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MSNBC Host: Sarah Palin would be "outstanding candidate" to have her mouth shat in

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During his show on Friday, MSNBC host Martin Bashir correctly noted the idiocy of Sarah Palin comparing the federal debt to slavery. And then he suggested that someone should shit in her mouth.

Bashir's Quote
So here’s an example,” Bashir continued. “One of the most comprehensive first-person accounts of slavery comes from the personal diary of a man called Thomas Thistlewood, who kept copious notes for 39 years. Thistlewood was the son of a tenant farmer, who arrived on the island of Jamaica in April 1750, and assumed the position of overseer at a major plantation.”

“What is most shocking about Thistlewood’s diary is not simply the fact that he assumes the right to own and possess other human beings, but is the sheer cruelty and brutality of his regime,” Bashir added. “In 1756, he records that a slave named Darby ‘catched eating kanes had him well flogged and pickled, then made Hector, another slave, s-h-i-t in his mouth.’”

“This became known as ‘Darby’s Dose,’ a punishment invented by Thistlewood that spoke only of inhumanity. And he mentions a similar incident in 1756, his time in relation to a man he refers to as Punch. ‘Flogged punch well, and then washed and rubbed salt pickle, lime juice and bird pepper, made Negro Joe piss in his eyes and mouth,’” Bashir recited.

Continued from Gawker:
After emphasizing the fact that shitting and pissing in a slave's mouth was an acceptable and regular punishment for Thistlewood—and that the consequences of debt are nothing at all like that, Bashir brings Palin back into the mix.

“When Mrs. Palin invokes slavery, she doesn’t just prove her rank ignorance," he said. "She confirms if anyone truly qualified for a dose of discipline from Thomas Thistlewood, she would be the outstanding candidate.”

Video at Link

Seems like she would be a great candidate if that wasn't so vile.

Shit in my mouth if old.


would probably like a hook in his jaw for that matter
At least that would explain the shit she is spewing.


Normally this kind of political cheerleading/editorializing from news outlets bothers me, but for Sarah Palin I'll make an exception. She really does need a turd in the gullet.



Someone's watching too much South Park
Normally this kind of political cheerleading/editorializing from news outlets bothers me, but for Sarah Palin I'll make an exception. She really does need a turd in the gullet.

Martin Bashir isn't a journalist. Hes a pundit/commentator. He doesn't hide his distaste for Republican antics.


Not sure what kind of reaction you expected by posting this on gaf. I don't think its gonna be what you wanted, most people here would agree with him and even say thats not going far enough.


Sarallah Palin remains unbothered. This clown will remain an unknown flop on what I am pretty sure is one of the lowest rated news networks.

I wish Sarah Palin would see the world. Along with many other US leaders. Just do some travel in Europe, asia and the middle east. Why can people come to power when they don't know two shits about the world?

The shit she says about scandinavia. It's sad. It's not just ignorant, it's just downright stupidity to compare us to communism, but that's result of someone who has never traveled or seen the world. So I wish US would revise their foreign policy. All people of the senate, congress and other important positions should not be ignorant of how the rest of the world works!
I wish people would just ignore Sarah Palin rather than give her ammo to continue her persecution complex. Her fading in to obscurity should be hastened.


kinda pointless to give her a reason to play the victim. just let her fade into a trivia question by herself.


Sarallah Palin remains unbothered. This clown will remain an unknown flop on what I am pretty sure is one of the lowest rated news networks.


A politician invoking slavery to the tune of her own ignorance isn't a Pop girl trying to "stay in the game". I find your Pop-gaf-izing of this pretty distasteful, honestly.


Homeland Security Fail
Sarallah Palin remains unbothered. This clown will remain an unknown flop on what I am pretty sure is one of the lowest rated news networks.

http://i.minus.com/ibnY6oanoVUzir.gif[/I MG][/QUOTE]

Please tell me you are being sarcastic.

Also, bravo Bashir.
Punditry sucks. Regardless of political affiliations. Just a bunch of "my team" circle-jerking and hyperbole.

Palin should stick to selling books and Bashir should know accomplishes nothing by stooping to her level of hyperbolic nonsense.


Though we can likely all agree that Palin is not an intellectual giant, she (as any human being) does not deserve comments like these hurled at her.

The fact that this thread has not exploded in outrage is sad merely because she does not play for the team that most of Gaf plays for.

This statement is misogynist, cruel, tacky, classless and hateful.
Punditry sucks. Regardless of political affiliations. Just a bunch of "my team" circle-jerking and hyperbole.

Palin should stick to selling books and Bashir should know accomplishes nothing by stooping to her level of hyperbolic nonsense.

Yup. No reason whatsoever to cheer on the race to the lowest common denominator just because this time you're okay with the target.
Considering she was comparing the national debt to slavery... "This isn't racist"


Our free stuff today is being paid for today by taking money from our children and borrowing from China. When that money comes due and, this isn’t racist, so try it, try it anyway, this isn’t racist, but it’s going to be like slavery when that note is due. Right? We are going to be beholden to a foreign master.


Though we can likely all agree that Palin is not an intellectual giant, she (as any human being) does not deserve comments like these hurled at her.

The fact that this thread has not exploded in outrage is sad merely because she does not play for the team that most of Gaf plays for.

This statement is misogynist, cruel, tacky, classless and hateful.

Like others have said, stuff that comes out of her mouth is already flaming diarrhea after a binge at taco bell and steak n shake. Martin Bashir shitting in her mouth won't make a difference.
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