Hi, I am Tom Phillips and this is the very first time I have posted on this board although I have lurked, and been edified by you, for a few years. Check with Dr. Shades if you wish. He set up my account about 3 hours ago and can, presumably, confirm I am not the other poster some have accused me of being. One conspiracy scotched.
Thank you Mary and others for your defence of me. I get far more messages of support and gratitude than the opposite. That said, I am not in this for any notoriety , I am merely doing what I can to bring out the truth.
So, as to the theories posted by the OP, none are true. The one that I lack PR skills has an element of truth in this because I have ignored and been unconcerned about PR. The news, when it breaks will be its own PR and will gain momentum without me. It is not because I lack the skills, having used such skills for the church in the past. It is that I am not concerned about a PR campaign at this stage. That will happen later and will be handled by others far more expert than I. It is true that Mercury suggested a newswire, but I do not need that. I already have media interest and I will leave the PR to them, when the news can break.
Those who have offerd help, I appreciate and will be in contact with them when we can go public.
That said will this all be a damp squid? For some it obviously will. For most no. I did not coin the term 'October Surprise' that label was penned by others. I made an off the cuff remark in my excitement and it 'grew legs'. As I said on another board, I regret mentioning anything. I was then asked when this would happen and, at the time, I gave my best guess as October, but timing has never been completely in my control.
Will it be a surprise? It will, because with all the speculation on a number of boards not one, so far, is accurate. So, to that extent it will be a surprise, something nobody has guessed. Will it be secret documents or sex scandal? No. Will it bring down the church No, I have already said that. I can't think of anything that will bring down the church for at least 2 reasons. (1) the church has survived despite proof it is false (Book of Mormon, Book of Abraham, DNA etc.) and (2) there are so many TBMs that will believe no matter what and will spin or put on the shelf anything that is thrown at the church. Will it damage the church? Yes, for sure and will cause some to leave. I don't see how the apologists will be able to spin their way out of this. But I could be wrong, there are a lot of illusions/magic tricks that I do not understand.
Bottom line - I am engaged with something that I think will have a major impact on the church. That is my personal opinion and others may think differently, that it is nothing. It has complexities and timing issues and fairly considerable financial cost. The nay sayers will understand these when it is released. So, if you are genuinely interested, please be patient a little longer. I hope not to disappoint but, hey, I am human. I do not claim to be a prophet of God or anything special. I just want the truth out there for future generations, if not this generation. Many of us have TBM families who will probably go to their graves believing. My hope is for those who are open to the truth and for future generations. Let's not continue this delusional myth.