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Mr. Robot |OT| Byte Club - a new hacker thriller - Wednesdays on USA

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PS3 controller. Mistake, or proof of life?

Are we sure it's not a PS2 controller? Picture is too small to see if there's a PS button or LED's on top.

[edit] I forgot PS2 controllers were wired! Although, you can buy modded wireless ones, that might be going a bit too far even for a show like this.
Wait how did this episode refute Team Real? It seems way more likely that Esmail was shooting and constructing it to plant the seed in the audience that they're two separate people (it's just as likely that all those conversations just happened to shake out that way, his dad hanging back, letting his son talk, etc). There's no definitive proof one way or the other. I'm sure we'll find out next week but I find that it's way more of a stretch at this point for his dad to be a figment. I agree that it would be strange to twist a twist, especially since they trolled the theory so effectively in the mirror sequence.

Mr. Robot looks essentially unchanged from the 20 year old pictures including his jacket.
Mr. Robot looks essentially unchanged from the 20 year old pictures including his jacket.

To be fair, Christian Slater hasn't changed much in 20 years! This pic is from 2000.


And this one from this year. Fucker doesn't age. Looks like he's on whatever Keanu is taking.


And hey, what's wrong with having a favourite jacket?
Oh man, this really is my favorite episode on TV right now without a doubt. That moment when Darlene was angry at him trying to kiss her was so awkward at first and then she starts asking about Elliot's memory and I got one of the best OMFG twists I've had in media in a while. Super satisfying. Then top it off with the pics of him and his dad and it blew my mind.

The soundtrack better be available at some point soon after season 1 ends. It's incredible.


So I watched the pilot when it first came out and was impressed for the most part with how well they captured not just the technical parts, but a hacker's personality as not some over-glamorized hollywood hero (or stereotypical hollywood dork), but as someone who has that very specific misanthropic, anarchist outlook on society that typifies hacker culture. Their willingness to have a character that has an outlook that is kind of off-putting, but still is the protagonist made the episode ring true to me. My only niggle was the KDE/Gnome exchange between Tyrell and Elliot, which felt really odd, but otherwise I was intrigued.

Then earlier this week I decided to catch up to episode 7 and just finished 8. It's sooo goood. I'm still buzzing from the ending of the last episode. Such a good first season.


Angela said in episode 3 "that's how my mom and Elliot's dad... I have to go". I don't know.. it could also be a play on things. In the same episode the flash back with his mom and him waiting for the bus the conversation between Elliot and his mother made it sound like the father abandon them or even may have got convicted for some sort of crime rather than having died. When I first saw that scene that's the feeling I got.

This is what I'm thinking too now. I don't remember what he said about his mother in the past... but is there any chance his mom worked there and she's the one who actually died? Now the dad is pissed, went off the grid and has this big plot for revenge with his kids? I really don't remember how he said his mom died though.

Did Angela ever say specifically that Elliot's dad died there or did she just refer to it as "our parents died"? Now I want to go rewatch things. This show is great. Haha. I'm still staying on team real for Mr. Robot. But I think when Elliot thinks of his mom who was abusive towards him, it was really his dad. Hence the pushing him off the ledge and whatnot. I think he was probably a fine dad until the mom died, explains the nice photos. Then he got weird after his wife passed away, which supposedly the mom did according to Elliot. But I'll say the mom is the one who died, he's just not remembering it correctly because he's obviously messed up in the head.

Or maybe I'm just trying to think of ways for Mr. Robot to be real. lol
i've only gotten around to the pilot, but yeah it was quite good. I'm looking forward to catching up with the rest of the season.

At first his tyler durden-esque monologues got kind of grating. Much like Fight Club they crossed the line from enlightening to just straight preachy. But otherwise I really liked Rami Malek here and the plot they're setting up for the rest of the season.

A shame blackhat didn't win over many critics or fans but between that and this (which I'm assuming is successful) I'm glad we've got some media out there that takes tech a lot more seriously. I hope other people follow suit.


Were there any pictures shown during the last episode that showed Mr. Robot with Elliot at a younger age than he was when his father supposedly died?

I'm going to go out on a limb here. I have a feeling that Elliot's mother may have remarried with Darlene possibly being Mr. Robot's child from a previous relationship. It could help explain why Elliot forgot about them so easily if he had some kind of breakdown after his father's death, and never really accepted his new family.


The show isn't going to do anything silly like try and say the elliot is his Dad or that a character is imaginary.

It is a smart show and they have already booked a second season with storylines to do 5.

Can't wait to see whats next and why the family hates evil corp, why Mr Robot was in the van and why Elliot has memory loss.


Stalled out a bit compared to the pilot but I still found it really enjoyable. When Mr Robot
pushed him off the railing
I didn't see that shit coming. I have a feeling
Mr Robot is in his head and in a flashback we'll see that he looks like Elliott's father.


Fucking called that one.


All I could say at the end of the episode was,"I knew it from episode 1!" and "God, I love this show."

Even though all the clues being there, it was always amazing. The music, the story. Every episode ends and I just want more.


When Elliot and mr Robot are sitting on the railing and Elliot is telling mr Robot about how his dad died, it always sounded like a bullshit story to me for some reason. And mr Robot's facial expressions as Elliot is telling the story also seemed unusual to me. I would think that anything Elliot says about what he remembers can be called into question.


Were there any pictures shown during the last episode that showed Mr. Robot with Elliot at a younger age than he was when his father supposedly died?

I'm going to go out on a limb here. I have a feeling that Elliot's mother may have remarried with Darlene possibly being Mr. Robot's child from a previous relationship. It could help explain why Elliot forgot about them so easily if he had some kind of breakdown after his father's death, and never really accepted his new family.


Elliot and Darlene with mum and Mr. Robot.

I wonder how many of those photos of Mr Robot at the end are actual pictures from Christian Slater's personal life.

From all accounts Sam Esmail is obsessive. Those Slater photos looks so amazingly banal, they have to be staged.


What's going to happen to Christian Slater if it turns out mr Robot was Elliot all along? I don't think it would work to keep him around if that's the case. I would be sad to see him go.


The Darlene thing was pretty interesting. There have been plenty of clues to Robot being Fight Club but any Darlene clues? Didn't even pick up on any.
As his sister, she also probably had a spare key to Elliot's apartment if you think about how she got in so easily in one of the earlier episodes where she's basically there and seemingly intruding.
As his sister, she also probably had a spare key to Elliot's apartment if you think about how she got in so easily in one of the earlier episodes where she's basically there and seemingly intruding.

Normally you'd go 'WTF, this is bullshit' but as Elliot is both batshit insane and on drugs so much it was perfectly reasonable to assume he had forgotten about letting Darlene in.


It's one of those very difficult to pull off and exceedingly subtle situations where things that start to fall in place and make sense in retrospect - Darlene's overt friendliness and familiarity with Elliot from the word go, or earlier in this episode her knowing Angela (a big what the fuck? moment for me up until it started to click) - were weaved in carefully enough to keep them from being obvious and easily guessable beforehand.

This is turning out to be a fucking fantastic debut season. I watch enough TV that the masses of pretty-good-not-great can start to blur together after a while, but I'm so impressed with this show.

Also scenes like Darlene resting her head on Elliot's shoulder in the subway. Her super forthcoming and talkativeness in the first episode. Her harsh reaction to him seeing her in the shower. The fact she was the only member that helped Elliot with almost every problem every episode.

The cool thing is it all could be interpreted as him being mr robot and knowing fsociety for months, hiding the twist she is family

And it still ends on the cliffhanger "we need to talk." The viewer needs to see the confrontation!


I started watching this when the 4th episode had already aired. Watched everythhing in one sitting. I keep telling people you need to watch this, you need to watch this. They say yeah okay I will, but never do. Then after last night I tell them YOU NEED TO FUCKING WATCH THIS, DROP WHATEVER GARBAGE YOU ARE WATCHING AND DO IT! I think one person has listened...Anyways, I feel like right now this is an absolute sleeper hit that is going to sweep the Emmys and people won't even see it coming because they have no damn clue it exists.
I'm in the US but I wish it was available in Canada already and also wish it was available on at least Hulu Plus or somewhere legally without needing a TV provider so people I'm telling to watch it actually could.


My original idea was that Mr Robot wasn't real and only Elliot could see him, I started to notice that no one else was talking to MR in the room he was just in the background. But then people were talking to him.

I am glad thats not the case though, it'll be too easy and predictable.


This is seriously good TV. Hope they can keep it up.

My thoughts exactly...hope this doesn't go into the sophomore slump like a lot of shows that start out good...

Humans and Mr. Robot are by far the best new shows I've seen in years, and I liked Humans just a little bit better, but then the last 15 minutes of this weeks episode of Mr Robot happened...
Anyways, I feel like right now this is an absolute sleeper hit that is going to sweep the Emmys and people won't even see it coming because they have no damn clue it exists.
Unfortunately due to timing it won't be eligible until next year's Emmys which will take place after Season 2 has already aired.


Me now that I have to wait a week for the next episode:



Also, what if Darlene was going to say daughter? He conveniently spoke over her at that moment. Am I delving too deep?

Double D

I'm going to have to go back and watch that scene with Tyrell and Elliot at Elliot's cubicle in one of the early episodes. Anyone have a link to that clip or remember which episode that was?
The cinematography and shot choice is amazing in this show. Characters seem to always be on the far side of the frame when speaking. When Tyrell is speaking to his wife, the camera is so close up on this face the conversation feels so intense.




I was going to wait till season 1 was over before watching a single episode, but I didn't

I should have, the wait is gonna be HARD

Will definitely rewatch the whole season after the finale


Started and finished the show two days ago. Just introduced the show to my parents, ended up watching the pilot again. Man so good..
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