It's because those subs aren't for discussion, they're for like minded people to sit around and agreeI think their reviews are also banned on the Star Wars subreddit.
People are just so goddamn sensitive nowadays.
It's because those subs aren't for discussion, they're for like minded people to sit around and agreeI think their reviews are also banned on the Star Wars subreddit.
People are just so goddamn sensitive nowadays.
It's because those subs aren't for discussion, they're for corporations to advertise
Do you enjoy sniffing your own farts?I enjoyed Picard and I also enjoyed RLM’s Picard reviews. I like to enjoy things.
I just feel that now more than ever before we NEED old Trek again. To show people a beautiful look at the future of humanity and to watch the crew interact with the different species and their primitive problems (our problems). We don't need ANOTHER show showing our problems today still fucking exist hundreds of years from now. Also, this was the perfect chance to reach a wider audience with an actual Trek show. Instead we got yet another bullshit serialized cobbled together scifi shit show with painfully generic plot points and filled with useless adlib and creatively bankrupt dialogue and characters.I am bit torn here...
On one side I feel I have seen to much classic Trek (counting together TOS, the movies, TNG, DS9, some VOY und all of ENT are like almost 500 episodes) in my life and like some new approaches to that old universe.
On the other side, there is something distinct that makes Trek Trek. And they almost completely forgot about that in Discovery and Picard.
I have to admit, I liked Discovery a whole lot more than Picard. I guess that's because it is more its own thing, instead of relying on existing fan favourites such as Picard so much.
I don't think the chief problem of Picard is that it doesn't paint a shining image of the future. Personally I enjoyed Babylon V more than Star Trek, and in some ways that show could be described as Star Trek if out future society wasn't a utopia. Also I would say that Star Trek does show all the problems that exist today, but they contrast that with a society where those problems don't exist, that's the difference. Picard is bad because it's a terribly written show, made by people without any kind of creative vision.I just feel that now more than ever before we NEED old Trek again. To show people a beautiful look at the future of humanity and to watch the crew interact with the different species and their primitive problems (our problems). We don't need ANOTHER show showing our problems today still fucking exist hundreds of years from now. Also, this was the perfect chance to reach a wider audience with an actual Trek show. Instead we got yet another bullshit serialized cobbled together scifi shit show with painfully generic plot points and filled with useless adlib and creatively bankrupt dialogue and characters.
i agree.I just feel that now more than ever before we NEED old Trek again. To show people a beautiful look at the future of humanity
Yes it was pretty much dead to me from the first JJ movie. Which was n enjoyable movie in itself but not a good Trek movie. They just threw in a supernova and Spock’s planet getting blown up and provided nothing to think about or ponder, it was just power creep action movie schlock. Ofc JJ is often guilty of that so it’s hard to knock him when it’s his brand. At least he comes across the least full of himself out of any of these, which makes me respect him on a Roger Corman level (he is skilled at assembling product).Yeah, Star Trek is dead for me. The new stuff is bleak action trash and nothing like the TNG days.
You could have called the series Dawn of the the Androids. It wouldn't have mattered.Yeah, Star Trek is dead for me. The new stuff is bleak action trash and nothing like the TNG days.
I'm starting to enjoy it, but it definitely started very very slow. I'm not really invested in the universe, can't say I've watched star trek consistently since season 5 or 6 I guess of next generation.My wife and I really enjoyed it, as did one of our friends. This thread is the first time I’ve seen that people didn’t like it. I don’t seek out reviews of shows and movies anymore as I’m pretty easily entertained and get tired of all the negativity.
For what it’s worth, my wife grew up watching and loving The Next Generaration and I‘ve seen very little of it and am pretty indifferent on Star Trek overall and we both liked it. I did find parts a bit slow, but that’s how most Star Trek shows and movies are to me aside from the J.J. Abrams movies.
Finally finished watching it last night. Was enjoyable but far too slow and frankly nonsense.
discovery season 1 was great but season 2 was pure nonsense.
Picard show is utter nonsense too.
when he turned into a robot at the end, it was so obvious and weak. Maybe now he had a robot body he can kick the shit out of people with his bare hands like Picard did in TNG.
most of the time the show felt like Picard meets old friends the show.
I think that's what he meant.Also I would say that Star Trek does show all the problems that exist today, but they contrast that with a society where those problems don't exist, that's the difference.
The bit with the previous shows' captains at the end makes me want to re-watch Voyager or DS9. Shows with an optimistic vision of the future have pretty much disappeared entirely.
Well, everybody enjoys garbage of different kinds.What’s your point?
people can enjoy shit.