I see UK can really no longer claim they're smarter than Americans just because they have a fancy accent. You could have replaced "southern" and "Muslim" in here and I wouldn't know the difference from a US story.
Poor little kid had to experience first hand what ignorant people are like. You fought Hitler who loved blind racism and now you have some of your own. Keep it classy.
A few things;
1) It concerns me that a few cases like this is enough for you to have a collective judgment about the British people as a whole being less or more smart than America.
Are these stories really a fair indicator to make a judgment on the entire British people?
2) Just because Britain fought on the right side in WW2 doesn't mean that it doesn't have racism or that it ever stopped having racism. Britain has been a colonial power up until very recently, and for that, a part of its population suffers from nationalistic grandiose power trips. Think about how recently Apartheid was.
There has always been a conservative underbelly in UK, and it has for a long time been the top EU country that mirrors America in its style of conservatism. Le Penn, Golden Dawn, DKP, Danish Folk Party, Jobbik and other far right parties, doesn't have the power, that conservatism has had in Britain for a long time.
3) This is not Britain in new clothes. This is what happens when for more than two decades, the only time the word muslim is mentioned in media, it is in the same sentence as terror, sharia, murder, rape, radical, fundamentalist, suicide bomber, death, and other ill words, that has created a very, very strong and fearful connotation with the word muslim and islam.
In post-recession periods, times get tougher for people and they become more conservative. Uncertainty, anxiety and fear leads to them becoming conservative, and the number one that everyone always goes to is blaming the immigrants. It has been like that for more than two thousand years. It's absolutely classic that migrated communities and people are the first to feel the vengeance of a people.
There is little productivity or sense of justice or fixing things in getting angry at banks or hedge funds in America, so might as well blame these immigrants and their incompatible way of life. They are only here to mooch of our welfare, but won't learn the language, kick em out!
So there is nothing here that is surprising. Sociologists predicted that this would happen, because this always happens in economic downturns. It's like clockwork in how predictable human anger manifest itself.
You say this like this is a new phenomenon, but Britain and other EU countries have been at the throats of immigrants of eastern european descend for decades. Europes "mexicans" are polish people. Those are the ones who get accused of "stealing our jabws" because they do a lot of the trade jobs- plumming, painting, roofing, electricity, building and so on. Off the grid, for a lower price.
Blue color workers then feel that they are not being taken seriously when the response to their frustration is "globalization, what can ye do?" and thats when they go down the chicken hole and become full blown racist and actively think they can turn back the clock by throwing them all out.