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Mr. Robot |OT| Byte Club - a new hacker thriller - Wednesdays on USA

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How do you imagine Darlene should have acknowledged mr Robot as their father if he was real? Constantly calling him "dad" or what?

How come we've never seen Angela mention Elliot's sister to him before? Angela and Darlene are friends apparently? You can imagine it would come up.
She hasn't acknowledged him as a person at all. That's the point. There is so far no evidence that Elliot and MR are seperate entities. On the other hand everything makes more sense if he's in Elliot's head and we had a scene this ep where MR's face flashes over Elliot's. Doesn't get much more explicit.

For your second question, the only connection between Elliot and Darlene seems to be their involvement in fsociety and their project to bring down the biggest corporation, that Angela, by extension, worked for. Not exactly smalltalk material.


Still reeling from that episode.

I love how this makes perfect sense.
Darlene did all of this stuff that would be rude and intrusive as a stranger, but perfectly normal as a sister.

This. It all makes so much more sense now.

Kinda makes that comment about her cum stained dress a bit weird though.


Haven't seen anyone suggesting this yet, but Mr Robot could still be an actual independent person, but Eliot sees his father when he looks at him for whatever reason. Basically just like the Evil Corp unreliable narrator stuff.


Does not have twelve inches...
Haven't seen anyone suggesting this yet, but Mr Robot could still be an actual independent person, but Eliot sees his father when he looks at him for whatever reason. Basically just like the Evil Corp unreliable narrator stuff.

I think after all that happened this is a stretch, but hey, it's not impossible. It was way more possible before last night's episode.


Hasn't Darlene gotten into Elliot's building and apartment without getting buzzed in first? I may be wrong on this. What if mr Robot lives in the same building? What if he has the key to keep an eye on Elliot?

Guess he must work at Allsafe too to have a keycard and get past the receptionist.


I can't go with Elliot's father being alive because Mr. Robot was pretty willing to leave Darlene with the drug dealers two episodes ago.

Double D

The most likely scenario is that Mr. Robot is an actual Robot (android) from the future sent back by Elliot's future self in order for him to cure himself of depression/batshit insanity earlier in life. Mr. Robot has like a holographic force field around him that makes other people see him differently.

Flipper is a time traveler as well. He is basically Mr. Robot's handler and is making sure everything goes according to keikaku. The fish is essentially just a window between time dimensions. Elliot is watching all this happen from the future through the fish's dimensional camera eyeballs.

Surprised no one floated this theory earlier.


Also Darlene being Elliot's sister helps explain to me how she and Angela know each other at the start of the episode at the ballet studio and how they are so friendly with each other. I can't remember if Darlene had been shown meeting Angela before in the show, so I thought Darlene was using a persona to try to use Angela to keep tabs on Elliot or to keep tabs on Angela since she works (worked) for Allsafe. Anyway, it's been a very enjoyable ride and I'm looking forward to the last two episodes of the season. :)


She hasn't acknowledged him as a person at all. That's the point. There is so far no evidence that Elliot and MR are seperate entities. On the other hand everything makes more sense if he's in Elliot's head and we had a scene this ep where MR's face flashes over Elliot's. Doesn't get much more explicit.

For your second question, the only connection between Elliot and Darlene seems to be their involvement in fsociety and their project to bring down the biggest corporation, that Angela, by extension, worked for. Not exactly smalltalk material.

The scene in episode 4 or 5 where Mr Robot is yelling at Darlene and then Elliot goes to console her I think throws out your point about her never acknowledging him.
All those little clues, like Darlene getting into the apartment and her general behaviour towards Elliot when she meets him. It all makes sense in the context of her being his sister. I want to go back at some point and watch again.


Does not have twelve inches...
The scene in episode 4 or 5 where Mr Robot is yelling at Darlene and then Elliot goes to console her I think throws out your point about her never acknowledging him.

It was Elliot all the time, he was just in Mr. Robot mode for a while... also remember that in the last episode Darlene said: "Did you forget again?", so she probably knows that Elliot is unstable and whatnot.


The scene in episode 4 or 5 where Mr Robot is yelling at Darlene and then Elliot goes to console her I think throws out your point about her never acknowledging him.

I don't think there's ever been a scene with both Elliot and Mr. Robot in it where another character interacts with both of them. I'm fairly certain the characters only ever acknowledge one or the other at a time.

In that scene, the Mr. Robot persona yells at Darlene and then he leaves. Then he cools down and Elliot comes over and talks to her. She never interacts with both of them at the together.

-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
We were all focused on Mr.Robot being his dad.
No one saw this Darlene thing coming. The way it was handled it was straight out of a Lynch movie. What a phenomenal ending.


All those little clues, like Darlene getting into the apartment and her general behaviour towards Elliot when she meets him. It all makes sense in the context of her being his sister. I want to go back at some point and watch again.
I think in episode 3 where Shayla and Elliot walk into his apartment and Darlene broke in there's an interesting conversation.
Shayla asks "what's going on" and Darlene goes :"Well I'm not the princess of social graces but typically it gos something like this 'Hi this is Darlene sh....'" and then Elliot goes "Stop! you need to leave".
I wonder if Darlene was about to say "she's my sister".


To me it would seem weird to have the big twist be that Elliot forgot who his sister and his dad are, implying that his dad is still alive even. And then next episode be like: oh and by the way Mr Robot isn't really real but is Elliot acting as a different persona that looks like his dad. For what purpose exactly?

I guess mr Robot could still be Elliot as a different persona. But what does Mr Robot want to talk to Elliot about? Is he going to explain that he's an invention of Elliot mind and that they're the same person? Ugh. That would seem so ham fisted to me. But it could happen. Or is he going to talk about why he as Elliot's flesh and blood still alive dad disappeared from Elliot's life up until now?

It could have been as easy as dad asking Darlene to not mention him? You could say the same about Darlene, though. Why did noone in Elliot's life mention his sister to him? I mean they're in the club together. Angela not mentioning or asking about Elliot's sister in casual conversation is harder to explain. Or them never doing an activity with the 3 of them. But it could be part of his forgetfulness just as easy.

Yeah, I guess I can see Elliot being Mr Robot and how it makes sense but to me, it would just be kind of dumb at this point. Like they're trying too hard to throw swerve after swerve at you. This one was good enough, just roll with it. You don't have to keep the viewer on their toes regarding everything and have them questioning everything at all times. It can obviously work, I just think it would lose it's appeal after a while.


From reddit:


PS3 controller. Mistake, or proof of life?



Fuck this show. It's so good I can't wait till another Wednesday lol. Its my breaking bad right now. I mean it's only the first season but it's reaching that very dark place breaking bad went to.


Fuck it, still #teamreal. I'm ridin this train to the end.

Elliot is actually his father; the real Elliot is dead. He still has a friendship with Angela, as she feels bad for him and they bond over their memory of Elliot. Her boyfriend still didn't like the relationship cause he's a weird older dude. He still works at allsafe, spending half his time imagining/hallucinating how his son would awkwardly interact with those people if he were still alive. "You forgot that I'm your" "She doesn't need to say it. She's my sister daughter." Show's just crazy enough to do it.


Fuck it, still #teamreal. I'm ridin this train to the end.

Elliot is actually his father; the real Elliot is dead. He still has a friendship with Angela, as she feels bad for him and they bond over their memory of Elliot. Her boyfriend still didn't like the relationship cause he's a weird older dude. He still works at allsafe, spending half his time imagining/hallucinating how his son would awkwardly interact with those people if he were still alive. "You forgot that I'm your" "She doesn't need to say it. She's my sister daughter." Show's just crazy enough to do it.

Nah the father's dead. I thought the same thing but then I remembered that Angela said both their parents died from that incident. I had my suspicions because whenever the whole group was together one of them was always wierdly quiet. Even that scene with the car. I don't think any of the passengers reacted to him, they just made it look like they did.


Maybe it was her mother that died and Elliot, Darlene and Mr. Robot funded fsociety. They want to get revenge from what happened to the mother.

Maybe Elliot broke down at some point and lost his memories. Mr Robot and Darlene waited for him to become stable again to go back in fsociety.

That episode is so awesome. Seeing Tyrell losing his shit is awesome.


Are there two different actresses that portray Elliot's mother? The one in the photo and the one he has in those flashbacks, they don't seem the same to me?


God this is so brilliant. First I thought it was a cheap fight club knock off with the split personality with mr robot because it was so ostentatious. But then Darlene being his sister just hit me right in the face. And in retrospect it was so obvious! Especially in a tv show that hints about this so often, the plottwist still worked. Absolute brilliance.
God this is so brilliant. First I thought it was a cheap fight club knock off with the split personality with mr robot because it was so ostentatious. But then Darlene being his sister just hit me right in the face. And in retrospect it was so obvious! Especially in a tv show that hints about this so often, the plottwist still worked. Absolute brilliance.

Yup, it's amazing that in this day and age with so much analysis of TV shows between episodes that the vast, vast majority completely missed this and didn't bring it up as a possible theory, despite there seemingly being hints.

I'm really impressed with the writing. It managed to surprise me and not feel like a cheap twist at the same time.


God this is so brilliant. First I thought it was a cheap fight club knock off with the split personality with mr robot because it was so ostentatious. But then Darlene being his sister just hit me right in the face. And in retrospect it was so obvious! Especially in a tv show that hints about this so often, the plottwist still worked. Absolute brilliance.

I think the whole "Is Mr Robot real?" thing ended up taking peoples eyes off the Darleen thing. We were so focussed on looking for hints one way or the other we didn't notice that maybe there was some other twist to look out for.


The scene in episode 4 or 5 where Mr Robot is yelling at Darlene and then Elliot goes to console her I think throws out your point about her never acknowledging him.
I didn't say that she didn't acknowledge him at all, but she does it neither as a father or as someone seperate from Elliot.


Neo Member
This is easily my favorite show on tv right now. With the Mr. Robot/Fight Club comparisons....to me it always felt like the writers of the show were too smart to play out such an obvious twist....they know the audience for the show would sniff that out fast...but they knew we would speculate and that threw us off Darlene twist scent in the process. And props to them for dropping that bomb BEFORE the season finale....I'm REALLY curious as to how it ends now

Also this episode gave us the most insight and answered so many questions.....the most of the season, and yet STILL there's so much we don't know.

Brilliant work by everybody involved. I can't say enough good things about this show.
I could've sworn I supported the Mr.Robot being Elliot's dad idea but apparently not. Thought it was clear the moment we found out his dad was dead. The Darlene thing though... Didn't see that though probably should have and really should have known Elliot's memory issues were more than just not remembering what his father looked like when it was shown during his withdrawal how pieces of his memory were missing.


Maybe it was her mother that died and Elliot, Darlene and Mr. Robot funded fsociety. They want to get revenge from what happened to the mother.

Maybe Elliot broke down at some point and lost his memories. Mr Robot and Darlene waited for him to become stable again to go back in fsociety.

That episode is so awesome. Seeing Tyrell losing his shit is awesome.

This is what I'm thinking too now. I don't remember what he said about his mother in the past... but is there any chance his mom worked there and she's the one who actually died? Now the dad is pissed, went off the grid and has this big plot for revenge with his kids? I really don't remember how he said his mom died though.

Did Angela ever say specifically that Elliot's dad died there or did she just refer to it as "our parents died"? Now I want to go rewatch things. This show is great. Haha. I'm still staying on team real for Mr. Robot. But I think when Elliot thinks of his mom who was abusive towards him, it was really his dad. Hence the pushing him off the ledge and whatnot. I think he was probably a fine dad until the mom died, explains the nice photos. Then he got weird after his wife passed away, which supposedly the mom did according to Elliot. But I'll say the mom is the one who died, he's just not remembering it correctly because he's obviously messed up in the head.

Or maybe I'm just trying to think of ways for Mr. Robot to be real. lol


So I just watched all 8 episodes today, amazing.

Tyrell's reaction after what he did on the rooftop was really raw and made the scene that much more hard hitting. Goddamn.

I loved how the song that was playing just abruptly stopped too, like "hey wait a sec wtf have I done?"


Also love the main title shots at the beginning of each episode, gives off a very cool vibe.
Wait how did this episode refute Team Real? It seems way more likely that Esmail was shooting and constructing it to plant the seed in the audience that they're two separate people (it's just as likely that all those conversations just happened to shake out that way, his dad hanging back, letting his son talk, etc). There's no definitive proof one way or the other. I'm sure we'll find out next week but I find that it's way more of a stretch at this point for his dad to be a figment. I agree that it would be strange to twist a twist, especially since they trolled the theory so effectively in the mirror sequence.
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