that debunked Super Size Me and show that you can lose weight eating fast food, you just need to have a brain while doing it.

One example I saw on Netflix a few years ago:



Honestly, in the grand scheme of things, he probably didn't really change much, except now the public has an irrational stigma against McDonald's. I've had conversations where people would react with revulsion at the suggestion of eating McDonald's, but have no problem going to in n out or Wendy's. Don't get me wrong, in n out is much better quality that McDonald's, but you're still eating burgers and fries!



Documentary had a real social impact on fast food and the culture. Thought it deserved a mention.


Probably things are much worse now.


Kinda weird I was being bombarded with this guy lately in YouTube videos and the metoo stuff. I wonder if content people are getting more scummy and trying to time their content with rumors of people about to die to exploit thier death.


Gold Member
If anything he helped kill the Super Size option. Not like that helped in the long run. Just order a regular fry at Five Guys and you get a brown bag half filled with them lol.

I knew there was controversy with his documentary, but learning about how he was an alcoholic at the time is new information.
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although his experiment was flawed, it did bring the public's attention to the excessive portions in fast food. Mcd did get rid of super sizing and introduced salads (even though they are just as fat as the burgers due to all the sauce). Unfortunately it kinda missed the point that problem with fast food goes beyond fast food. A lot of food we consume are highly processed. Whatever nutrients it once had are long gone and the flavours are added back in artificially. Even something like "non concentrate" orange juice which looks innocent are mostly highly processed (because they make such huge quantities it needs to have long shelf life but the process destroys all the flavour which is added back in chemically. Even the pulp is added back in).

The best part about his documentary was actually DVD extra.

West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
In all honesty, the dude was genius.

Too bad about the alcoholism, though. He died way too early.


Gold Member
It's believed that his alcoholism caused his health problems he blamed on McDonald's food.
He literally blamed liver problems in his checkup on McDonald's. IIRC the doctor was like, "wow didn't expect that." No shit lmao. I haven't seen the movie in a while but the doctor literally said his body looks like "an alcoholic's after a binge."

I guarantee that he saw this experiment as an excuse to let it rip. I am surprised McD's didn't sue him to the moon for defamation.


Documentary had a real social impact on fast food and the culture.

Bullshit doc or not, the real message of eat better did get through. So whatever the guys life was like, he did have a positive outcome for at least some people.

When I worked in New York his production/company office was directly across the hall. They had a glass door and I could see there was a huge wall mural of Supersize Me behind the reception desk. Sadly I never saw Morgan there.


Gold Member
Bullshit doc or not, the real message of eat better did get through. So whatever the guys life was like, he did have a positive outcome for at least some people.

When I worked in New York his production/company office was directly across the hall. They had a glass door and I could see there was a huge wall mural of Supersize Me behind the reception desk. Sadly I never saw Morgan there.
I am pretty sure we all knew McDonald's wasn't very good for you well before this movie. I also don't think the message was received as you say since obesity is much higher now than it was back then.


Dude was an alcoholic and had already messed up his health way before he did "Super Size Me".

And that takes away the fact that it brought public attention to how shit fast food is how? Two things can be bad at the same time..

And all the people in here joking about it and still eating this garbage, please realize IT WILL catch up with you.


And that takes away the fact that it brought public attention to how shit fast food is how?

There was implications that his health after the experiment was solely due to his McDonald's diet. It was not, so that throws into question the medical results at the end, doesn't it?

I'm not discounting fast food can be bad for you, especially if you eat it constantly. But there was already public attention on how bad fast food was before then, and there's been a lot more after.

Nothing changed except waist lines.


Gold Member
And that takes away the fact that it brought public attention to how shit fast food is how? Two things can be bad at the same time..

And all the people in here joking about it and still eating this garbage, please realize IT WILL catch up with you.

He did no such thing. You cannot prove that eating fast food for a month wrecked your body when your body was also wrecked by something else you have been doing for decades.


Gold Member
His SS movie was a good watch. I enjoy watching documentaries even though they can be total BS too (like Michael Moore splicing scenes out of order to fit a narrative). To me, he's full of shit in the SS movie since he threw up after one day of junk food. Even my mom wouldnt do that. If he truly had body shock because his body cant handle a day's worth of burger and fries, his body is insanely unhealthy and weak. Its no different than doing the opposite and telling someone to run up a simple hill. If the guy throws up and cant do it, he's got a weak body.

He was also a cheater.


In December 2017, Spurlock wrote a blog post admitting to what he called a history of sexual misconduct.[47] In the midst of the #MeToo movement, he said “I’ve come to understand after months of these revelations, that I am not some innocent bystander, I am also a part of the problem.”[48] In the post he said that he committed sexual misconduct in his past, including cheating on his past wives and girlfriends as well as settling a sexual harassment allegation.[49] In the post he also said that he was accused of sexual assault while in college.[7] After publishing his blog post, he stepped down from his position with Warrior Poets, a company he had founded in 2004.[50] The move subsequently ended his career as a documentary film-maker.[7]


Gold Member
He did no such thing. You cannot prove that eating fast food for a month wrecked your body when your body was also wrecked by something else you have been doing for decades.
I grew up eating junk food since I was kid, and still do. Only time I've ever thrown up is from going gonzo drinking booze. Heck, he wasnt much older than me. I'm probably more healthy than he is. When I do doctor checks for blood pressure and all that blood analysis, I'm fine.


And that takes away the fact that it brought public attention to how shit fast food is how? Two things can be bad at the same time..

And all the people in here joking about it and still eating this garbage, please realize IT WILL catch up with you.
Dude, what you are missing is that everyone knows fast food is not very good for you. Most are just too impulsive/lazy to actually try and make a change in their diets, and there's really no way to fix that without some insanely heavy government reach (which I personally am against).
The issue is that this dude was basically acting like its so inhumanly bad for you that it'll kill you like alcohol does which is so wildly unrealistic and untrue its hilarious. The fact alone that he was an alcoholic and HID IT the entirety of Supersize Me's publicity completely invalidates ANY AND ALL POINTS of the movie. Its essentially a baseless study. Fat Head is actually a great documentary that does a much better job criticizing the fast food industry while also proving Spurlock was a hackjob fraud for the shit he pulled. Its free on YouTube:


Gold Member
Ditto…did bfast this morning at 5 and just had lunch there.

Don’t sleep on the Grandma McFlurrry…it’s great.

I work four days a week and walk an equivalent average of 11-12 miles each day. I’m actually in the best shape I’ve ever been in, and I’ll eat McDonalds once or twice a week. Had a double cheeseburger and six piece today.


although his experiment was flawed, it did bring the public's attention to the excessive portions in fast food. Mcd did get rid of super sizing and introduced salads (even though they are just as fat as the burgers due to all the sauce).

The salads are gone from McDs unfortunately. Covid ruined fast food salads.


Gold Member
I work four days a week and walk an equivalent average of 11-12 miles each day. I’m actually in the best shape I’ve ever been in, and I’ll eat McDonalds once or twice a week. Had a double cheeseburger and six piece today.
The worst thing on a fast food menu, any fast food menu, is the soda. Eating fast food isn't healthy or ideal but that is the worst part of it.

I don't know why this guy and SSM triggers me so much. It's just so dishonest. Well, he's dead now.
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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
That's sad. He seemed like a swell guy. Super Size Me was funny. I remember there was a time in college when I didn't have much money so pretty much two meals most days were something really cheap from the McD's down the street. After two weeks I felt terrible, had to stop and start buying cheap fruit and veggies from the local international mart instead. A few days of heating healthy I was good again.


He did no such thing. You cannot prove that eating fast food for a month wrecked your body when your body was also wrecked by something else you have been doing for decades.

Regardless of his alcoholism did he not gain a tremendous amount of weight in a short time? If you don't think gaining 25lbs in a single month isn't proof enough that it's trash than I don't know what to tell you.

Dude, what you are missing is that everyone knows fast food is not very good for you. Most are just too impulsive/lazy to actually try and make a change in their diets, and there's really no way to fix that without some insanely heavy government reach (which I personally am against).
The issue is that this dude was basically acting like its so inhumanly bad for you that it'll kill you like alcohol does which is so wildly unrealistic and untrue its hilarious. The fact alone that he was an alcoholic and HID IT the entirety of Supersize Me's publicity completely invalidates ANY AND ALL POINTS of the movie. Its essentially a baseless study. Fat Head is actually a great documentary that does a much better job criticizing the fast food industry while also proving Spurlock was a hackjob fraud for the shit he pulled. Its free on YouTube:

He gain 25lbs in a month... keep eating it long term and it will kill you. The sodium levels alone will take you out over time.

In honour of spurlock! Thanks for making me crave mcd’s today.

What a blessing too. The fries I got were piping hot out of the fryer.


Crap cheese, crappy meat, horrible bun topped with overly salted fries all for a not so cheap price (fast food is hardly cheap anymore). Just don't see the appeal in it. At least go to a chain like Wendy's where they make it at least look fit for human consumption and not something out of the movie Idiocracy.
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Gold Member
Regardless of his alcoholism did he not gain a tremendous amount of weight in a short time? If you don't think gaining 25lbs in a single month isn't proof enough that it's trash than I don't know what to tell you.

Yea I don't know. For all I know he was also eating pizza and tacos late at night after going on a bender. I mean are you in the habit of trusting alcoholics? The whole point is that his entire "study" was totally invalidated because he lied and attributed symptoms of alcohol abuse to fast food. It was a total lie. This guy was not to be trusted, at all, not even a little bit.

I also don't understand how some people think that "hey fast food isn't good for you" is some sort of groundbreaking knowledge. It's literally called junk food. We all know it's not good for you.
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John Marston

GAF's very own treasure goblin
Dude was an alcoholic and had already messed up his health way before he did "Super Size Me".
I did not know that but it makes sense if true.
I drank like a Viking for almost 19 years and got a tumor in my colon at 49.

Modern medecine saved my life and I've been sober since.
I do have the occasional guilt because my cancer was self inflicted.

While 53 is too young to go I find it hard to find sympathy if he was a professional drunk.


Regardless of his alcoholism did he not gain a tremendous amount of weight in a short time? If you don't think gaining 25lbs in a single month isn't proof enough that it's trash than I don't know what to tell you.

He gain 25lbs in a month... keep eating it long term and it will kill you. The sodium levels alone will take you out over time.
Dude, the documentary I linked literally talks about how impossible Spurlock's weight gain is if he was really just eating 3 big meals a day at McDonalds.
You wanna know why he gained 25lbs? Because a lot of alcohol (beer especially) is just straight carbs. If he drinks like a fish, no shit he gained so much weight on top of the McDonalds.
Again, the documentary is fucking worthless, stop trying to act like anything he presents in it is factual. His drinking killed him.
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Gold Member
Dude was an alcoholic and had already messed up his health way before he did "Super Size Me".

Yep, the actual poison, alcohol, was the issue. Fast food is fine in moderation. It's when you let it make you obese when you have problems.
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