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Most anitclimaMost anti-climatic final boss ever?


In Sega's Alien3 arcade game (pretty good, actually), the final boss is "An Unidentified Man." Really. In an Aliens-based game.


Name a Tekken game. The "gatekeeper" was always the hardest (Kazuya, Lee, Heihachi, others)...yet the next and final fight was always gimmicky and rediculously easy.
Earthbound -
the idea of just using the Pray command, and having everyone (including the player) pitch in to help, is pretty cool. but it also makes for a final boss fight that isn't very satisfying, because you're not using all the characters / strategies you've been working with for the rest of the game.


I'll be honest: For all my pure love and adoration for the game, the end boss in Metroid Prime was easier than the two that preceded it. That was pretty anti-climactic.


Greenpanda said:
Earthbound -
the idea of just using the Pray command, and having everyone (including the player) pitch in to help, is pretty cool. but it also makes for a final boss fight that isn't very satisfying, because you're not using all the characters / strategies you've been working with for the rest of the game.
Yeah -- that was a great idea, but it basically turns the final boss fight into little more than a semi-interactive cutscene.


being watched
Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance. I was expecting an epic battle. All I got was a lame arse socerer chick who I flattened with 2-3 blows.


Gaijin To Ronin said:
Final Fantasy 8

It has 5 forms. I know if you junctioned right she's a breeze, but if they didn't junction right they could be done after the dog GF guy does his Griever move.

For me it was Perfect Dark. Very dull in my eyes.

OH and Mario Sunshine! No one will argue with that one.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Not only was Mario Sunshine's final boss incredibly easy, they managed to make it one of perhaps only 2 places in the game with framerate problems. Way to ruin the ending Nintendo.

The build up to getting there was pretty cool though.


UltimateMarioMan said:

Hey, I know people who'd pay good money to repeatedly shoot rockets into John Romero's severed head.

Serially, though: EVERY id shooter, ever, ever, ever.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Final Fantasy IX and The Mark of Kri.


Is not she was easy, I found it easy at least. Is that is a enemy I felt nothing about it. Square could have put me a giant banana (with wings of course) as final enemy and I would have killed it with the same passion: none

I am agree as well with Doom II, what is supposed that happen?


Hey, I know people who'd pay good money to repeatedly shoot rockets into John Romero's severed head.

So that was Romero´s head?, and I passed hours killing monsters just to find Romero´s head?, oh, brilliant. (well, at least the final level was a blast, far from anticlimatic)


Gaijin To Ronin said:
Is not she was easy, I found it easy at least. Is that is a enemy I felt nothing about it. Square could have put me a giant banana (with wings of course) as final enemy and I would have killed it with the same passion: none

I am agree as well with Doom II, what is supposed that happen?

Okay, that I get. She just kinda pops out of nowhere, and you never see her until that final battle, and even then you've barely heard shit about her.

When I read anti-climatic, I was thinking easy to beat, but I get where you're coming from.


hyperbolically metafictive
the gradius games all have intentionally anticlimactic final bosses that do very little and explode if you look at them funny. i find it faintly irritating.

prince of persia: sands of time's "final boss" kind of sucked, but i'd look at him as part of the denoument rather than an intended climax. the climax of the game is that last, stunning castle ascent. and the game doesn't need a final boss; so many otherwise competent games are ruined by fanatical adherence to formula, and it was nice to see something different. it should be encouraged.


The most anticlimaMost anti-climatic final boss that I can think of is Boro (I believe that is the he/she's name) from Fighters Destiny.


Badabing said:
I never beat Mario Sunshine. Who was the final boss?

Baby Bowser, it's this lame sequence in which you have to use the boost nozzle to step on a button over and over while running around in a circle


hyperbolically metafictive
mario sunshine's final stage, from the sub n64 graphics to the dinghy that doesn't work to that awful final battle, is like a big sign that reads "this game is not finished." it's not anticlimactic so much as it just sucks.


The latest has been Doom 3 and of course Far Cry :D

Cyberdemon was waaay too easy with the Soul Cube and definately not as mind numbing as he was in Doom. And of course, in Far Cry, you had..............Doyle? hahaha


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Lets not forget Sudeki. Super easy and you fight him one on one after a 10 minute cutscene fortelling how only the combined powers of your group can win...


As far as where did she come from, FF8. Ultimecia really didn't impact the game much until the very end, seemed kinda tacked on, like Oh shit, we forgot a boss!

Great game, muddled ending.:p

But when we're talking easy to beat, you'd be talking about Chrono Cross, haha.


Tamanon said:
As far as where did she come from, FF8. Ultimecia really didn't impact the game much until the very end, seemed kinda tacked on, like Oh shit, we forgot a boss!

Great game, muddled ending.:p

Ulty has been acting through the entirety of the game. Did we pay attention to the dialogue?

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
There was nothing wrong with Mario Sunshine's ending, until the final battle itself that is. The whole
lava bit
was one of the better parts of the game. Pretty too.


Speevy said:
Baby Bowser, it's this lame sequence in which you have to use the boost nozzle to step on a button over and over while running around in a circle
Is not him, the final boss in Sunshine is


Digital Foundry pixel pusher

You see, the game had an excellent storyline and fantastic character development...but the fighting system was pretty weak. Well, I expected the final boss fight to be rather...bland, but damn, even from a story perspective they totally dropped the ball. Up until the point where Scree's real identity is revealed, I was totally digging it...but that final boss sequence sucked. The boss prior to that was much cooler and puzzle based (and was absolutely MASSIVE).

Sands of Time was already mentioned, and that was even worse.

Eternal Darkness - What the shit were they thinking? You have this dude who should be f*cking powerful as hell...but his method of attack involves SLOWWWWWLY walking over to you and whacking you with a stick or something. Considering the storyline, it just seemed so...stupid.


Unconfirmed Member
Tamanon said:
As far as where did she come from, FF8. Ultimecia really didn't impact the game much until the very end, seemed kinda tacked on, like Oh shit, we forgot a boss!

Great game, muddled ending.:p
Are you sure you're not thinking about Final Fantasy IX? Ultimecia was at least talked about/involved in/mildly hyped up for most of the second half of the game. FF IX, on the other hand...

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
nitewulf said:
FFX. of course it could have something to do with the fact that i killed it with two blows.

Anima's 99 999 dmg attack uh? Same here :)
Spent way too much time leveling up my characters, thinking i would have a hard time beating the boss.. peh, what a sissy. Good music though.

I would vote for system shock 2 though, what a disapointing end boss, was anticipating a lot more, but its still my favorite PC fps :)
MetatronM said:
Are you sure you're not thinking about Final Fantasy IX? Ultimecia was at least talked about/involved in/mildly hyped up for most of the second half of the game. FF IX, on the other hand...

Bingo. FFIX's final boss was such a ridiculous last second addition that I still can't take the game seriously.

I think Chrono Cross earns some points, though. Who cares about fighting the last boss when they give you the ending beforehand?
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