We don't know American comic sales numbers for 2020, but Demon Slayer was behind in 2019
"That said, even the 15 million figure from The Beat's limited-scope analysis is a lower amount than Oricon's reported sales
figures for Demon Slayer in 2019: 12 million copies. That figure is also disputed; publisher
Shueisha reported that the manga sold 10.8 million volumes that year. So Demon Slayer clearly didn't outsell the American comics industry in the same frame of time. By conflating Demon Slayer's lifetime circulation numbers with yearly sales and stacking them against partial sales numbers in the American market for 2019, the numbers provided in Matrix's article paint a misleading picture."
Also, everyone that reads comics knows that the single issue market is dying, it's too expensive as I already stated. But looking at collected editions, you'll see that manga doesn't dominate as much as you expect it to. Just look at Comichron sales from January, the graphic novel section.
Estimated comic book and graphic novel sales to North American comic shops
Also, look at August last year.
Estimated comic book and graphic novel sales to North American comic shops
Unless I'm reading it wrong, the final volume of Demon Slayer sold 5086 copies. Look how many single issue comics sold more than that. At least 260 books.
Am I reading this wrong?
The start of the article very clearly says:
Image joined the ranks of comics publishers with half-million copy sellers in the 21st Century as
King Spawn #1 had shipments to North America of 480,000 copies."
And looking at the single issue sales you see:
Mean while Demon Slayer says: