Pimpwerx said:Otherwise, there's better sci-fi in a shitty episode of Enterprise than in the Star Wars universe.
Ouch, let's not go too far out there, now ;P
Pimpwerx said:Otherwise, there's better sci-fi in a shitty episode of Enterprise than in the Star Wars universe.
shantyman said:Because you know you do it to get a reaction. Is it strictly a troll? Probably not.
FnordChan said:Don't worry, the critics are guaranteed to love Episode III!
Woo woo!
p.s. I (heart) Jay Pinkerton.
levious said:all this over a kids' movie. I love lots of kids stuff, but I'd never critique it in this way.
soundwave05 said:What's the last kids movie you saw where the main character is burned alive on screen?
levious said:In time bandits the kid's parents were burnt to a crisp at the end. That's just off the top of my head. Don't get your panties in a bunch, I love star wars, but don't kid yourself into thinking that it has a different target audience than Harry Potter.
Willco said:Uh, I posted it because it's a fucking article from MSNBC.
Oh, come ON. His name is GRIEVOUS.Like Saruman and Gandalf the Grey are any better?
Tedesco! said:Perhaps, but you know anything SW related, either good or bad, will start a pissing match. That and there was no real purpose to the link. I'm guessing you were secretly hoping to rile up a few fanboys! :lol
This is even better! Thanks to TFN Forums, I've learned that this scene has been cut from Episode III (as seen in the Making of The Revenge of the Sith book):
That is a horrible twist with some horrible dialogue. Man, Lucas should never step near a typewriter ever again after this trilogy.
I'm not sure which is funnier... some of the responses in this thread or the fact Willco is denying he doesn't get a kick out of riling up Star Wars fans.
You're an idiot
shantyman said:Jar Jar is the one thing that was over done in my opinion. What is sad is the character would not be too bad if it wasn't so in your face and constant. Jar Jar steps in shit, jar jar smells farts, jar jar electrocuted himself, jar jar acts like an idiot in battle. It never ended.
Someone in a forum once said had jar jar acted bravely/non stupidly in the final battle his character would not seem to bad because he would have redeemed himself. I can see that, too bad it never happened.
jadehorizon1 said:The only time I see Willco around here is in a Star Wars thread ... and 10 times out of 10 hes bashing it in some form or another ... or claiming Sam Riami to be god and Lucas to be a satan ... then when someone defends Star Wars we find incrediblely witty and clever responses such as
soundwave05 said:If Jar Jar was in the OT, I almost gauruntee you, Harrison Ford would have walked off the set.
In a way though these prequels are a lot like Anakin Skywalker -- had all the potential in the world, but in the end he's left just trying to salvage what's left of his body. With Ep. 3, I think Lucas is left trying to salvage what's left of a trilogy which really could have been better than the OT.
Spectral Glider said:You have to be completely film illiterate to not see the differences in writing, directing, pacing, and acting of the new movies compared to the originals.
He likes to spread around the bashing.
I think Lucas is left trying to salvage what's left of a trilogy which really could have been better than the OT.
jadehorizon1 said:... but hey whatever, if this is how Lucas wants it then thats fine with me. Ive enjoyed all of them. This is his story, I'm just watching it, not making it.
jadehorizon1 said:but hey whatever, if this is how Lucas wants it then thats fine with me. Ive enjoyed all of them. This is his story, I'm just watching it, not making it.
Willco said:Then I guess we shouldn't post any articles from MSNBC, FOX, CNN or otherwise anymore!
jadehorizon1 said:The only time I see Willco around here is in a Star Wars thread
... and 10 times out of 10 hes bashing it in some form or another ... or claiming Sam Riami to be god and Lucas to be a satan ...
then when someone defends Star Wars we find incrediblely witty and clever responses such as
Manics said:I see Willco in ipod bashing threads too. He likes to spread around the bashing.
shantyman said:There is nothing wrong with disliking or hating the prequel trilogy. There is also nothing wrong with voicing that opinion.
Unfortunately Willco has a pattern of posting things like this or making comment in existing threads. We get it, OK? You think the prequel trilogy sucks. Please shut up now! You don't HAVE to beat a dead horse.
IAmtheFMan said:Willco, I like ya pal, well in the sense that I liked that kid in elementary school that would do anything for attention like staple his head or pee all over the bathroom floor, but don't feign this ignorant innocence of "hey, I saw a news article and wanted to post it! That's all." You're great at this passive aggression and if you honestly expect people to believe that you didn't want nor were expecting a certain reaction, then you're kidding yourself.
Willco said:Listen, I thought I'd post an article from a reputable news source on one of cinema's biggest franchises, and we could have civilized discourse about the crediblity of this critic's argument. No you guys have blown it all to hell!
shantyman said:Which is why nostalgia is brought up so much. The audience grew up, the movies didn't, and now the audience is PISSED because it's not their desired version of star wars.
Man either that didn't come out the way you intended or was a joke.TAJ said:Hell, even 2 of my grandparents liked the originals. (and one was dead before they came out)
Spike said:All the critics, both professional and on this board, should put their money where their mouth is and try and create something that has the draw/appeal that Star Wars has had for over 20 years.
Hitokage said:Heh, a little anecdotal evidence to throw in... saw Kurosawa's The Hidden Fortress last night(Mifune rocked as usual) and figured that since it's been said to be a big influence on the original Star Wars, I might as well give that another spin. My 13 year old sister, whose only exposure to Star Wars was watching prequel Episodes 1 and 2, watched the regular laserdisc version with me. It wasn't even halfway through when she said it was "a LOT better" than the prequels. Also, she was suprised that it was 28 years old and didn't use any computer effects, but liked that stuff "looked more real".
The Hidden Fortress is about two greedy peasants who end up helping a general smuggle a princess-in-disguise and a large stash of gold through enemy lines into friendly land. There certainly are a lot of elements that got carried over, but it's really not THAT similar... no force or "destroy the enemy stronghold", but you do get trademark Mifune badassness.Willco said:Is it true that it's a lot like A New Hope?
I never bring up Raimi (please learn to spell his name) and Lucas in the same breath unless one of the Star Wars apologists brings up my devotion to all things Spider-Man. Then, I cannot help mention that Raimi's last two films were critical and commercial successes. Sorry he's so good.
This is why lot of people arent happy with the PT ... they forgot to sit back and enjoy the movie, too many nitpicker Star Wars fans